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Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Dec 28 2005, 01:22 PM)
    ahh absurdist!!!!!!!! wub.gif

    lately I have been getting back into waiting for godot!!!!!!!!

    random note have you ever read hedwig and the angry inch?????/ craziest screenplay EVER!

    Ok, this is a late answer, but whatever.

    Sadly, I have not read the screenplay and I've only seen part of the movie (actually, my friend who introduced me to OK Go, the hardcore fan, showed me this... she's about a bajillion indie points ahead of me. haha).

    I should just watch it, but I'm so lazy.
  • its uber awesome and i totally suggest you watch it when you can!
  • And I shall! I shall watch it with... um, honor and valiance...

    no, that doesn't even make sense.

    Ok, my random contribution today:
    I went to New York City and:
    1)actually went to CBGBs (for the hellof it. We went back a second time because my friend lost his berret. Go fig.)
    2) Was kicked out of a hard-core store (don't ask. It involved a punk worker looking for someone to take anger out on and a confused me. I swear I'm not a bad person. I was kinda just bewildered)
    3) Ate way too much
    4) Saw Frankie Muniz in Chinatown (which was followed by my friend grabbing my arm and shouting "WAS THAT FRANKIE MUNIZ?!?!"). He was carrying a garbadge bag. Why? We couldn't figure it out
    5) Had a lip-synching party to Elephant Love Medley/Moulin Rouge songs while trying to stay awake
    6) Had a generally kick-ass time with friends being crazy on the streets of NYC

  • that soundslike an amazing wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ive been kicked out of stores b4...mainly bc im crazy...

    Today Dee and I went ot sq1 - she bought twister (for new years yay)
    we both bought underware yay
    went to jack astors - ate too much too quickly...suprisingly were not ID'd for the smirnoff we ordered....
    we met up with our other RAD friend to purchase boozeage ...
    saw a sign for mrlube that said "mr lube...we do rad"
    we died laughing however in a fit of hyperactivity i failed and said mr rad we do lube...ya

  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Dec 29 2005, 03:57 AM)
    saw a sign for mrlube that said "mr lube...we do rad"


    That's amazing.

    I was kicked out because I didn't button up something I was about to put back on the rack that I had tried on. The guy yelled at me to button it up, and I shot him a "why are you yelling at me?" confused look. He took that as a "I HATE YOU" look and grabbed the item from me and pushed me out.

    In retrospect, it was really amusing albeit somewhat confusing/upsetting at the time, hahaha.
  • lets go there..set his hair on fire ...

    Then run
  • I'm dying my hair today!

    Well, I'm not. My mom is.

    And I sound like I've been smoking my whole life. It's amusing. biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (RoRo @ Dec 29 2005, 01:10 PM)
    lets go there..set his hair on fire ...
    Then run

    HAHA. You may just be my favorite.


    I always wanted to do that flaming bag of dog poo. Maybe we could work something out. haha

    so i dated this jack ass blah blah he cheated one yadda i got one of those bubble envelopes and scopped my neighbours dogg popp in it...*i shit you not...ahh no pun intended*

    nehoo I mailed it too his house...he was going away for a few days or a week or w.eves...
    His brother picked up the mail and just dropped it in his room...

    he came back and his room smelled like shit!

    the moral of the story...
    i like nectarines
  • random? don't mind if i do.

    i love tennis shorts.
  • Great story

    Ever better moral

    Though I prefer clementies

    But then again, what's the difference?

    I like spaces!!!!11!!!one!!2!
  • mmm clemintines...

    tres yummy


    so leafs play tonight w00t!
  • I'm kinda hungry.

    My pants say "welcome to paradise."

    Someone is cleaning windows by me.

    Random sentences are fun.

    PeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs MaKe Me AnGrY
  • I have a little sis who types like that... you learn to live with it....
  • my sister types like this:

    "So, wat r y ^ 2 2day?"

  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Dec 29 2005, 11:32 AM)
    my sister types like this:

    "So, wat r y ^ 2 2day?"


    i seriously dont understand that... i feel sorry for you... sad.gif
  • This is how I would type it:

    "So, what are you up to today?"

    I always yell at her to type using REAL words, and then she goes: "Wat r u taking about?" (That's no typo, folks.)

    Grrrrrr . . . mad.gif
  • Wow. people get mad at me for not typing that way. Because I type using gramatically correct sentences and real words, so it takes me just a little longer to type than they want to wait for. Some people are so impatient. I hate when people type like that. It starts to get to the point where I don't know what they're trying to say to me.
  • QUOTE (cadillac64 @ Dec 29 2005, 03:25 PM)
    Wow. people get mad at me for not typing that way. Because I type using gramatically correct sentences and real words, so it takes me just a little longer to type than they want to wait for. Some people are so impatient. I hate when people type like that. It starts to get to the point where I don't know what they're trying to say to me.

  • My dad's a writer, so I grew up with grammar lessons getting shoved into my brain whenever I said something incorrectly. Now I'm just as anal about it as he is... dry.gif
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