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  • ezorvera - apparently like during that past couple weeks its snowed in a few different places in like the greater LA area.. some of the cities further east closer to the desert got snow, which makes more sense, but it was like the first time in i dunno 70 yrs or something that they got snow there.. and then yeah my dad said it snowed in malibu and a few other places closer to actual LA.. i mean it wasnt like a hardcore blizzard or anything remotely close to that, probably just a few flurries.. but even so.. it is quite remarkable! and i know what u mean about feeling hot in sanfran because my sister has been living there for a few years and every time she comes home shes constantly complaining that its too hot! haha... im really spoiled and i turn on the heater or the AC all the time.. =] my heaters been on in my dorm room on and off since december.. but sometimes i do wish i had company to keep me warm.. im a lonely person =/. sorry i'll stop being emo now..
    random note: the one thing i love about cold weather is wearing coats!! i love coats and in LA ppl we usually dont really get a chance to wear them but i still love them!
  • I love coats too! Especially peacoats. I've got a ton of coats. That's the good thing about cold weather. Getting bundled up in coats. Cold weather is also a good excuse for hugging people.
  • QUOTE (ezorvera @ Jan 17 2007, 11:36 PM)
    I love coats too! Especially peacoats. I've got a ton of coats. That's the good thing about cold weather. Getting bundled up in coats. Cold weather is also a good excuse for hugging people.

    yes! peacoats are totally awesome!! im sad i only have 2 coats but i think thats fine to get me through this winter and maybe i'll buy fun ones next winter! and you're right about the hugging thing to, but unfortunately ive never had anyone to hug.. makes me quite sad but yea im arite - i can be strong! haha
    i just think winter in general is really romantic.. going for coffee or hot chocolate, fireplaces, dancing in the rain, playing in the snow, cuddling/hugging, oh and i love this line from this song "brand new colony" from postal service:
    "I'll be your winter coat buttoned and zipped straight to the throat
    With the collar up so you won't catch a cold"
    that whole song is just like reallllly sweet.. im not a huge postal service fan but this song is just really cute.
    k i'll stop rambling and go back to reading this article on if the exodus really happened for class tomorrow =/
  • The cold weather is what made Rhett Miller hold my hands for for about two minutes.

    I love that song. I like that line and "I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite albums back, as you're lying there, drifiting off to sleep."
  • QUOTE (ezorvera @ Jan 18 2007, 09:03 AM)
    The cold weather is what made Rhett Miller hold my hands for for about two minutes.

    I love that song. I like that line and "I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite albums back, as you're lying there, drifiting off to sleep."

    What song is that??
  • I love socks biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ Jan 17 2007, 10:41 PM)
    Oh, that's me regardless if I am single. For the past five years I had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day and I never wanted to leave the house. I hate V-day, with or without boy. It is basically a trick holiday. Roses and candies and cards and flowers. Not that those things are bad, but getting all of them on one day, just for the hell of it? (eyeroll)

    Maybe we should start a boardies Valentine's Day thread. I'll send some of you things that are better than red and pink gifts. biggrin.gif

    you should go make that topic stat!

    then we can be bitter together, all in one neat thread!
  • QUOTE (Scarlet Waffle @ Jan 18 2007, 06:34 AM)
    I love socks biggrin.gif

    i love socks too... though i'm not currently wearing any... at least not in the traditional sense... i've got on some slipper socks that look like ballet flats...
  • I'm terrified of clowns. Can anyone help me w/ this? It's a strange fear because rather than running away or cowering, I feel compelled to go into a psychotic rage and beat the clowns that I see.

    (Only exception is sad sad birthday clown Kulash)
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 18 2007, 11:55 AM)
    I'm terrified of clowns. Can anyone help me w/ this? It's a strange fear because rather than running away or cowering, I feel compelled to go into a psychotic rage and beat the clowns that I see.

    (Only exception is sad sad birthday clown Kulash)

    next time you see a clown, just pretend he is the sad sad birthday clown and give him a hug, rather than beat him...
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jan 18 2007, 07:00 AM)
    dude vinca15 you are so right.. im at UCSD right now cuz i go to school here but i was talkin to my dad earlier and apparently it like snowed in malibu or something crazy like that!! this winter has been CRAZY COLD... going into the like upper 20s and low 30s late at night.. gosh this is like blasphemous! haha... what area do u live in?

    i live in los angeles, lynwood specifically - next to compton for those of u who dont know where its at. and yes COLD and now this SNOW in malibu.

    QUOTE (ezorvera @ Jan 18 2007, 07:19 AM)
    It snowed down there? San Francisco never gets snow. One time last year, it hailed and everyone was so excited because we never get hail either. Everyone was outside and playing with the hail like it was snow.

    It's 40 degrees right now, but it doesn't feel that bad. I'm okay with cold weather. It's really hot weather that I can't stand, which isn't good because I might be going to college down south.

    OMG it hailed here once when i was in 8th i think and i was so excited. i went outside with an umbrella and it tore! i used to love the cold, but i cant stand it. i hate the hot more though.

    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 18 2007, 05:55 PM)
    I'm terrified of clowns. Can anyone help me w/ this? It's a strange fear because rather than running away or cowering, I feel compelled to go into a psychotic rage and beat the clowns that I see.

    (Only exception is sad sad birthday clown Kulash)

    I have a thing about clowns too. ever since i saw IT, ive been so scared.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Jan 18 2007, 02:34 AM)
    What song is that??

    Brand New Colony - Postal Service
  • *sing-song* Jadey's in Chicago . . . yay! biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Jan 18 2007, 08:38 PM)
    *sing-song* Jadey's in Chicago . . . yay! biggrin.gif

    Hurray!! Welcome to the windy city. How is it so far?
  • Whomever writes Under The Influence of Giants' 'Space bulletins needs to stop being so annoying. Basically. Or just stop.
  • julian is sexy
    and when i see him my heart gets this wonderful elevated feeling and hes just soooo perty and may god bless that fine ass of his.

    i apologize for this, im just in a julian phase
  • Hahaha, Vinca.

    I need ice...
  • I am so very very hungry...
  • So am I. I need a double cheeseburger from McDonald's or something.
  • I'm having honey crispy chicken wings, care for some?
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