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Random Stuff



  • hahahaha, ape tit! They all make me laugh. Burt Reynolds and his big foam cowboy hat that he found backstage, Connery and his Sharpie, and Nicholas Cage's podium strangely disapearing . . . . . hahahahaha.
  • "I know kung fu"

    "for the last time no you don't"
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Dec 22 2005, 10:53 AM)
    "I know kung fu"

    "for the last time no you don't"

    hahaha, I like the one's with Marlon Brando in it instead of Sean Connery.

    Marlon Brando: Uh.. "Fishing", for $1,000.

    Alex Trebek: There's no "Fishing" on the board, Marlon.

    Marlon Brando: Uh.. I like "Fishing".
    Alex Trebek: Phil, your time is up. Marlon, you still have control of the board.

    Marlon Brando: [ playing with his buzzer ] In Tahiti, they have these dogs.. that they train to catch frisbees in their mouthes.. it's amazing..
    Alex Trebek: Once again, Mr. Brando, the board is unfortunately yours.

    Marlon Brando: [ twisting his buzzer in his hands ] I went into a 7-11 this morning.. and I wandered over to the magazine rack.. there's so many magazines about cars..
  • HAHHA iw as watching th atone last night LOL OMG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

    "it appears that mr brando is naked from the waist down"
  • this is my favourite section *note that this will be long*
    Connery -Ah! Well met! I'll take Months That Start With Feb,Trebek.

    Trebek - For how much?

    Connery - Suprise me, you filthy bastard!

    AT: Okay, that's completely unnecessary. Months That Start With Feb for $800. This is the only month that starts with Feb. ... Mr. Connery?

    SC - Febtober!

    AT- No.... Calista Flockhart.

    CF - What is.. Febturday?

    Alex Trebek: No.

    Connery She said turd!

    ATI hate you! The answer was February. That's the month that starts with Feb. It was last month!

    Connery - Aha! A trick question!

    AT - Yeah, it was a trick question, Mr. Connery. Why don't you pick a category?

    Connery- I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier.

    AT - What? No. No, no, that is The Pen is Mightier.

    Connery -Gussy it up however you want, Trebek. What matters is does it work? Will it really mighty my penis, man?

    AT - It's not a product, Mr. Connery.

    Connery - Because I've ordered devices like that before - wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you. And if The Penis Mightier works, I'll order a dozen.

    AT- It's not a Penis Mightier, Mr. Connery. There's no such thing!

    Nicholas Cage - Wait, wait, wait.. are you selling Penis Mightiers?

    AT - No! No, I'm not.

    Sean Connery: Well, you're sitting on a gold mine, Trebek!

    Alex Trebek: Right, right.. say, let's move on to Final Jeopardy, that should be a lot of fun. And the category is: The Federalist Papers. Wait, wait, I'm sorry, that's my bad. That's for regular "Jeopardy", which we'll be taping later today. Your category is: Horsies. All you have to do is tell me "Are Horsies pretty?"

    Yes or no, we'll except either answer. "Are Horsies pretty?". Keep in mind, there's no wrong answer.
    Let's see what all of you wrote, starting with you, Mr. Cage, and you wrote.. and you're podium is gone..

    NC - I don't know where it went, I'm confused.

    AT - You lost you podium? I don't see.. you know what - I don't care. Let's move on. Calista Flockhart.

    CF - What? What?

    AT - Settle down, just relax. You wrote.. nothing. And you wagered.. nothing.

    CF - The pen was too heavy.

    AT -Fair enough. Mr. Connery?

    Connery - We meet again.

    AT - Let's see your answer.. * screen reads "Buck" * Oh, I'm sorry.. that must be you wager. A Buck. And you answer is Futter. Buck Futter, I don't get it.

    Connery Ohhhh.. I think you do, Trebek. I tThink you do, indeed

    greatest thing ever in life
  • Do you guys know about this
    Its pretty awesome... You type in something you want to search for and it makes a montage with the keyword from google pictures.

    I tid Okgo and Ok Go and made a coolio background for my comp (tiled it) ... I wish I could choose the pics but its still pretty wild.

  • that is amazing =D
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Dec 22 2005, 02:32 PM)
    that is amazing =D

    Yesss! I'm going to take full responsibility for its awesomeness!

    OMG I'm a Posty McPosterson! Everytime I get a new status I feel so privledged!
  • ^ i LOVE your new sig so much agentnumone...
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ Dec 22 2005, 03:24 PM)
    ^ i LOVE your new sig so much agentnumone...

    Thanks!!! I know it rocks to the max!
  • your sigi is wikid mad cool girl~
  • My entire memories of Celeb. Jep. can be sumemd up by two words:

    Turd Ferguson

    (p.s. I agree with all the others, agent: your sig made me giggle, and I love it)
  • random stuff:

    i feel like shit

  • Thank you all... Its really a Holiday gift to you... I saw it on Strokes Myspace and started laughing when I saw it.

    Boston is kicking Leaf ass!!! sad.gif
  • I just got new bedding. But it's queen sized and I have a full bed, so none of it fits right. I tried going up in the rafters again, but I couldn't find anything but dust, and old airplane parts. So my christmas tree has been waiting for two days to get some water.
  • random stuff
  • I don't know anything about Boston Rock. Is it a band? I've never heard of it. huh.gif
  • my boston bruins are beating the leafs arses apprently =D

  • Oh! Hockey. Yeah my brother plays. I like playing, but I don't really like competing. I just play roller hockey for fun sometimes. And I hate watching it on television. It's not the same as being at the game, you know? Atmosphere is everything...
  • I wish Boston didn't rock!!!! Toronto is ok but they've been sucking recently. HFOC, dude you like Hockey?! The leafs suck but I still love them... Go Leafs Go!.. Even though I know you'll loose.
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