In this Discussion

You know you're obsessed when...



  • hahaha, Sheri and Hungry! That's so funny!

    I was just washing the bathtub. My sister came in and said, "Stop making wiping motions to the tune of the song!" as I scrubbed. OK Go was, kind of like your buttering toast story, Alice.
    Actually, I hope I wasn't doing that while scrubbing the toilet- that seems odd, lol.
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 5 2007, 02:28 PM)
    Told you this already, Suzanne, but I was in England for a couple weeks for a school thing in the spring of '97, with most of that time spent in London. Damian was there in the spring of '97. Our group wound up in a gay bar one evening. Damian worked in a gay bar.

    Brad & I moved to northern Illinois in August '98. Damian moved to Chicago in '98, probably the summer. And, of course, they lived in Chicago up till '04 (without my knowing they existed, damnitalltohell ...).

    Brad & I went to Washington, D.C., on vacation in the summer of '93.

    I want to go back in time and observe all the times Damian and I were on the same street, in the same buildings, standing next to each other, etc., etc., like in all those flashbacks on Lost.

    WOAH, Sheri, that is such a weird coincidence! you were pretty much either following or being followed by Damian hahah That's so weird thinking you could have been in like the same store or something and not even know it!

    QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 5 2007, 02:28 PM)
    That is so cool.

    ya she is awesome!

    QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 5 2007, 02:28 PM)
    Art camp! Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok ... ok ........ go!

    hahahahaha laugh.gif
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Aug 5 2007, 02:02 PM)
    WOAH, Sheri, that is such a weird coincidence! you were pretty much either following or being followed by Damian hahah That's so weird thinking you could have been in like the same store or something and not even know it!

    Well, the coincidences aren't that great, but yeah, it's fun to think about in a completely unrealistic manner biggrin.gif
  • That's great Sheri! I wonder if you ever actually saw him.

    Oh, and that whole like doing things to the tune of a song, I do that all the time smile.gif haha, I love it.
  • and I think if we all think that way, it makes those of us who haven't met Damian feel like we were once remotely close. Close enough to breathe his used air! haha

    at least it makes me feel better. cool.gif
  • you have to get dressed for your own birthday party but don't want to leave this message board! tongue.gif

  • YKYOW...

    -Your mom tells you that your aunt lives in either Philadelphia OR Pennsylvania. and you just have to chuckle to yourself.

    -Every time you hear someone play a middle D at least twice in a row, you automatically start humming "The House Wins"
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Aug 4 2007, 08:32 PM)
    ^^^I bet you'll get in if you want to! I don't know how collages work exactly but i figure it's something like a university, and you're really clever so you'll be fine!

    awwwh, thanks JB. wub.gif
    All the Ivy League colleges are really hard to get into nowadays... except Cornell. I could prolly get into Cornell, but I didn't like Cornell that much. Anyways, I might get in, and I'll probably apply anyways, but they're definitely stretch schools.

    They had computers in the admission office at Brown, so I looked up the media&culture (or whatever it was called) department to read about the major in Semiotics =P

    And, both the tour guide for Columbia and the tour guide for Barnard (women's college inside Columbia, kinda random as Columbia College accepts girls too) mentioned the computer programming department of Columbia college, and that made me happy.

    And I wore my Ok Go shirt for the Brown tour, but no one noticed, or they didn't know that Damian had gone there. Except my brother. And he already thinks I'm ridiculous, so oh well.
  • YKYOW you have this conversation:

    Uber-Cool Friend: let's have a ridiculous drama-filled fight over YIM! wheee!
    Krista: sounds uber fun!
    Uber-Cool Friend: i think so. it should be fun, since it was my idea
    Krista: well then, i guess that's settled then
    Uber-Cool Friend: good
    Uber-Cool Friend: *throws riduculous insults*
    Krista: *drowns them out with creative Shakespearean insults*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *slaps you*
    Krista: *slaps you with a herring*
    Krista: *and then a salmon*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *bites you*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *and eats the fish for dinner*
    Krista: *stabs you with a spork*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *screams, cries, and generally tantrums*
    Krista: *laughs*
    Krista: *maniacally*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *scratches you with demon-fingernails*
    Krista: *throws a box of tissues at you*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *claws at your eyes*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *throws banana peels beneath your feet*
    Krista: *having closed eyes to avoid having them clawed, slips on banana peel*
    Krista: *takes you down with me*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *resorts to fists to beat you up*
    Krista: *pulls out the big guns: really old, kind of smelly foam fingers*
    Krista: *pokes you with them*
    Krista: *in the eyes*
    Krista: *and ears*
    Krista: *and sometimes elbows*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *starts chanting football cheers and literally bores you to death*
    Krista: *sacrifices you for the good of the world*
    Krista: *then dies at the memory of the songs*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *ponders the fact that we both ended up dead because you didn't leave*
    Krista: *revels in the irony of it all*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *wishes she could kill you twice*
    Krista: *realizes how sad it is that we can be dead and still wishing for things*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *is depressed*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *takes it out on you*
    Krista: *laughs at your depression, sending you deeper into despair*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries to kill myself, only to realize i'm already dead*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries to kill you instead, realizes you also share my condition*
    Uber-Cool Friend: hmmm
    Uber-Cool Friend: tricky
    Krista: very
    Krista: and then...
    Krista: *they danced*
    Krista: *party music plays*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *dances to OK Go*
    Uber-Cool Friend: whee
    Uber-Cool Friend: life goes on
    Uber-Cool Friend: even if we aren't alive?
    Krista: quite
    Krista: i've got a hunch
    Krista: it's not over yet
    Uber-Cool Friend: haha
    Uber-Cool Friend: well, do what you want then
    Krista: hmm...well i want to breathe, as not breathing can cause you to die
    Krista: but that's a little difficult
    Krista: seeing as we're dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: well shoot
    Uber-Cool Friend: is that what caused us to die to begin with?
    Krista: in your case, yes
    Krista: as the sacrifice was performed with a very large pillow
    Uber-Cool Friend: ah
    Uber-Cool Friend: if you're bored to death, do you breathe?
    Krista: hmm...what i think happens is you get to the point where you just breathe one long breath out, and then are so focused on the boredom that you forget to breathe in again
    Krista: so yes, i guess that did cause me to die too
    Uber-Cool Friend: cool
    Uber-Cool Friend: except not, since we're dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: the house always wins
    Krista: aww, the house always win
    Krista: let's crash the parties of the living
    Uber-Cool Friend: if they don't like it, they can get over it
    Krista: and they better not ask me
    Krista: anything
    Krista: 'cause i won't answer. or something.
    Uber-Cool Friend: here it goes again, this cycle of you making things up
    Uber-Cool Friend: jeez
    Krista: wait a minute!!
    Uber-Cool Friend: fine
    Uber-Cool Friend: *waits*
    Krista: we're supposed to return!
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh yeah!
    Krista: how do we do that?
    Uber-Cool Friend: turn on the television, television, maybe they'll tell us!
    Krista: *does*
    Uber-Cool Friend: besides, there must be a million ways to do that
    Krista: is looking at hotties in tight jeans going to help?
    Krista: i know!
    Krista: we'll find a really hot pic of damian in jeans
    Krista: that'd get anyone's heart going
    Uber-Cool Friend: laugh.gif
    Uber-Cool Friend: you are so right
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries*
    Krista: *does too*
    Uber-Cool Friend: no sign of life...
    Uber-Cool Friend: maybe this time it'll work
    Krista: hmm...what to do...
    Uber-Cool Friend: we need a way to make ourselves invincible
    Krista: difficult
    Krista: and it seemed like such a good idea at the time
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh, it's a disaster!
    Krista: maybe surviving driving 1000 miles per hour for 9027 km will help
    Uber-Cool Friend: how about damian's mugshot?
    Uber-Cool Friend: he's so damn hot!
    Krista: and those beautiful cinnamon lips
    Krista: mm mm mm
    Uber-Cool Friend: there's a fire burning in my heart for you
    Uber-Cool Friend: that sounds so horribly fangirl
    Krista: well the the fangirldom rain!
    Krista: let it pour
    Krista: hallelujah!
    Krista: ooh, the fix is in! i've found the perfect bring-us-back-to-life pic
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh good
    Uber-Cool Friend: because lately it's so quiet
    Uber-Cool Friend: seeing as we can't talk being dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: ooooh, hello my treacherous friend
    Krista: hee
    Krista: well i sure am feeling alive again
    Uber-Cool Friend: go team
    Uber-Cool Friend: and damian
    Krista: shortly before the end of our deaths, i had a thought
    Uber-Cool Friend: just as i was saying bye bye, baby?
    Krista: quite
    Krista: i thought, first thing i wanna do when i get back to the earth is have some stroganoff
    Krista: being dead sure does work up an appetite
    Uber-Cool Friend: 0_o that sounds so delicious right now
    Uber-Cool Friend: wow
    Uber-Cool Friend: didn't realize you could get hungry by dying
    Krista: neither did i
    Uber-Cool Friend: brilliant!
    Krista: OK Go teaches us so much
    Uber-Cool Friend: we should start a new diet trend
    Uber-Cool Friend: the OK Go-curl-up-and-die-et
    Krista: laugh.gif laugh.gif
  • laugh.gif That was good. You're both uber-cool.
  • ykyow...

    it feels sacrelig' when you DON'T listen to them every single day, every song, more than once.
  • YKYOW you're gone camping all weekend and all you can think about is getting home to see the "Damian is HOT" thread

    YKYOW you dream that your other favorite band is yelling at you for cheating on them and beg you to come back! (true story, my mind is a veritable theme park)
  • QUOTE (KristaMichelle @ Aug 6 2007, 01:33 AM)
    YKYOW you have this conversation:
    Uber-Cool Friend: let's have a ridiculous drama-filled fight over YIM! wheee!
    Krista: sounds uber fun!
    Uber-Cool Friend: i think so. it should be fun, since it was my idea
    Krista: well then, i guess that's settled then
    Uber-Cool Friend: good
    Uber-Cool Friend: *throws riduculous insults*
    Krista: *drowns them out with creative Shakespearean insults*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *slaps you*
    Krista: *slaps you with a herring*
    Krista: *and then a salmon*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *bites you*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *and eats the fish for dinner*
    Krista: *stabs you with a spork*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *screams, cries, and generally tantrums*
    Krista: *laughs*
    Krista: *maniacally*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *scratches you with demon-fingernails*
    Krista: *throws a box of tissues at you*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *claws at your eyes*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *throws banana peels beneath your feet*
    Krista: *having closed eyes to avoid having them clawed, slips on banana peel*
    Krista: *takes you down with me*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *resorts to fists to beat you up*
    Krista: *pulls out the big guns: really old, kind of smelly foam fingers*
    Krista: *pokes you with them*
    Krista: *in the eyes*
    Krista: *and ears*
    Krista: *and sometimes elbows*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *starts chanting football cheers and literally bores you to death*
    Krista: *sacrifices you for the good of the world*
    Krista: *then dies at the memory of the songs*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *ponders the fact that we both ended up dead because you didn't leave*
    Krista: *revels in the irony of it all*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *wishes she could kill you twice*
    Krista: *realizes how sad it is that we can be dead and still wishing for things*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *is depressed*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *takes it out on you*
    Krista: *laughs at your depression, sending you deeper into despair*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries to kill myself, only to realize i'm already dead*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries to kill you instead, realizes you also share my condition*
    Uber-Cool Friend: hmmm
    Uber-Cool Friend: tricky
    Krista: very
    Krista: and then...
    Krista: *they danced*
    Krista: *party music plays*
    Uber-Cool Friend: *dances to OK Go*
    Uber-Cool Friend: whee
    Uber-Cool Friend: life goes on
    Uber-Cool Friend: even if we aren't alive?
    Krista: quite
    Krista: i've got a hunch
    Krista: it's not over yet
    Uber-Cool Friend: haha
    Uber-Cool Friend: well, do what you want then
    Krista: hmm...well i want to breathe, as not breathing can cause you to die
    Krista: but that's a little difficult
    Krista: seeing as we're dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: well shoot
    Uber-Cool Friend: is that what caused us to die to begin with?
    Krista: in your case, yes
    Krista: as the sacrifice was performed with a very large pillow
    Uber-Cool Friend: ah
    Uber-Cool Friend: if you're bored to death, do you breathe?
    Krista: hmm...what i think happens is you get to the point where you just breathe one long breath out, and then are so focused on the boredom that you forget to breathe in again
    Krista: so yes, i guess that did cause me to die too
    Uber-Cool Friend: cool
    Uber-Cool Friend: except not, since we're dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: the house always wins
    Krista: aww, the house always win
    Krista: let's crash the parties of the living
    Uber-Cool Friend: if they don't like it, they can get over it
    Krista: and they better not ask me
    Krista: anything
    Krista: 'cause i won't answer. or something.
    Uber-Cool Friend: here it goes again, this cycle of you making things up
    Uber-Cool Friend: jeez
    Krista: wait a minute!!
    Uber-Cool Friend: fine
    Uber-Cool Friend: *waits*
    Krista: we're supposed to return!
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh yeah!
    Krista: how do we do that?
    Uber-Cool Friend: turn on the television, television, maybe they'll tell us!
    Krista: *does*
    Uber-Cool Friend: besides, there must be a million ways to do that
    Krista: is looking at hotties in tight jeans going to help?
    Krista: i know!
    Krista: we'll find a really hot pic of damian in jeans
    Krista: that'd get anyone's heart going
    Uber-Cool Friend: laugh.gif
    Uber-Cool Friend: you are so right
    Uber-Cool Friend: *tries*
    Krista: *does too*
    Uber-Cool Friend: no sign of life...
    Uber-Cool Friend: maybe this time it'll work
    Krista: hmm...what to do...
    Uber-Cool Friend: we need a way to make ourselves invincible
    Krista: difficult
    Krista: and it seemed like such a good idea at the time
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh, it's a disaster!
    Krista: maybe surviving driving 1000 miles per hour for 9027 km will help
    Uber-Cool Friend: how about damian's mugshot?
    Uber-Cool Friend: he's so damn hot!
    Krista: and those beautiful cinnamon lips
    Krista: mm mm mm
    Uber-Cool Friend: there's a fire burning in my heart for you
    Uber-Cool Friend: that sounds so horribly fangirl
    Krista: well the the fangirldom rain!
    Krista: let it pour
    Krista: hallelujah!
    Krista: ooh, the fix is in! i've found the perfect bring-us-back-to-life pic
    Uber-Cool Friend: oh good
    Uber-Cool Friend: because lately it's so quiet
    Uber-Cool Friend: seeing as we can't talk being dead
    Uber-Cool Friend: ooooh, hello my treacherous friend
    Krista: hee
    Krista: well i sure am feeling alive again
    Uber-Cool Friend: go team
    Uber-Cool Friend: and damian
    Krista: shortly before the end of our deaths, i had a thought
    Uber-Cool Friend: just as i was saying bye bye, baby?
    Krista: quite
    Krista: i thought, first thing i wanna do when i get back to the earth is have some stroganoff
    Krista: being dead sure does work up an appetite
    Uber-Cool Friend: 0_o that sounds so delicious right now
    Uber-Cool Friend: wow
    Uber-Cool Friend: didn't realize you could get hungry by dying
    Krista: neither did i
    Uber-Cool Friend: brilliant!
    Krista: OK Go teaches us so much
    Uber-Cool Friend: we should start a new diet trend
    Uber-Cool Friend: the OK Go-curl-up-and-die-et
    Krista: laugh.gif laugh.gif

    You and your Uber-cool friend are so brilliantly awesome! To bad you didnt have enough time to sing "Shortly Before the End" before dying. but you were coming back anyway, right? laugh.gif
  • YKYOW...

    You look in the "O" section in rock CDs at the library just to make sure that the albums arent actually on the shelves and instead spreading the OK Go love in someone's music player.
  • YKYOW...

    you're wearing a pair of patterned/plaidish pants and your friend goes to you, "Did Damian Kulash pick those out for you." hahaha

    or one day you're wearing these redish pants with this cool like paisley vest and your friend says "Wow, you look very OK Goish today." haha
  • QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Aug 6 2007, 07:45 PM)

    You look in the "O" section in rock CDs at the library just to make sure that the albums arent actually on the shelves and instead spreading the OK Go love in someone's music player.

    Haha, today I was in Best Buy and I made a special stop at the O's to make sure they were still carrying OK Go's cds.
  • QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Aug 6 2007, 07:45 PM)

    You look in the "O" section in rock CDs at the library just to make sure that the albums arent actually on the shelves and instead spreading the OK Go love in someone's music player.

    At the Harry Potter midnight party, I was so happy to see that there was just one copy of Oh No left. biggrin.gif
  • Thanks, sheri and Tapegrl. biggrin.gif I really think the uber-coolness of OK Go rubs off on all fans. That friend and I have actually had quite a few conversations where we slip in as many OK Go references as possible, but that one is by far my favorite.

    QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 6 2007, 07:16 PM)
    Haha, today I was in Best Buy and I made a special stop at the O's to make sure they were still carrying OK Go's cds.

    Hee, I do that every time I go somewhere that sells CD's.
  • LOL by the way, has anyone ever noticed what "OH NO" spells out upside-down?

    *everyone runs to get their OH NO albums*
  • laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif That's quite an observation.
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