biking is the way to go
aaw! You poor thing! But don't worry- everyone has to have their first bangup. I had two. First I hit the mirrors into the garage. And then I collided with a guy. I mean, his car. But it was ok, b/c he drove away so the insurance never had to know and I fixed the car up.
Point: Don't give up! You're still a great driver and this was just a learning experience.
biking is the way to go
Like Courtney said, at least you're okay and not in a hospital or anything.
I didn't even have my license yet when I got into my first accident. I was turning into a parking lot and a car was coming out, but I didn't turn enough, so I hit the side of the other car. My car was okay, but there was a huge dent in the other car and they started freaking out and yelling at my dad and telling him that he shouldn't let me drive ever. It sucked and I cried for like hours afterward, but after a month I started driving again.
I still hate driving though... bleh And I always feel bad when I load up the gas... It's so expensive... and my car is totally killing the environment... it's fuel efficient but still
Oh the car woes abound!!! Yeah, as awesome as the freedom of driving is it comes with a huge responsibility.
Christy, I'm sorry your clutch is burnt. Do ya'll have plans to get it fixed? I'd really love to learn to drive a standard, but I don't want to borrow someone's and risk messing their clutch up. And I didn't wanna buy a new one and mess my own clutch up either. Plus I don't think my car came with manual transmission. OH well.
And Claret. I'm so sorry about your fender bender, but as the others said, it does happen to everybody. Did you do the right thing and leave a note on the car with your insurnace info and all that. Or I guess first, was there any damage to their car. Gosh, I've been in sooo many wrecks.
I don't even know if I can remember them all. In my 9 year driving career:
I backed into Hardee's once. Knocked a couple bricks out. My fault. I was driving at night and the road split, but I didn't see it and went striaght and hit a tree. My fault. I tapped a girl at a stop light, barely. No damage to either vehicle. My first ticket. My fault. A deer ran into my driver side door, barely denting it. Deer's fault. I kissed a car pulling into a parking space. Their bumper to my passenger door. No damage to them, my passenger door was screwed. My fault. A car backed into me as I was driving through a parking lot. Minimal damage to my car. Her fault. My uncle backed into my car Thanksgiving. His fault. While looking for a body shop to fix my uncle's ding I rear ended a car, totalling my car. My fault. I got rear ended. No damage to my car, her hood was screwed. Her fault.
And in the past 2 months: #3 in a 3 car pile up: I rear ended a girl on the interstate, pushing her into the car ahead of her. minor damage to their vehicles, major damage to mine. My fault. #1 in a very similar 3 car pile up: Girl behind me got rear ended and pushed into me. Middle car sustained MAJOR damage, my back bumper's tore up, #3 had very little damage.
Accidents happen. Cars can be fixed or replaced. What's important is for all the damage above, the only person I've ever hurt was myself. I ended up in the hospital after the tree wreck. Had a big hole in my head that had to be stitched up. But no permanent damage *jerks head* damage *jerks again* damage. And now I get to say "I need that like I need ANOTHER hole in my head." Ohh I had a numb spot right there too for like 2 years. I didn't think i'd ever get feeling back, but I did.
Well, i suppose I don't know the fate of the deer. I turned around to look for it but it was gone.
Christy, I'm sorry your clutch is burnt. Do ya'll have plans to get it fixed? I'd really love to learn to drive a standard, but I don't want to borrow someone's and risk messing their clutch up. And I didn't wanna buy a new one and mess my own clutch up either. Plus I don't think my car came with manual transmission. OH well.
Yeah it ended up not being burnt it was because of my dad when he changed the oil he didn't put somthing back in it so yeah now its fixed and im happy!
is "a shot at love with tila tequila" real?! like... it's insulting. i'm so annoyed now. the hills is about as far as i will go for "bad" reality tv... but wow. okay. dlskafj;dsjfk;ds
is "a shot at love with tila tequila" real?! like... it's insulting. i'm so annoyed now. the hills is about as far as i will go for "bad" reality tv... but wow. okay. dlskafj;dsjfk;ds
HAHAHAHA Oh god Tila Tequila. Between her and Jeffree Star, I don't know how the internet continues to exist.
lol i saw the beginning of it, like, her intro about herself. she was talking about how she was a musician and she knows all of us viewers have probably seen them, and they showed a part of it, and she was like, rolling around on the ground all wet and then i changed it... wtf?!
I really hate my TA. So much. He's trigger happy. He marks me down on 1) retarded things that nobody in the world cares about and 2) things he claims I didn't have when I actually did but he's too lazy to read everything I wrote to see it. It's not my fault you people are idiotic and have us hand things in during lab so I write messy and disorganized- maybe if you let me type it up it would be easier for you to read! God, why can't you grade on whether I understand it and not if I included random things that go without saying? And besides that, I can't understand anything he says b/c he has this reeeally thick accent and can hardly speak English- but appearantly he can write English well enough to take off 6 points here, 8 points there, another 5 off for good measure.
I swear to God, if I ever become a TA in my life, I am going to be really nice. I don't know why these people can't remember just a few years ago you were struggling like us. They can't give us a break, jeez.
-STILL not being able to register my car. Because my mom wrote over the number "1" with...another "1." Because she didn't think the ink was thick enough. The paper was NOT tampered with, lady. So pissed.
I really hate my TA. So much. He's trigger happy. He marks me down on 1) retarded things that nobody in the world cares about and 2) things he claims I didn't have when I actually did but he's too lazy to read everything I wrote to see it. It's not my fault you people are idiotic and have us hand things in during lab so I write messy and disorganized- maybe if you let me type it up it would be easier for you to read! God, why can't you grade on whether I understand it and not if I included random things that go without saying? And besides that, I can't understand anything he says b/c he has this reeeally thick accent and can hardly speak English- but appearantly he can write English well enough to take off 6 points here, 8 points there, another 5 off for good measure.
I swear to God, if I ever become a TA in my life, I am going to be really nice. I don't know why these people can't remember just a few years ago you were struggling like us. They can't give us a break, jeez.
psst Sally, I know you're in Boston, but where do you actually go to school? Just curious, you don't have to tell me
anyways, that sounds bad I'm sorry. My mom had problems w/ TAs too, that's why I'ma try and go somewhere with a limited or nonexistent graduate program. Then again, I've heard that alot of times TAs make better teachers than the actual professors do eh, oh well. I've already picked out the colleges I'm applying to, so wherever I get in, we'll see
and for an actual complaint..... I have to write a whole college application essay tonight, for English class. and prepare for this seminar thing on Night, by Elie Wiesel. kghakgjkg it's a good book, but I'm really not up to English homework right now.
In order to graduate, I have certain things I have to proove I can do by myself, with no help from a teacher. These tests are called Competencies. In Oral Surgery, I have to do five Competencies (3 simple extractions and 2 surgical extractions where you have to actually open the gum and remove some bone in order to do the extraction).
Today I did the most perfect ideal surgical extraction all by myself. But the stupid fucking oral surgery department won't count it as a Competency because I didn't let the oral surgery teacher know ahead of time that I wanted to do a competency. Fucking hell! I did the surgery all by myself with no help from the teacher. Isn't that the definition of "competent." After the fact, I'm supposed to magically know what the department requires?? I only have so much time there and there are so many other students who need to get things done, I don't have time to fuck around. Not Fair! Not Fair! Not Fair!!!
awww tempe!!! that REALLY sucks... and there is absolutely NO way around it??
ummm my complaint. i'm sick of people not bringing their problems concerning me, TO me... they instead talk about it behind my back, when i do them the common courtesy of talking to the person it regards. i'm seriously so sick of half the people i interact with on a daily basis
Awww Tempe!! That sucks, a lot! You're brilliant though, you could do a million of those prolly
I have mail from Carleton U
I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CARLETON I applied for free moneyz (a whole free year of tuition, actually) at the university fair like a month ago-ish...
I don't want to open it, what if they're like "we give you money if you come here" and then my parents are like "brilliant, you must go" and nobody else wants to give me money and I have to go to Carleton because I can't pay to go anywhere else??? AHHHHH!!!!
It's really cool that people want to give me stuff so early though... but I still don't want to go to Carleton
im getting so fookin' stressed out about applying to graduate school...
i just dont have the grades to get in ... gah... i should of just went to community collage and gotten this whole stupid school thing out of the way in the first place.
i mean... ughhh i dont know what im going to be doing in the next 10years, let alone what i will be doing next year.
biking is the way to go
aaw! You poor thing!
But don't worry- everyone has to have their first bangup. I had two. First I hit the mirrors into the garage.
And then I collided with a guy. I mean, his car. But it was ok, b/c he drove away so the insurance never had to know and I fixed the car up.
Point: Don't give up! You're still a great driver and this was just a learning experience.
biking is the way to go
At least you're not hurt!
And still, even if you were bound to riding a bicycle all your life, you'd still be universes cooler than all those non-boardie chumps!
biking is the way to go
Like Courtney said, at least you're okay and not in a hospital or anything.
I didn't even have my license yet when I got into my first accident. I was turning into a parking lot and a car was coming out, but I didn't turn enough, so I hit the side of the other car. My car was okay, but there was a huge dent in the other car and they started freaking out and yelling at my dad and telling him that he shouldn't let me drive ever. It sucked and I cried for like hours afterward, but after a month I started driving again.
I still hate driving though... bleh
And I always feel bad when I load up the gas...
Christy, I'm sorry your clutch is burnt. Do ya'll have plans to get it fixed? I'd really love to learn to drive a standard, but I don't want to borrow someone's and risk messing their clutch up. And I didn't wanna buy a new one and mess my own clutch up either. Plus I don't think my car came with manual transmission. OH well.
And Claret. I'm so sorry about your fender bender, but as the others said, it does happen to everybody. Did you do the right thing and leave a note on the car with your insurnace info and all that. Or I guess first, was there any damage to their car. Gosh, I've been in sooo many wrecks.
I don't even know if I can remember them all. In my 9 year driving career:
I backed into Hardee's once. Knocked a couple bricks out. My fault.
I was driving at night and the road split, but I didn't see it and went striaght and hit a tree. My fault.
I tapped a girl at a stop light, barely. No damage to either vehicle. My first ticket. My fault.
A deer ran into my driver side door, barely denting it. Deer's fault.
I kissed a car pulling into a parking space. Their bumper to my passenger door. No damage to them, my passenger door was screwed. My fault.
A car backed into me as I was driving through a parking lot. Minimal damage to my car. Her fault.
My uncle backed into my car Thanksgiving. His fault.
While looking for a body shop to fix my uncle's ding I rear ended a car, totalling my car. My fault.
I got rear ended. No damage to my car, her hood was screwed. Her fault.
And in the past 2 months:
#3 in a 3 car pile up: I rear ended a girl on the interstate, pushing her into the car ahead of her. minor damage to their vehicles, major damage to mine. My fault.
#1 in a very similar 3 car pile up: Girl behind me got rear ended and pushed into me. Middle car sustained MAJOR damage, my back bumper's tore up, #3 had very little damage.
Accidents happen. Cars can be fixed or replaced. What's important is for all the damage above, the only person I've ever hurt was myself. I ended up in the hospital after the tree wreck. Had a big hole in my head that had to be stitched up. But no permanent damage *jerks head* damage *jerks again* damage. And now I get to say "I need that like I need ANOTHER hole in my head." Ohh I had a numb spot right there too for like 2 years. I didn't think i'd ever get feeling back, but I did.
Well, i suppose I don't know the fate of the deer. I turned around to look for it but it was gone.
Yeah it ended up not being burnt it was because of my dad when he changed the oil he didn't put somthing back in it so yeah now its fixed and im happy!
HAHAHAHA Oh god Tila Tequila. Between her and Jeffree Star, I don't know how the internet continues to exist.
He's trigger happy. He marks me down on 1) retarded things that nobody in the world cares about and 2) things he claims I didn't have when I actually did but he's too lazy to read everything I wrote to see it. It's not my fault you people are idiotic and have us hand things in during lab so I write messy and disorganized- maybe if you let me type it up it would be easier for you to read!
God, why can't you grade on whether I understand it and not if I included random things that go without saying?
And besides that, I can't understand anything he says b/c he has this reeeally thick accent and can hardly speak English- but appearantly he can write English well enough to take off 6 points here, 8 points there, another 5 off for good measure.
I swear to God, if I ever become a TA in my life, I am going to be really nice. I don't know why these people can't remember just a few years ago you were struggling like us. They can't give us a break, jeez.
He's trigger happy. He marks me down on 1) retarded things that nobody in the world cares about and 2) things he claims I didn't have when I actually did but he's too lazy to read everything I wrote to see it. It's not my fault you people are idiotic and have us hand things in during lab so I write messy and disorganized- maybe if you let me type it up it would be easier for you to read!
God, why can't you grade on whether I understand it and not if I included random things that go without saying?
And besides that, I can't understand anything he says b/c he has this reeeally thick accent and can hardly speak English- but appearantly he can write English well enough to take off 6 points here, 8 points there, another 5 off for good measure.
I swear to God, if I ever become a TA in my life, I am going to be really nice. I don't know why these people can't remember just a few years ago you were struggling like us. They can't give us a break, jeez.
psst Sally, I know you're in Boston, but where do you actually go to school?
Just curious, you don't have to tell me
anyways, that sounds bad
and for an actual complaint..... I have to write a whole college application essay tonight, for English class. and prepare for this seminar thing on Night, by Elie Wiesel. kghakgjkg it's a good book, but I'm really not up to English homework right now.
Today I did the most perfect ideal surgical extraction all by myself. But the stupid fucking oral surgery department won't count it as a Competency because I didn't let the oral surgery teacher know ahead of time that I wanted to do a competency. Fucking hell! I did the surgery all by myself with no help from the teacher. Isn't that the definition of "competent." After the fact, I'm supposed to magically know what the department requires?? I only have so much time there and there are so many other students who need to get things done, I don't have time to fuck around. Not Fair! Not Fair! Not Fair!!!
ummm my complaint. i'm sick of people not bringing their problems concerning me, TO me... they instead talk about it behind my back, when i do them the common courtesy of talking to the person it regards. i'm seriously so sick of half the people i interact with on a daily basis
i'm going to sing tomorrow...
AND i have a it will be a nasal version of the songs...
I have mail from Carleton U
I applied for free moneyz (a whole free year of tuition, actually) at the university fair like a month ago-ish...
It's really cool that people want to give me stuff so early though... but I still don't want to go to Carleton
i just dont have the grades to get in ... gah... i should of just went to community collage and gotten this whole stupid school thing out of the way in the first place.
i mean... ughhh i dont know what im going to be doing in the next 10years, let alone what i will be doing next year.