1. i have seen both the spice girls and backstreet boys in concert. sad, i know.
2. i used to be a competitive figure skater but it turns out i wasnt any good
3. i have a really strange fascination with the Irish and redheads. i dont know why. the first thing i thought when i met my boyfriend is that he was Irish...but don't tell him that, he's English! LOL
4. the first cd i bought was No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
5. i can play (or used to be able to) 5 instruments. guitar, classical guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and other percussive instruments. my favorite is the drums, which i play the most still
6. i am REALLY afraid of needles and veins. even typing this now, i'm wincing and cringing. eek!!
7. Tá Gaeilge agam, ach níl mé go maith. (pronounced: tah gay-leej og-um, ahck neel may go my) translation: I can speak Gaelic Irish, but I'm not that good.
8. i'm a computer science major at nyu. going to be a junior in the fall
9. currently listening to the apples in stereo
10. i love standup comedy and regularly go to shows in nyc, where half the comedians, waitstaff, and other fans know me at one place in particular 'cause i'm there so much *blush*
6. My first concert was Poison with Guns N Roses as the opening act
oh my god I'm so jealous! That sounds amazing...I love my arena rock bands *le sigh*
QUOTE (CinnamonLips @ Jun 17 2005, 01:04 AM)
7. Tá Gaeilge agam, ach níl mé go maith. (pronounced: tah gay-leej og-um, ahck neel may go my) translation: I can speak Gaelic Irish, but I'm not that good.
8. i'm a computer science major at nyu. going to be a junior in the fall
I have a friend who's Irish and speaks Gaelic.
And another one of my friends is starting at NYU in the fall. It's a small world.
hahah ahow about an italian with a love of folkmusic named rosemary there mike LOL Blah let me know when ur online agaiN!
Move to England and im all yours! Or we could meet in the middle? Somewhere in the ocean will be just fine... I'll be there in 4 minutes. Bring a raincoat, its a bit wet
And Seifer, im far too in love with you to be interested in your girlfriend.. Fancy going for a drink?
1) I am of legal drinking age now, and I still dont drink. 2) I have a 1957 VW Beetle, that can smoke your Ford Probe. 3) Speaking of college... I dropped out for a year, but now Im heading back 4) I live outside of Chicago... but in a year Im moving to Ohio... wtf??? 5) I have the new okgo album, and it is amazing. 6) One day I hiked 14 miles up a mountain and then 6 miles back down it 7) I recently discovered that fresh spinach leaves are actually good. The damn canned icky spinach has been fooling me into thinking its bad all these years! 8) I like dirty, hole-y, plagued w/notes in pen... converse. 9) Ive got a $5000 medium format camera set-up that I got a year ago and have yet to use. Blah. 10) I just sang/played guitar for a group of my gf's old high school friends... they loved me... really.
Dont you be threatenin me now boy.. Im big round theres here parts, and noone is gunna stands for it... You get back on ya horse now boy and riiiiiiiide oooon
Ooops, I shoulda read closer, Im not the oldest, Bertie BARELY beats me I love Rufus as well, and I dont have my drivers either
Aw maaaan! HA! I think I'm even older than the band.....*in my best granny voice* Back in my day, bands didn't blog.....NOBODY blogged!!!!! All you kids are going to hell! (That's what my grandma used to say anyway.)
And I've been to a Poison concert to!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can't remember who opened....my sister dragged me to the show cuz none of her friends wanted to go! It was actually fun!
thats it revolver i challenge you to a duel *slaps you a glove* now you have to pick it up and accept or else you a no good for nothing yellow bellied coward
Aw maaaan! HA! I think I'm even older than the band.....*in my best granny voice* Back in my day, bands didn't blog.....NOBODY blogged!!!!! All you kids are going to hell! (That's what my grandma used to say anyway.)
And I've been to a Poison concert to!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can't remember who opened....my sister dragged me to the show cuz none of her friends wanted to go! It was actually fun!
Ok, So get this, I think we're in tha same age range as the band, cept for Andy, who I SWEAR is 12, but anyway, Ive seen poison 3 times actually, once with guns and roses, and once with skid row, the last time, there was no opener, bon jovi 4 times..... Aerosmith, ozzy, alice cooper and whitesnake once.... K, im done aging myself.... If yer granny, can i be grampa?????
Maybe with my first paycheck...I'll go blow the whole thing on sneakers. Yes, that would rock!
My mom and friends don't get the sneaker obsession...but I need sneakers to match every outfit...duh!
i have blue roo's the are the coolest, w/ the zipper and all. with my no sneaker can be just white and black i need color.
2. i used to be a competitive figure skater but it turns out i wasnt any good
3. i have a really strange fascination with the Irish and redheads. i dont know why. the first thing i thought when i met my boyfriend is that he was Irish...but don't tell him that, he's English! LOL
4. the first cd i bought was No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
5. i can play (or used to be able to) 5 instruments. guitar, classical guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and other percussive instruments. my favorite is the drums, which i play the most still
6. i am REALLY afraid of needles and veins. even typing this now, i'm wincing and cringing. eek!!
7. Tá Gaeilge agam, ach níl mé go maith.
(pronounced: tah gay-leej og-um, ahck neel may go my)
translation: I can speak Gaelic Irish, but I'm not that good.
8. i'm a computer science major at nyu. going to be a junior in the fall
9. currently listening to the apples in stereo
10. i love standup comedy and regularly go to shows in nyc, where half the comedians, waitstaff, and other fans know me at one place in particular 'cause i'm there so much *blush*
2. Im WAY older than all of you so far
3. OK Go has been my fave band for 3 years now, before that it was Jellyfish
4. Im gay and sadly single
5. Everyone assumes Im straight including other gay guys
6. My first concert was Poison with Guns N Roses as the opening act
7. Im addicted to weightlifting and burgers... perhaps they balance each other out
8. Im a movie snob
9. I shower 3 times a day
10. people tell me I look like the lead singer of Green Day
Girls with Irish accents make my heart melt! I think a redhead irish girl with green eyes and a love of folk music would be my ideal!
Blah let me know when ur online agaiN!
no joke she really is, haha we have the same taste i guess
she doesnt have the accent though
oh my god I'm so jealous! That sounds amazing...I love my arena rock bands *le sigh*
(pronounced: tah gay-leej og-um, ahck neel may go my)
translation: I can speak Gaelic Irish, but I'm not that good.
8. i'm a computer science major at nyu. going to be a junior in the fall
I have a friend who's Irish and speaks Gaelic.
And another one of my friends is starting at NYU in the fall. It's a small world.
Blah let me know when ur online agaiN!
Move to England and im all yours! Or we could meet in the middle? Somewhere in the ocean will be just fine... I'll be there in 4 minutes. Bring a raincoat, its a bit wet
And Seifer, im far too in love with you to be interested in your girlfriend.. Fancy going for a drink?
I shallbe there in about 6 minutes - dont forget the stella mike!
2) I have a 1957 VW Beetle, that can smoke your Ford Probe.
3) Speaking of college... I dropped out for a year, but now Im heading back
4) I live outside of Chicago... but in a year Im moving to Ohio... wtf???
5) I have the new okgo album, and it is amazing.
6) One day I hiked 14 miles up a mountain and then 6 miles back down it
7) I recently discovered that fresh spinach leaves are actually good. The damn canned icky spinach has been fooling me into thinking its bad all these years!
8) I like dirty, hole-y, plagued w/notes in pen... converse.
9) Ive got a $5000 medium format camera set-up that I got a year ago and have yet to use. Blah.
10) I just sang/played guitar for a group of my gf's old high school friends... they loved me... really.
I shallbe there in about 6 minutes - dont forget the stella mike!
I said 4 minutes! Bring a bottle opener, i forgot mine. And im not opening them with my teeth, and im guessing you wont
I dont want the new ok go album, i think they're rubbish. I may download it just to spite the band, and then delete it.
Aw maaaan! HA! I think I'm even older than the band.....*in my best granny voice* Back in my day, bands didn't blog.....NOBODY blogged!!!!! All you kids are going to hell! (That's what my grandma used to say anyway.)
And I've been to a Poison concert to!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can't remember who opened....my sister dragged me to the show cuz none of her friends wanted to go! It was actually fun!
And I've been to a Poison concert to!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can't remember who opened....my sister dragged me to the show cuz none of her friends wanted to go! It was actually fun!
Ok, So get this, I think we're in tha same age range as the band, cept for Andy, who I SWEAR is 12, but anyway, Ive seen poison 3 times actually, once with guns and roses, and once with skid row, the last time, there was no opener, bon jovi 4 times..... Aerosmith, ozzy, alice cooper and whitesnake once.... K, im done aging myself.... If yer granny, can i be grampa?????