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shut up and kiss me



  • aww JB!
    do you know his name??

    and yeah you're accurate about your description of geeks vs. nerds.. well i suppose everyone has their own way of looking at it, but for me.. a nerd is intelligent, yet still fun.. whereas a geek is just psycho about school and like video games or whatever.. like a nerd knows how to balance out nerdy things with normal things..

    man everyday at work i hope some random cute guy will come in but it never happens! oh except for one time this adorable guy came in and i was in the fitting room covering someones break and he tried something on. his name was nico (i asked so i could write it on the door) and aw he was cute.. but then he left and bought his shirt (yay he didn't leave piles of unwanted shit haha). but yeah after that, never a cute one again. gr!

    haha vinnie i'm going to listen to that now! smile.gif
  • haha umm I should know his name eh? hmm I'm pretty sure it starts with J... might be Jared, actually it might be something like Todd. Ts look like Js sometimes laugh.gif The problem is he never wears his name tag so it's tricky to tell.

    aww I'm sorry you don't get more cute guys at your work! When I had a job I only got sleazy men who'd try and pick you up or cute guys with their girlfriends, seriously, always with girlfriends!

    uhh you write people's names on the change room door? that seems really odd to me laugh.gif
  • haha yeah we have little white boards on each door...
    something about better customer service i dunno whateverrr

    and yeah on the rare occasion theres a cute one.. they were dragged there with their girlfriends haha.

    next time you go to gloria jeans you should ask him his name!
    or be like.. i wanna try something new today.. any suggestions?
    and he'll be like blah blah
    and you'll be like ooh sounds good
    and then you get your drink and you say oo this is delicious thanks uhh i didn't catch your name..
    and he'll say oh i'm Jared/Todd.. and you'll be lke thanks coffee boy i'll see ya around *wink and gun*

    okay minus the wink and the gun haha wink.gif
  • hahaa that's amazing!! The wink and gun is totally staying in there!!!
    Now that I think about it, I don't think either of them are his name... oh well, on Monday I'll go for it and find out for sure!

    Thanks Ambie! smile.gif
  • if you were in a situation where you liked someone, and they seem to like you back..but they're 3 years older than you, what would you do?
  • Well, it depends on like, your ages, and the people. If there seems to be a big age difference mentally, it would seem kinda weird. But if your feelings are true, you could just ignore the ages.
  • ^I second that.

    I'm a big help, I know. tongue.gif

    QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Aug 16 2007, 11:49 PM)
    I get what you're saying about nerds vs geeks. I suppose "geeks" is the more appropriate term for whatever it is they give us at my school. Nerds can be endearing and have social skills, in my experience geeks don't generally have any skills other than computing (big generalisation there)

    Hmm. Interesting. We define nerds and geeks in the complete opposite way at my school. Nerds are the ones with the lack of social skills, and geeks are...well, rather like me. Most of us are in theatre. We have social skills, we're just very different from what you might call "normal teenagers."

    Oh, and I emailed that guy back. Convinced him to be just my friend for now. Woo!
  • QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 17 2007, 04:20 PM)
    Well, it depends on like, your ages, and the people. If there seems to be a big age difference mentally, it would seem kinda weird. But if your feelings are true, you could just ignore the ages.

    thanks! it'll be a while before anything REALLY happens though. if it does happen.
  • Aww, good luck!!! biggrin.gif
  • i like someone whose like 15 years older than me lol (i think we had this conversation in the dream thread haha) my aunt and uncle are 10 years apart if that helps
  • So are my aunt and uncle!
    But what you get to a certain age, 10 years seems like nothing, since they are basically at the same stage in their lives. Like if someone who was going into college liked someone who was going into highschool, it would be more difficult, and probably raise more eyebrows. But still, depending on the people, it may work.
  • QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 17 2007, 04:44 PM)
    i like someone whose like 15 years older than me lol (i think we had this conversation in the dream thread haha) my aunt and uncle are 10 years apart if that helps

    oh good! that DEFINITELY helps. biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (meliswilis @ Aug 17 2007, 02:09 PM)
    if you were in a situation where you liked someone, and they seem to like you back..but they're 3 years older than you, what would you do?

    i actuallly find that a three year difference is lovely.. at least at the stage of life i'm in right now.
    i think i just don't really like the vast majority of college boys.. they're so.. immature and stupid. haha.
  • i'm going to visit him at work tomorrow...but he already knows that.

  • I am falling for my ex again. Which is bad, because he has a(n ugly horse-faced) girlfriend whom he is very infatuated with, and he lives on the other side of the continent now... BOO. I need some incredibly attractive boy to distract me so I can pretend like I don't care about Jason and hopefully it will eventually come true. biggrin.gif
  • I fucking hate saying goodbye. I'm going to have a kick-ass time in Montreal, and last year he was able to come up once every couple of weeks, but it's the saying goodbye and the transition from seeing him every day to seeing him, well, once every couple of weeks that's difficult. I've taken to listening to his heart beat and that's hard to do over the phone.

    Not to mention that I HATE saying goodbye to my friends from home (I know they're not a romantic relationship, but they're a relationship that's just as valid and just as valuable as any romantic one). I hate to brag, but I have some pretty kick-ass friends. We renovate abandoned houses with things we found while dumpster diving, we do the wave as cars pass while sitting on the side of the road, we listen to Boston's "More Than a Feeling" on repeat for entire car rides, and we have Freaks & Geeks marathons where we quote the lines for weeks afterwards ("You know who else cut corners? Janis Joplin"). Again, it's not that I feel alone in Montreal (in fact it's the opposite; my friends up there are kick-ass as well and keep me more than adequately entertained), but it's going from one extreme (seeing them all the time) to the other (seeing them during winter break, et al).

    Why is this still so difficult when I know for a FACT that I'm going to have a blast in Montreal?
  • Because you're leaving a good thing regardless of the fact that you're leaving it for another good thing. It's still a bummer.

    I'm sorry!
  • Thanks darling, but I'm PMSing and most likely just feeling completely sorry for myself when I have no reason to act so.

    Thanks anyway though. smile.gif
  • Hey no problem. I've been PMSing for 3 weeks straight. I understand!!

    but I still you're allowed to miss your friends and boyfriend, even if you are going to have a good time.
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