In this Discussion

shut up and kiss me



  • I saw coffee boy! I was in line at the register and I hadn't seen him yet so I decided couldn't use Ambie's fabulous dialogue, then he appeared out of nowhere and opened the next register. I was so flustered I forgot what I was supposed to say sad.gif

    The last few times he's opened the other register so I could go straight to the front and he remembered my name again! He doesn't remember any of my friends names and they get a bit jealous wink.gif

    So, what I'm trying to say is I still don't know his name. Mabye tomorrow...
  • today i have gym with this cute guy from spain with an accent!
  • uGGH! So last night, my boyfriend totally asked me have cyber with him, and Iwas like omg!!!

    Just Kidding!! wink.gif
  • I hate boys!!
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Aug 20 2007, 01:38 PM)
    uGGH! So last night, my boyfriend totally asked me have cyber with him, and Iwas like omg!!!
    Just Kidding!! wink.gif

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
    I may have snorted with laughter at this.

    Lukass hasn't spoken to me in a while - he's been really off with me, and it turns out he's very anti-drugs and anti-alcohol. I mean, he lectured me when I told him that I tried pot while in Amsterdam. Bit of a turn off, tbh. Hmph.

    Amy, I'm sorry you have to say goodbye - but maybe going to Montreal where you'll have an amazing time anyway (so you won't exactly be down the whole time) will make you appreciate it even more when you go back again in the winter? It's like being on a constant vacation - you're either taking a break from Montreal, and seeing your boyfriend and home friends all the time, or you're taking a break from home to have loads of fun in Montreal! Does that make sense? :S
  • Ok, now I really do have to bitch about guys. He's not my boyfriend. But oh he's so frustrating!!! I mean, we're not together, I don't want us to be together (i used to) so why do I give a care what he does?? Or doesn't do? Why am I pressing the "check mail" button repeatedly over and over again if I don't care. Yes, it's annoying that he only talks me to when he needs a shoulder to cry on, and it's obnoxious that now he's not upset and not talking to me, but so what?!?!? I don't want to be with him, not at all, but I still want him to pay attention to me?? What is that? Should I get that looked at? That ain't right!

    Ya know, I was fine when he stopped talking to me. Oh I was pissed off at first, but I got over it pretty quickly. And then he calls me up with problems, which I thought was shitty, but not half as much as what he was going through. I couldn't kick him while he was down. And his drama isn't over, but apparently it's not affecting him so much that he needs me to lean on anymore.

    I don't mind listening to his problems or being there for him when he needs me, I don't mind it at all. But I want the good with the bad. Don't email me 30 times a day when you're upset and then not at all when you aren't. It's not fair!!!

    Not that I care or anything image

    But seriously. I don't want him anymore, so why am I so upset that he's ignoring me??

    ETA: I almost wrote him but I stopped myself. Stuff was supposed to happen with him today. I have no clue if it did or not. God at least if you're gonna confide your problems in me you have to at least have to keep me posted, even if it's to say "nothing's happened yet" Uggh!! I'm so mad and worried. I wanna throw an old fashioned temper tantum and scream at him and throw things (not at him).

    But I don't guess that's terribly professional. And bitching on the internet is just not as satisfying.

    I need to shoot some cans or something. But I don't have a gun, or a place to shoot, or knowledge of how to use a gun, or desire to own one.
    Batting cage? I don't think I could hit enough to make that satisfying.

    There's gotta be something constructive (or at least not DEstructive) I can do with all this pent up bullshit I"m feeling. A kickboxing class might do it. But I've got too much to do this week to fit that in, plus I don't even know the gym's schedule anymore I haven't been there in so long.
  • i know how you feel......just becuase you dont want to be with him doesnt mean you dont still care about him thats prbably why its only human for that to happen nothing is wrong with you it happens to everybody
  • I just wish I knew what to do with it. I feel so pent up right now. It's gonna explode. It's gonna explode next week when I see him huh?
    I want this trip to be over so I just shut the door completely. That's not what I want, but I don't wanna feel like this either.
    I hate it.
  • bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


    i'm so confused.
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Aug 20 2007, 10:38 PM)
    uGGH! So last night, my boyfriend totally asked me have cyber with him, and Iwas like omg!!!
    Just Kidding!! wink.gif

    laugh.gif haha oh that is spot on!! hmm.. actually, you may need to throw in a few more "likes" though wink.gif

    I swear if you can lure them out of talking about their precious babies they will only pretend to be listening to you while they check their phones every 5 seconds! I mean, I was genuinely interested when it all started but now i've heard the stories so many times and I couldn't care less.
  • Except I did go on to bitch about a boy. Sorry. it's really bugging me today. Really bad!
  • Why does it keep saying there's new posts in this thread when there's not. Weird.

    Oh well.
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Aug 20 2007, 05:41 PM)
    Except I did go on to bitch about a boy. Sorry. it's really bugging me today. Really bad!

    thats what this thread is for!
  • Heh, thanks. And I do appreciate you listenin to it all.

    My email notifier just went off and I got all excited.
    It was netflix. sad.gif
  • aww dont worry things will get better just dont be so hard on yourself in the meantime
  • I'm trying not to. Car shopping helped take my mind off of it. But when I heard that PEW!! and then it was "newly arrived DVD's for sale." That was kinda a let down.
  • you should have a girls night out with all your friends that will keep your mind off of it
  • Actually the Vegas trip turned into that!! laugh.gif My birthday party's Saturday, that should be fun.
  • haha i hope you have an awesome time!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Aug 20 2007, 09:48 AM)
    Lukass hasn't spoken to me in a while - he's been really off with me, and it turns out he's very anti-drugs and anti-alcohol. I mean, he lectured me when I told him that I tried pot while in Amsterdam. Bit of a turn off, tbh. Hmph.

    i like this guy, marry him.
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