In this Discussion

Random Stuff



  • Wow. that sucks major.

    My mom got knee surgery today. and I was home alone for a really long time and for some reason it made me all depressed and reflective and I really wish I could sing and play the acoustic guitar better but I can't cause I suck. and I miss all my friends. seems like everyone i ever needed has moved died or hated me in the past year. wow. I'm gonna go do something else cause now I'm getting depressed even more. PLUS I NEVER GET ANY GOOD MAIL! If anyone wants to mail me exciting things i will give you my address just PM me, i'm not kidding I'm sick of the University of Washington being the only mail I get. I'm not even freaking going to University of Washington!
  • I moved into my dorm room today. It's actually beautifuk. It's a single and I have an 8 ft tall window and a 12 ft ceiling (my dorm used to be a chocolare factory, so all the celings are really high).

    I moved all my things in and this actually feels almost homey.

    Still, I want nothing more than to call up my friends and hang out with them. I cried yesterday and my eyes are still dry and sore.

    I am excited and I can't wait to explore the city (and for my bf to come up in a couple of weeks so I can actually fall asleep next to him) and make new friends... but right now, it still hurts.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 26 2006, 02:32 PM)
    I moved into my dorm room today. It's actually beautifuk. It's a single and I have an 8 ft tall window and a 12 ft ceiling (my dorm used to be a chocolare factory, so all the celings are really high).

    I moved all my things in and this actually feels almost homey.

    Still, I want nothing more than to call up my friends and hang out with them. I cried yesterday and my eyes are still dry and sore.

    I am excited and I can't wait to explore the city (and for my bf to come up in a couple of weeks so I can actually fall asleep next to him) and make new friends... but right now, it still hurts.

    Does your dorm smell like Chocolate?
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 26 2006, 04:42 AM)
    Does your dorm smell like Chocolate?

    Sadly, it does not. I'm still trying to decide what Montreal smells like on a whole. So far, I think it smells slightly like if someone had put poutine in a middle of a field. It smells clean, but there's a hint of something greasy and delicious in the wind.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 26 2006, 11:09 PM)
    Sadly, it does not. I'm still trying to decide what Montreal smells like on a whole. So far, I think it smells slightly like if someone had put poutine in a middle of a field. It smells clean, but there's a hint of something greasy and delicious in the wind.

    I have no idea what poutine is.

    PS God has been out drinking with hawt guys. w00t. Gods head be's just a little bit fuzzy.
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 26 2006, 03:53 PM)
    I have no idea what poutine is.

    The most unholy combination of food. It is fried covered with gravy and cheese curd. Montreal can't get enough of it.
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 26 2006, 12:42 AM)
    Does your dorm smell like Chocolate?

    My room smells of rich mahogany...

    Sorry, I had to.

    No, my room smells of coffee (mmmm) from my coffee machine, and vanilla because i got that new light show air freshener. So many colors.... blink.gif wacko.gif
  • I finished my keyblade biggrin.gif

  • You know, I'm a huge fan of abnormally large things, and that key is no exception. AWESOME!
  • I'm thinking about making 8 fake treadmills and figuring out a way to fake the dance without real treadmills...but thats just way to hard and I'm way to lazy
  • It'd be funny, though.
  • Of course it would be funny...I just can't find an easily malipuatable(is that a word?) material that is strong enough to dance upon...
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 24 2006, 07:25 AM)
    lol you resemble it, eh? You don't resent it? tongue.gif
    I was making a funny. smile.gif

    QUOTE (God @ Aug 25 2006, 10:07 AM)
    Boo sad.gif
    A family friend of ours, who is 18yearsold and had only just started her first year of University was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma (Cancer) im March this year. She's just finished her first 'bout of chemotherapy ...
    and now her mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
    Talk about your worst fucking luck ever. :|
    I'm sorry. That's terrible.

    QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 26 2006, 01:58 PM)
    My room smells of rich mahogany...
    Sorry, I had to.
    What's that from? *Edit: lol Is that from "Anchorman"?

    I'm a little jealous of you college people. It was always exciting when school rolled around again.

    And for my contributions of randomness, a couple "Talladega Nights" quotes:
    "If you don't chew Big Red, fuck you."
    "This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do like Fig Newtons."

    And something from just this very moment--a conversation between me and my hubby:
    Brad: "I can't help it if you don't like fun."
    Sheri: "You can't not like fun--then it wouldn't be 'fun.'"
    Brad: "I can't help it if you don't find fun fun."
    Sheri: LOL
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Aug 25 2006, 09:21 AM)
    if you were a spool of light blue thread, where would you be?!?
    and don't say my sewing box, i already checked there...

    well, i found a small spool of light blue thread, but i still never found the big one i was looking for...
    this is what i made with my small spool of light blue thread:



    so, opinions?!? should i make it a little shorter?!?
  • ooo thats very purty lady darbee, no docter but i think the length is fine
  • Darbs, that's adorable! I'd just make it a tad bit shorter.

    I had to rewrite that sentence about five tumes untul I got the spelling right.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 27 2006, 01:09 AM)
    Darbs, that's adorable! I'd just make it a tad bit shorter.

    hehe, thank you... the front length turned out how i had planned (just below the knee), but the side length is practically down to my ankles (when i'm not standing lopsided as i am in the pic), which i hadn't planned... so i think i may cut off like one row of stripes...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Aug 27 2006, 11:27 PM)
    hehe, thank you... the front length turned out how i had planned (just below the knee), but the side length is practically down to my ankles (when i'm not standing lopsided as i am in the pic), which i hadn't planned... so i think i may cut off like one row of stripes...

    Your doonah reminds me of the outback.
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 26 2006, 05:26 PM)
    I was making a funny. smile.gif

    I'm sorry. That's terrible.

    What's that from? *Edit: lol Is that from "Anchorman"?

    I'm a little jealous of you college people. It was always exciting when school rolled around again.

    And for my contributions of randomness, a couple "Talladega Nights" quotes:
    "If you don't chew Big Red, fuck you."
    "This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do like Fig Newtons."

    And something from just this very moment--a conversation between me and my hubby:
    Brad: "I can't help it if you don't like fun."
    Sheri: "You can't not like fun--then it wouldn't be 'fun.'"
    Brad: "I can't help it if you don't find fun fun."
    Sheri: LOL

    Sometimes fun isn't fun because it isn't what you believe is fun, so it maybe fun to someone else, but it's not fun to you.

    Yes, it is from Anchorman, the best movie ever.

    College right now is a tad boring. Nothing too hard or anything.

    QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Aug 26 2006, 05:55 PM)
    well, i found a small spool of light blue thread, but i still never found the big one i was looking for...
    this is what i made with my small spool of light blue thread:



    so, opinions?!? should i make it a little shorter?!?

    I like it, but yes, I would make it a tad shorter.
  • the lead singer of the cribs really anoys me
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