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  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Jan 21 2007, 02:51 PM)
    hahaha...what??? huh.gif
    so true!
    i want to get into stanford (i dont even know if thats an ivy league school anymore) and i dont think its gonna happen sad.gif

    Don't worry...this might be a myth but I heard as long as your grades are good and you're well-rounded, you're on your way to something great. And if not, you'll still be one of the greatest hoboes I'll ever know. wub.gif
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jan 21 2007, 08:55 PM)
    you'll still be one of the greatest hoboes I'll ever know. wub.gif

    well thats just lovely!! rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif
    THANKS! tongue.gif
  • I live (literally) right next to the University of Western Ontario. It's got an AMAZING medical science program that I would very much like to get into, everything about it is graded A+ in the university review magazines (shut up, we had to read them in class tongue.gif)... it's the best university for pretty much everything in the entire province. If I got in I wouldn't have to move and my parents would be able to afford my tuition. But I don't know if I can get in though. My marks aren't amazing. Arg~

    If all 3 of us end up failing at life, we'll chill on some street corner for the rest of our lives waving paper cups at people with change, alright? biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Jan 21 2007, 09:39 PM)
    If all 3 of us end up failing at life, we'll chill on some street corner for the rest of our lives waving paper cups at people with change, alright? biggrin.gif

    HELL YES!!!
    and talk about random things and smell each other.
  • I'm banking on McGill or Concordia.
  • ^^^ r those universities????

    if i dont get into stanford im hoping to go to pepperdine, which is really expensive. they said u could travel though, like go to germany for a semester and stuff. that'd be cool!
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Jan 21 2007, 05:44 PM)
    ^^^ r those universities????

  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Jan 21 2007, 04:42 PM)
    HELL YES!!!
    and talk about random things and smell each other.
    And go digging through garbage cans for food?
    "HOT DAMN! There's only 3 bites taken out of this taco! Jackpot!"

    Ah~ You want to go to Montreal, I see ;p
  • Yeah, it's so artsy and fancy. Even just living there would be cool. Amy (tonetoile on here) goes to McGill...her dorm used to be a chocolate factory.
  • Montreal is such an awesome city. My sister went there recently to visit a friend and she brought me back lots of yummy stuff~
    She says they always greet you with "bonjourhi" or something in the stores. laugh.gif Franglais?
  • Haha, I can't wait. It's so much fun in the summer. Too bad they're lame and pretend they aren't part of Canada anymore.
  • QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Jan 21 2007, 09:44 PM)
    ^^^ r those universities????

    Uh yeah. Mcgill is the "Harvard of Canada" (though I think it's a lie). I go there. It's all kinds of amazing.

    QUOTE (mixtape @ Jan 21 2007, 09:50 PM)
    Yeah, it's so artsy and fancy. Even just living there would be cool. Amy (tonetoile on here) goes to McGill...her dorm used to be a chocolate factory.

    Oh my god. Oh my god you have to come up. The other night my roomie came busting in around midnight and we were invited to go midnight sledding up on Mont Royal. We grabbed some garbadge bags and metroed up there (someone had a car and drove us back afterwards... at like 2:30 am). It was amazing.

    I live down in Atwater, which is about 10 minutes from "downtown" by metro (30-40 by walking). I'm hoping to live up on the Plateau (which is the slightly more chic/hipster part) next year. My bf and one of my bffs might be going to Concordia next year (both are applying, him for grad and her for undergrad, which is hilarious since they're both applying for fine arts and if they both get in, he might be her TA. hahahaha). It's amazing here.

    The Plateau is beautiful, but I'll miss living in the Chocolate factory. The area here is awesome:


    (We went sledding with some local kids. They were awesome. I'm the one in the blue):

  • Hahaha, you should buy one of those cheesy shirts that says "Harvard - America's McGill."

    Okay, Amy, be honest...if that's what people say about McGill, are they really that ridiculous with grades and standards and assignments? Like, do you get to enjoy your classes?
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Jan 21 2007, 03:39 PM)
    If all 3 of us end up failing at life, we'll chill on some street corner for the rest of our lives waving paper cups at people with change, alright? biggrin.gif

    Sure, and we'll scare kids with our beards and 3D moles.

    I think I might want to go to Brown or Columbia, or Stanford, or Oxford. But I'm a dreamer. And I'm also so clueless to the colleges and how to get in to colleges, etc.
  • oh gosh i really want to wish you guys good luck on all this applying to colleges stuff.. im a first year at UCSD, which was definately not my first choice, but i didn't get in to the universities i wanted to go to, like UCLA or USC, however i've come to learn that even though a school may be super amazing in whatever field you are in, its more important to just do well at whatever college you are at, and go to a really good grad school (if you plan to go there). i must admit that it was hard at the beginning being here when quite a few of my friends were at ucla.. and to add to that difficulty, only one of my friends from high school decided to go to ucsd too.. so we were really lonely at the beginning.. we're okay now, and i just keep myself motivated by thinking about the great universities i could attend to get an mba.. i would love to go to oxford, london school of business, stanford, dartmouth, etc..
    so anywho, if you guys are seniors and have already submitted apps, good luck and dont stress out too much because everything happens for a reason (cheezy as it sounds), and those of you who are still underclassman, make sure you do really well with you SAT or ACT scores.. and then your personal statements are uber important!
    and im here for you all if you want advice or need to vent because you're totally panicking!! haha cool.gif
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Jan 22 2007, 01:02 AM)
    Okay, Amy, be honest...if that's what people say about McGill, are they really that ridiculous with grades and standards and assignments? Like, do you get to enjoy your classes?

    [Note: sorry this is so long. I get caught up in things]

    First let me preface this by saying that McGill is wonderful. I love the school more than most anything and I'm so glad I got in. Really, I don't think I'd be as happy anywhere else. The school is beautiful and the city is beyond fantastic. For the most part, the profs are good (save for a few duds) and i have some time to actually spend by myself or go out and, you know, enjoy the city.

    Alright. McGill is tough (at least by my standards, but I'm obviously biased since, well, this is the only college I have ever attended). However, we have a WONDERFUL grading curve built into the system. For example, 65-69% (I think) is a B-. An F is anything below a 50.

    I do study a lot (though I think my stress comes from my procrastination. Between hanging out with my friends, internet, various apartment chores [cooking, cleaning, etc.], and naps [SO GOOD], I feel rushed with homework).

    I'm in Arts (meaning LibArts since McGill doesn't offer fine arts, hence why my friends are applying to Concordia), which means that I have a LOT of reading. The joke goes that we arts kids can't count, but we sure as hell can read. I'm a slight exception in that I'm taking Russian, Stats, and Microeconomics this term. All three aren't heavy on the reading. I also take two other classes that are reading-intensive (another econ course and a polisci course). Reading can be a pain since, in arts, they LOVE to give course-packs (which are spiral-bound books full of assigned reading selections). Some of the classes are interesting and, therefore, the readings aren't too bad (some of the readings for my Modern Political Thought class were really interesting, albeit pretty long). 30-page readings don't sound too bad until you realize you have to annotate and highlight. My friends in the sciences have to do a lot of labs. Also, I remember the first semester, after 2 or 3 weeks, they were already taking their first midterms (they had 2 midterms and 1 final). I had a friend in arts&sciences who was really stressed out because she was taking Physics, Bio, Chem, and Calc2 (I was in the class with her. It was the most I had ever worked for a class. During finals, I locked myself in the library for 7 hours stright+equally that back at the apartment. It was the most I had ever studied for a class and I came out with a B-).

    I spend a lot of time working. I work hard. As long as you stay on top of the readings and learn how to take notes, everything becomes easier. You begin to learn what classes are lecture-heavy and which you can skip to just do the readings. However, you do learn a lot. I've taken a lot out of my classes, esp. some of my polisci ones that have given me a new view on political formation, etc.

    During the week, I don't usually go out unless it's for a special occasion. My roommates and I like to make dinner and put on a movie to de-stress (tonight's was 10 Things I Hate About You). We have learned to time-manage to get work done BEFORE the weekend. For example, last weekend, my friend came up to visit and I took her to some bars on Crescent (including my favorite: Mad Hatter's. It's ridiculous but SO much fun [read: everyone dancing along to Bohemian Rhapsody]). Friday night, I went to a comedy club with some friends from down the hall and one of my roommates. It was awesome and after, I was invited by some second floor kids to go sledding at midnight on Mont Royal which was more amazing than I can ever describe.

    So, really what I'm trying to say is that yes, it's difficult. Some of my classes are really boring, but some are fantastic. It's really luck of the draw (but you can usually pick classes through hearing kids talk about good classes and dropping out of bad classes during the first week which is known as the Add/Drop Period). The work is stressful and during the week, I come back from class tired and have to force myself to get work done. Still, I've learned SO MUCH and I have enough time to actually enjoy myself. It's really aa balance, as trite as it sounds; you can't lock yourself in your room all the time or you'll go crazy and you can't go out all the time.
  • Hahaha, holy shit! Thank you for explaining it from a normal person's perspective. I'm just really scared that I'm not the university type, you know? I mean, I'd probably blow off all my reading, get kicked out by Thanksgiving, and come back home and work at Wendy's. So, NEW PLAN.

    - Go to Concordia.
    - Make friends at McGill, visit often.
    - Kick ass at Concordia, while still experiencing the ~essence~ of McGill and talk endlessly about how cool it is that Rufus Wainwright went there. Well, he did for like half a semester.

    Edit: Erm, I realize the idiocy within proclaiming that I'm not the university type and then planning to attend Concordia. However! Concordia has more courses that I'm actually interested in and would probably be excited about taking.
  • Hey amberdino, what college are you in?
  • QUOTE (e 5170a @ Jan 21 2007, 11:05 PM)
    Hey amberdino, what college are you in?

    oh in ucsd i'm in eleanor roosevelt college! beautiful housing, but ridiculous GE requirements..
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jan 22 2007, 12:07 AM)
    oh in ucsd i'm in eleanor roosevelt college! beautiful housing, but ridiculous GE requirements..

    oh ok,
    I'm a 2nd year Revelle student
    Ha...and my friend and I are always arguing over which sucks more: Hum or MMW. (Obviously I think Hum does smile.gif )
    What's your major?

    and...what the heck is up with the weather? Last year at this time I was studying at the beach, splashing in the waves and calling my sisters to brag about how nice the weather was.
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