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Random Stuff



  • very much so, its a digi clock thus i love it

    i have another sexy sexy calander clock, that is analog, BUT it has the date and month on those flippy cards, so it flips over ever day

    its rather epic

    THEN i have an awesome sexy wrist watch, which has the seconds in digital and the mins in analog

  • I don't wanna go back to school! Someone, do it for me.

    While my sister is house sitting, my best friend came over to keep her company. She brought all her fav fantasy movies. My sis hates fantasy movies and is now snowed in with them laugh.gif

    did that wake you up?

    -random i got the Dirty dancing dvd from a friend to borrow. She says its herendous... but i think i should see it so when patrons ask me how similar the play is to the movie i can actually comment instead of going "i dunno" like a fool
  • laugh.gif

    Mmm, sex on legs with coffee. Thank you! I am feeling a bit better now.
  • work with future room mate brad was very fun tonight
  • image

    Oh, and my etymology book says that 47% of the time office workers spend on the computer is completely work-unrelated.
  • yeah... I could watch it for hours.... no I do watch it for at least two hours when I'm sitting in my economy lecture... I swear sometimes time stands still in there...
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Jan 14 2008, 02:10 PM)

    Come to Arizona, I will dazzle you by performing the magic of dentistry wink.gif
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Jan 14 2008, 04:34 PM)

    Mmm, sex on legs with coffee. Thank you! I am feeling a bit better now.

    *drool* *incoherent babbling*
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 14 2008, 07:59 PM)
    Come to Arizona, I will dazzle you by performing the magic of dentistry wink.gif

    I had cosmetic dentistry done a week ago. The entire time I was wishing you were there. biggrin.gif
  • Cosmetic? What sort of cosmetic dentistry could you possibly need? The is gorgeous.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 15 2008, 12:17 AM)
    Cosmetic? What sort of cosmetic dentistry could you possibly need? The is gorgeous.

    It took a lot of time and money for my teeth to look decent. Not that they were bad; just "incorrect." There are no words to describe how much money has been spent on my teeth since I was born. I can't even ballpark it. Thank gawd for insurance!

    I had all of my silver fillings removed (given to me back before tooth-colored was used regularly) and had them replaced with natural-looking ones. My insurance expired (now that I have graduated) January 1st, so it was now or never.

    I also had retainers made, as my wisdom teeth (now gone) moved a bottom canine ever so slightly.

    Aaaaand I hope to have that BriteSmile procedure done in the not too distant future. Though I could *cough* really use *cough* a professional opinion on it *COUGH COUGH COUGH* as I heard from exactly one source there is a possibility of mouth cancer. Cough.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ Jan 14 2008, 10:27 PM)
    Aaaaand I hope to have that BriteSmile procedure done in the not too distant future. Though I could *cough* really use *cough* a professional opinion on it *COUGH COUGH COUGH* as I heard from exactly one source there is a possibility of mouth cancer. Cough.

    LOLOLOL!!! Cool! I'm a professional! Um, I think. Are you talking to me? Is that what your doing? *Trying to do my best Al Pacino*

    Try crest white strips. If that doesn't work, try professional home bleaching. The dentist would take upper and lower impressions of your teeth. Then he/she uses them to make bleaching trays that are custom molded to your teeth. You use the bleaching trays at home for about 2 weeks. BriteSmile actually does nothing. True, the light is UV, but it does not cause cancer in that dose. It also does little to nothing to actually bleach your teeth. (Actually, the BriteSmile light is almost the same light the dentist used to make the white filling stick, if you remember that.) A chemical called hydrogen peroxide found in professional home bleaching, is what makes your teeth change shade. You can expect your teeth to become 2 to 3 shades lighter. Teeth can't normally bleach beyond that. Also, your white fillings will stay the shade they are right now. But that's ok because bleaching is really targeted at the teeth that show when you smile, not really the back teeth.

    Let me know if that made any sense. tongue.gif
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 15 2008, 02:40 PM)
    LOLOLOL!!! Cool! I'm a professional! Um, I think. Are you talking to me? Is that what your doing? *Trying to do my best Al Pacino*

    Try crest white strips. If that doesn't work, try professional home bleaching. The dentist would take upper and lower impressions of your teeth. Then he/she uses them to make bleaching trays that are custom molded to your teeth. You use the bleaching trays at home for about 2 weeks. BriteSmile actually does nothing. True, the light is UV, but it does not cause cancer in that dose. It also does little to nothing to actually bleach your teeth. (Actually, the BriteSmile light is almost the same light the dentist used to make the white filling stick, if you remember that.) A chemical called hydrogen peroxide found in professional home bleaching, is what makes your teeth change shade. You can expect your teeth to become 2 to 3 shades lighter. Teeth can't normally bleach beyond that. Also, your white fillings will stay the shade they are right now. But that's ok because bleaching is really targeted at the teeth that show when you smile, not really the back teeth.

    Let me know if that made any sense. tongue.gif

    100%. I have had so many, many, uh, MANY fillings done (sweet teeth) to know all about that blue light. I had a suspicion.

    Crest White Strips have actually been really good to me, but I was not sure if BriteSmile would really bring out the shine. Strips only whiten so much and I wasn't sure if BS would do more. Damn. The home bleaching was TERRIBLE. When I first had it done, they didn't make the plastic trays but FOAM ones. The bleach was so acidic that the trays were worthless a few days later, when the bleach ate through them. I tried it again with plastic, and I saw almost no result. I know if I had you for a dentist, I would have Damian teeth. biggrin.gif

    It is a good thing that most people won't see the back of my teeth. I had a crown put in about the same day (sensitivity) and it is, er, slightly whiter than the rest. It looks really funny. At least I don't have anymore silvers. Not that they could have been seen unless you were looking anyway......

    By the way, do you normally ASK your patients if they desire Novocaine? I was having the fillings put in and my dentist's son (who only recently went into practice) just grabbed the syringe and instantly became stab-happy. I had to push him away and say "Listen, I have had so much dental work; I do not require numbing." He could have at least warned me beforehand. Hrrumph.

    Oh, and I am sorry if you don't want to talk about dentistry, especially since, you know, you are becoming a dentist. Feel free to shut me up.
  • Whoa, they can actually remove those fug silver fillings? I hate mine, I've always wanted the white ones. Did it hurt?
  • What's going on ?
    Could this be my understanding
    It's not your fault I was being too demanding
    I must admit it's my pride that made me distant
    All because I hoped that you'd be someone different
    There's not much I know about you
    Fear will always make you blind
    But the answer is in clear view
    It's amazing what you'll find face to face

    I turned away because I thought you were the problem
    Tried to forget until I hit the bottom
    But when I faced you in my blank confusion
    I realized you weren't wrong, it was a mere illusion

    It really didn't make sense
    Just to leave this unresolved
    It's not hard to go the distance
    when you finally get involved face to face
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Jan 15 2008, 04:31 PM)
    Whoa, they can actually remove those fug silver fillings? I hate mine, I've always wanted the white ones. Did it hurt?

    Yep! Re: they can definitely remove them. It requires a lot of drilling (depending on how big they are), but it is worth it to look into a pretty mouth. smile.gif

    It didn't really hurt as much as it was uncomfortable. All you hear is this loud "WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as they drill for an eternity. If you feel like getting Novocaine, it doesn't hurt in the least. I refused, however, and it only hurt when they had finally drilled all of the silver and they reached tooth, not to mention the air hitting the hole SUCKS. But it is really great having teeth that are all one color.
  • I had a filling done back in the day and all was well.

    But since I've had it done, whenever I bite down on something tough (like an apple skin), it hurts.

    TEMPE. I NEED YOUR EXPERT ADVICE. My dentist at home says the filling probably just needs to be filed down. I called the campus dentist, but I think that I have to wait a couple of months for an appointment (?!?). It doesn't hurt normally and I can even chew on it from time to time, it's just uncomfortable.
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