Sorry if this already existed, but I looked thru the forum for threads that were just on each of the guys individually, and I couldn't find any. And I wanna talk about Tim today

Tim is so funny! I can't remember which interview it was, but he said, and I'm paraphrasing, "we wanted to do something where we could lose weight at the same time." I saw that weeks ago and I'm still laughing!
And ooomg, his best quote ever- before the VMA's when they were practicing, Rusty shows the camera an injury on his hand. Then Tim says "You wanna see a major injury? Check this out" and opens shirt. The camera focuses on his chest and he goes, "Oh, whoops, that's just a fine pectorial."
But maybe my absolute favorite quote by Tim is the story he tells about his Japan dream in the podcast. It's just so incredibly cute!
And he's so suave! He really reminds me of an aristocrat.
And what are your thoughts on Tim?
And next to John Belushi, he has the best sideburns ever.
That "fine pectorial" quote is also one of my favorites. He's just one of those guys when you look at him, you know he's funny. Not necessarily that he looks funny, but just so.
Tim needs more love. Actually, Dan needs more love too.
Awww. I heard that once, when they were out after some show with the fans, one girl looked at Dan and asked, "Which one are you?" He just smiled and said, "I'm Dan, the drummer."
By the way, that PSA you made: awesome.
<3 for the Dan though
But I'm kind of excited about the fact that I'm going to the same school that Dan attended. hehe.
You mean this fine pectoral?
I still can't believe Andy's hands got that messed up! I cringe looking at it.
There used to be D-D-Definitely Dan, but the lease on the webspace ran out and the owner said she was working on getting it back up a few months ago(haven't heard anything since then though).
But yeah, that interview, Andy said he's Dan's number one fan, which I thought was hilarious. (Can you really be a fan of someone you're in a band with? haha)
Tim's been pretty amazing to me, he loves my cookies(as seen on youtube) and he thought my audioblog drawings were some of the best he's recieved yet(I drew them in the car, I thought they sucked, haha). He asked if he could put them on a website that he was planning to show the best of the best audioblog submissions, but I've never heard anything about it since then.
But yeah, that interview, Andy said he's Dan's number one fan, which I thought was hilarious. (Can you really be a fan of someone you're in a band with? haha)
I love Tim's fine pectoral.
And sure you can [in regards to the being a fan of a bandmate]. Keith Moon was said to be the Who's biggest fan. I don't see how this couldn't work out.
But I'm kind of excited about the fact that I'm going to the same school that Dan attended. hehe.
for a good 3 months worth of pics sir dan was wearing ties that i had got him, i would have gone on more about it at the time but people were just ignoring my love =p
then i think the good people over at a fine tooth got them the uber post ties they wear all the time now
For anyone who has not heard that podcast, go get it from iTunes right now. You won't be sorry.
For anyone who has not heard that podcast, go get it from iTunes right now. You won't be sorry.
aaand, to add another quote to Tim's charm: "the cold reality and sad truth of the situation is that most of you lost." LAWLZ!!!!!!!!
I'm sure Tim is very used to Damian's long, never ending stories about grandparents who discovered click beetles and fish sticks.
Oh, and, for those of you who don't know, Damian's grandfather discovered a kind of click beetle and it's called Glyphonyx kulashi, and there's a picture of it on my sig.
Can you see the resemblance?
Yeah, I remember that. The TNFC too, but I was never part of either one. I should have joined, but I go online much when I was 12, so I didn't feel the need to join any internet community things.
Tim loves my brownies. He sort of talked about them in the first podcast. I think he just likes all baked goods.
Me and my sister had a health food party once. Worst idea EVER! We even had ice cream cones with frosting in them, but my sister had the good idea of putting a cupcake into the cone and then frosting it, whereas I only put frosting in my cone. I felt like I was going to die. I gladly ate a ton of vegetables after that.
By the way, that PSA you made: awesome.
That "I'm Dan, the drummer" thing happened at my show too. After, Dan was the one who opened thir tour bus' door and there were some women they let on and one of them asked who he was. I'm sure they had some connections or something, but that's still not fair for them to get to hang after and not even know who is in the band
Thank you
Those were YOURS?!
I don't reveal my secret brownie recipes.
hahaha you're amazing, you know that, right? Let's get a mobile kitchen that follows the band around the globe. We'll be like their personal chefs! it'll be fantastic!
We can make Goulash for the Kulash, and Corned Hen for the Nordwind, hahaha.