In this Discussion

You know you're obsessed when...



  • YKYO...when you're seriously thinking on printing this image on your pillowcase so that it's the first thing you see when you wake up...


  • YKYOW you see "DW" on someone's license plate and you immediately finish it off in your head with "YW".
  • you fdknow your abosess ed we;hn you come here cirst shwe you nget ohom reom the bar and you dreave;sm about theam inand surfer syousa i love oyusr picture you poased!
    In my 2D Art class, we had to do a simple value scale... dark to light, first using shading, then diagonal lines, and then pick our own way to do it. I picked paisley. It took forever, but MAN, it looks great.
    Ooh Shalu, any chance of us seeing your incredible artwork?

    i have paisley shoes!

    Where? Where? Where did you get them? For the love of Paul and Julian, you must tell me where you got them, so I can get a pair! The ones I saw had basically a darker version of this site's background wallpaper. So very cool.

    I wear those Cuban boots and/or whatever those are that Damian wears onstage (what are they called again? I just know them when I see them), but I've ALWAYS worn those; they're kinda my trademark. (Kinda irrelevant as far as obsession, then. I'm just chiming in for the convo and I approve wholeheartedly of Damian's footwear choice there) ;-)
    Wingtips! Whee! Sorry, I'm sorta obsessed with OK Go's wardrobe, and my friend and I paid WAY too much attention to their shoes when we saw them, haha.

    you fdknow your abosess ed we;hn you come here cirst shwe you nget ohom reom the bar and you dreave;sm about theam inand surfer syousa i love oyusr picture you poased!

  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Sep 14 2007, 02:22 AM)
    you fdknow your abosess ed we;hn you come here cirst shwe you nget ohom reom the bar and you dreave;sm about theam inand surfer syousa i love oyusr picture you poased!

    I'll translate from Drunkkatiese:

    You know you're obsessed when you come here first when you get home from the bar and you have dreams about them and Surfer Rosa I love your picture you posted!
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Sep 14 2007, 07:22 AM)
    you fdknow your abosess ed we;hn you come here cirst shwe you nget ohom reom the bar and you dreave;sm about theam inand surfer syousa i love oyusr picture you poased!

    I wub.gif drunk Katie.

    YKYOW your parents decide to get rid of the old, broken, non-electric treadmill in your living room, and you protest by crying "Noooo!!!" to which your mom immediately replies with "Alice, you've tried the dance on it and it just doesn't work. You have OTHER things with an OK Go connection, don't worry!"

    And so you 'say goodbye' by doing the Jamiroquai (sp?) on it, one last time.

    EDIT - They kept the treadmill for me!! YAY!
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Sep 14 2007, 08:04 AM)
    I'll translate from Drunkkatiese:

    You know you're obsessed when you come here first when you get home from the bar and you have dreams about them and Surfer Rosa I love your picture you posted!

    holy shit rachel. you are GOOOOOOOOD
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Sep 14 2007, 09:39 AM)
    holy shit rachel. you are GOOOOOOOOD

    I do my best. How are you feeling this morning?
  • hahahah i'm wonderful actually!! i managed to stay awake awhile after i attacked the boards, to drink water and eat food... i'm always SO hungry after a night of drinking... pamplemousse pamplemousse pamplemousse
  • YKYOW You see the word "just" in your textbook and you automatically think of Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore.

    edit: i love the Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore filter!
    You know you're obsessed when you come here first when you get home from the bar and you have dreams about them and Surfer Rosa I love your picture you posted!

    Wow! Thanks for translating that! Haha. You're brilliant!

    YKYOW upon taking pictures of each other with your friends for fun and when asked to do "stupid faces", you do your Zoolander-esque "Blue Steel" only to have your friend say "Yeah nice pout DAMIAN!"

    Hmm, actually, that would make my friend the obsessed one in this case, not me.
  • Every time I see this thread as last posted in this forum on the index page, (does that make sense) I misread it as "You know you're obese"

    I think it shows up as "You know you're obsesse..." Wait. Lemme check.

    ETA: Yup, that's it exactly. It makes me think of Yo momma so fat jokes. "You know you're obese when you sit around the house, you sit AROUND the house."
  • YKYOW you see boxer shorts with robots on them at Target and you immediately think of OK Go...
  • YKYOW you're homecoming dress shopping with your friend, and you cannot stop staring at the red pants on the wall and saying to your friend "You have to get those! And then we'll have MATCHING DAMIAN PANTS."

    YKYOW you are sad that your friend does not buy said pants.
  • aw. if i were with you, I would've bought them to match you. If that makes you feel any better. What store was it?!
  • Torrid, which is a place I'd never heard of before. They had some really scary Halloween underwear. 0_o
  • LOL oh i've seen that place! i'm scared to go in though. but then again, I'm even afraid of Hot Topic.
  • Lol, that is so funny. I love Hot Topic. In fact, we went there right after we went to Torrid. Torrid was more fun as we actually bought something there (homecoming dress) Some people in Hot Topic were scaring us, so we left before we found anything good. Then we went to Claire's and got best friend rings and I fell in love with a hat, but didn't buy it. [/tangent]
  • Sounds like fun. I love shopping when I actually have money to spend.
    I remember when I was afraid of Hot Topic. They have some really cute shirts there. And the people that work there at our mall are pretty nice.

    I used to have a million of those best friends neclaces/rings/bracelets from Claries. I think I lost them all haha.
  • LOL i'm scared of Claires too.
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