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Random Stuff



  • By any chance does anyone know how to do "Two's Complement" of a Binary number?
  • Sorry, sweetie. Math is evil. I have washed my hands of it.
  • Not math... Computer studies and engineering... boringest subject evvverrrrr...
  • Oh. Well, I know what RAM and ROM are...but that's about it.
  • I had quite the day. Let's see here.

    I found out one of my friends is gay.

    This guy from the military came in to paint his block on the wall in my art class because he didn't get to when he left. (It's a tradition for senior art students). Everyone wanted to grab his ass because he was wearing tight pants. blink.gif

    I was told this one girl I go to school with got drunk with her dad and they were fooling around . . . . blink.gif blink.gif (I kind of wish I had a vomit face for this one.)

    I think that's all you guys can take for now. A lot more happened but that's good for now. mellow.gif
  • I know this is nothing compared to you, Jade, but my power was out all day yesterday, so I couldn't post. So now I have to catch up. I also need to find a way to get a christmas tree up to my bedroom without anybody noticing. I might be able to get one of my guy friends to help me. Oh well. That's about it.
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 19 2005, 04:49 PM)
    I know this is nothing compared to you, Jade, but my power was out all day yesterday, so I couldn't post. So now I have to catch up. I also need to find a way to get a christmas tree up to my bedroom without anybody noticing. I might be able to get one of my guy friends to help me. Oh well. That's about it.

    I'm sorry you're power went out. That majorly sucks.

    And it is the 'random stuff' thread, so post whatever you want! 'Random' is the key word here. wink.gif

    Get the tree in your room when no one is home. I don't think anyone would notice then.
  • Yeah. I know, but my room is upstairs. And what if the tree falls on me? wink.gif
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 19 2005, 04:54 PM)
    Yeah. I know, but my room is upstairs. And what if the tree falls on me? wink.gif

    Good point. Like you said, get some friends to help you.
  • I'm eating Ravioli. Leftovers from dinner last night, which was awesome, and I'll tell you why. Because Tim (not from ok go) was my waiter, and I haven't seen him since I was like five, and he looks pretty much the same except he's aged slightly and he's gained a little bit of weight. But he's still a charmer, and he's still good looking, and he still sings Mariah Carey songs when he thinks nobody's watching him. It's great.
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 19 2005, 05:17 PM)
    and he's still good looking, and he still sings Mariah Carey songs when he thinks nobody's watching him. It's great.

    hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That's so amazing. I wish my waiters sang songs that I dislike. haha, it would make my dinner better.

    I did have a waiter that looked exactly like Jim Morrison once though. I was extremely happy. I kept asking for more napkins and refills so he'd come to the table. biggrin.gif
  • Yeah. Hahahaha. My friends and I always do that to waiters we think are good-looking. We keep telling them we got the order wrong, so they keep coming back, and we drop things so we can oogle them while they're bending over to pick them up. But we always leave a pretty big tip, so it's ok. laugh.gif And Tim only sings old Mariah Carey songs, like from when she was good. And I've known him since I was three. He's like Uncle Tim waiter. I love him.
  • haha, Uncle Tim waiter. I love it, too. biggrin.gif

    I'm finishing a story for one of my yearbook pages and I used the word "toasty". I'm so happy now. laugh.gif
  • I wrote this quote for my year book to go with my grad photo and they didnt put it in!!!!!!!!!!!! i was soo angry!

    maybe bc it was a bible quote!

    so i was under the "silent grads" section!

    ME? SILENT? dee, dave, know better!

    ps - a guest at the restauraunt (where I just had my last shift) gave me 20$ tip and his email addy LOL!!
  • uve pulled rozfer!
  • Damn you complete multiple choice computer studies exam!!!
  • DAMN YOU CHFI (we decided to get rid of ez rock since mike cooper is now on 98.1 biggrin.gif)

    oh baby its coolllddddd ouuuuuuuutsiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • yay someone loves me
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