I moved into my dorm room today. It's actually beautifuk. It's a single and I have an 8 ft tall window and a 12 ft ceiling (my dorm used to be a chocolare factory, so all the celings are really high).
I moved all my things in and this actually feels almost homey.
Still, I want nothing more than to call up my friends and hang out with them. I cried yesterday and my eyes are still dry and sore.
I am excited and I can't wait to explore the city (and for my bf to come up in a couple of weeks so I can actually fall asleep next to him) and make new friends... but right now, it still hurts.
Just so you know, I'm going to fervently read everything you post about McGill to somehow try and familiarize myself so I'm not terrified when I go..
today i was talking to the guy i like and he was asking me if i like his friend, and i said yea hes nice. so he asked if i wanted to be set up with him and i said no i liked someone else, and i was so ready to confess that i like him, but he just said "ok o well". and i would think he knew i liked him by now cause we both told eachother that when were 26 and not doing anything were going to get married, and i even told him i wasnt joking around and he agreed.. and he still doesnt know i like him... i feel like crap..
today i was talking to the guy i like and he was asking me if i like his friend, and i said yea hes nice. so he asked if i wanted to be set up with him and i said no i liked someone else, and i was so ready to confess that i like him, but he just said "ok o well". and i would think he knew i liked him by now cause we both told eachother that when were 26 and not doing anything were going to get married, and i even told him i wasnt joking around and he agreed.. and he still doesnt know i like him... i feel like crap..
maybe hes playing it cool
or is retarded
QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Aug 28 2006, 05:40 AM)
wait... is that a keyblade as in from Kingdom Hearts? cause if it is, then A) I love you, cause thats amazing, and B,) why?
Edit to avoid double-posting: I was searching google for videos of No Doubt, but I found this instead. it made me laugh. a lot.
if you just do a quick reply within 30 mins of your post and noone else has posted it adds it onto your post
I parked a freakin hour away from my class and I went to school from 5;50 AM (bible study) to 5:00 PM I want to shoot myself I'm so tired. And my mom is being lame and won't let me drop the class I have from 2:15-5 i want to kill someone right now.
Tonight, I was invited ot go along to a bar calleed Cock and Bull over near the Atwater station. I went with a group of people including my two roommates. Besides knowing my roommates, I felt a bit off. It seems like everyone else is bffs after, what?, 2 days of being here. They're all laughing and joking and buddy buddy and, though I'm with them and I do talk and laugh with them, I feel a bit awkward.
We got to the bar where some random guy (20s?) bought me a gin and tonic. I then proceeded to almost drive him away by calling him a liar. See, I didn't mean it in an offending way, just a kind of "NOWAI" way. He took offense and I apologized. We then proceeded to cover my hands with glue like I used to when I was in elementary school so, when it dries, I could play with it and peel it off.
He left and I went outside to find fellow dormmates sitting around talking. I was given more alcohol by the guy who lives across the hall from me. He's a total sweetheart but, last night while very much drunk, he was very touchy-feely... resting his head on my shoulder, putting his hand on my knee, &c. I don't want to lead this kid on and I keep feeling really guilty because all I want to do is have my boyfriend come visit and sleep next to me. The guy across the hall is nice and all, but he's nothing compared to my boyfriend, the first guy I can comfortably say I'm in love with since I broke up with my first long-term boyfriend over 1.5 years ago. Really, I enjoy nothing more than his phone calls and his laugh and the fact that he's visiting in less than two weeks. Crap. How do I casually mention this to the guy next door when, like yesterday, I was too intoxicated to tell him? Fuck, I miss my boyfriend.
Sorry for the uber long post. I just needed to type. I just want to have a good time.
yea so now today kyles friend casey asks me whats goin on between me and kyle and i said i duno. that he signed off on me yesterday without sayin bye.and i asked him what kyle said. then casey signs off. *were havin this convo on myspace...* so UHHHH.
Tonight, I was invited ot go along to a bar calleed Cock and Bull over near the Atwater station. I went with a group of people including my two roommates. Besides knowing my roommates, I felt a bit off. It seems like everyone else is bffs after, what?, 2 days of being here. They're all laughing and joking and buddy buddy and, though I'm with them and I do talk and laugh with them, I feel a bit awkward.
you know, they're probably all awkward, and laughing/joking more than often to keep from feeling the awkward-ness. not that I've experienced this whole college thing, but that would be my guess.
You know that there's something wrong with the world when you hang up on a co-worker because they have a thick asian accent and your immediate reaction to a thick asian accent calling you is "TELEMARKETER".
It will be an interesting conversation tomorrow.
"Oh, er, sorry I hung up on you last night... I thought you were trying to sell me a holiday."
Hi Everybody! Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
Hi Everybody! Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
Hah. Last night I dreamt that someone stole my sig from the boards and started putting it on shirts. And I was FURIOUS!!!! Lol. I think I may just spend a little too much time here!
Hi Everybody! Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
You know what, I'm not a fan of Panic! At the Disco, or whatevs, but reading the comments in response to the video of the lead singer being knocked out by a bottle to the face ... ugh. I'm just disgusted.
How anyone can cheer on the physical assault of another human being is beyond me.
I moved all my things in and this actually feels almost homey.
Still, I want nothing more than to call up my friends and hang out with them. I cried yesterday and my eyes are still dry and sore.
I am excited and I can't wait to explore the city (and for my bf to come up in a couple of weeks so I can actually fall asleep next to him) and make new friends... but right now, it still hurts.
Just so you know, I'm going to fervently read everything you post about McGill to somehow try and familiarize myself so I'm not terrified when I go..
Post pictures when you can..?
So much better than being "Something Else".
Yay, I've joined monkeyhood too now
and he still doesnt know i like him...
i feel like crap..
wait... is that a keyblade as in from Kingdom Hearts?
cause if it is, then A) I love you, cause thats amazing, and B,) why?
Edit to avoid double-posting: I was searching google for videos of No Doubt, but I found this instead.
it made me laugh. a lot.
and he still doesnt know i like him...
i feel like crap..
maybe hes playing it cool
or is retarded
cause if it is, then A) I love you, cause thats amazing, and B,) why?
Edit to avoid double-posting: I was searching google for videos of No Doubt, but I found this instead.
it made me laugh. a lot.
if you just do a quick reply within 30 mins of your post and noone else has posted it adds it onto your post
thus no need to edit!
Tonight, I was invited ot go along to a bar calleed Cock and Bull over near the Atwater station. I went with a group of people including my two roommates. Besides knowing my roommates, I felt a bit off. It seems like everyone else is bffs after, what?, 2 days of being here. They're all laughing and joking and buddy buddy and, though I'm with them and I do talk and laugh with them, I feel a bit awkward.
We got to the bar where some random guy (20s?) bought me a gin and tonic. I then proceeded to almost drive him away by calling him a liar. See, I didn't mean it in an offending way, just a kind of "NOWAI" way. He took offense and I apologized. We then proceeded to cover my hands with glue like I used to when I was in elementary school so, when it dries, I could play with it and peel it off.
He left and I went outside to find fellow dormmates sitting around talking. I was given more alcohol by the guy who lives across the hall from me. He's a total sweetheart but, last night while very much drunk, he was very touchy-feely... resting his head on my shoulder, putting his hand on my knee, &c. I don't want to lead this kid on and I keep feeling really guilty because all I want to do is have my boyfriend come visit and sleep next to me. The guy across the hall is nice and all, but he's nothing compared to my boyfriend, the first guy I can comfortably say I'm in love with since I broke up with my first long-term boyfriend over 1.5 years ago. Really, I enjoy nothing more than his phone calls and his laugh and the fact that he's visiting in less than two weeks. Crap. How do I casually mention this to the guy next door when, like yesterday, I was too intoxicated to tell him? Fuck, I miss my boyfriend.
Sorry for the uber long post. I just needed to type. I just want to have a good time.
then casey signs off. *were havin this convo on myspace...*
Tonight, I was invited ot go along to a bar calleed Cock and Bull over near the Atwater station. I went with a group of people including my two roommates. Besides knowing my roommates, I felt a bit off. It seems like everyone else is bffs after, what?, 2 days of being here. They're all laughing and joking and buddy buddy and, though I'm with them and I do talk and laugh with them, I feel a bit awkward.
you know, they're probably all awkward, and laughing/joking more than often to keep from feeling the awkward-ness. not that I've experienced this whole college thing, but that would be my guess.
It will be an interesting conversation tomorrow.
"Oh, er, sorry I hung up on you last night... I thought you were trying to sell me a holiday."
just call it karma.
Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
Tempe is back. My darling sister just left today to go back to school. She was spending her summer break with me, hence my absence. Don't welcome me back, please just cheer me up. I'm crying and sobbing like a loser nut job because I miss her already. As soon as she got into that taxi and headed off on the horizon, this started. Good grief, I know there are worse things to cry about. But my sis and I are very close, so it's very painful to come together and then separate again.
(On the plus side, I did get her addicted to Ok Go. She was confused but is now fascinated with roach broaches as well)
Anyway, I just need lots and lots of virtual hugs right now.
i offer hugs and pirates
How anyone can cheer on the physical assault of another human being is beyond me.