I have a complaint too, but it's a fandom compaint. This guy was posting Damian's wife's name on youtube, so I was like, "man, that's not right. Damian obviously doesn't want that public, as he himself has never mentioned her name, etc, etc" And the guy replied today: "Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
I'm not sure what else to reply to that, except, "you're mean." Oh, and big freakin deal that you're an attorney.
FEL! You're so awesome that you'll succeed at anything. I totally mean that- look at all the brilliant ppl who never even set foot in college but still changed the world. So don't worry, dear! No matter what happens, you'll be amazing.
Claret- actually, that's exactly what happened to me. I got into my dream school but they gave me no money, whereas a different school gave me the monies so that's where I am. I discovered tho that really hard stuff is really hard stuff everywhere and really easy stuff is really easy anywhere, and in the end, all colleges give you the same education; what you put in is what you get out. It's what you do with it that matters. But- having said that, while the education is the same everywhere, the social experience and atmosphere and all that, yeah, I guess that stuff differs...Anyway, I don't think I comforted you at all, sorry. But good luck! You'll have a memorable experience wherever you go!
Tempe: thaat is SO unfair. What twats. Do you have time to do it again?
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 17 2007, 08:36 PM)
I have a complaint too, but it's a fandom compaint. This guy was posting Damian's wife's name on youtube, so I was like, "man, that's not right. Damian obviously doesn't want that public, as he himself has never mentioned her name, etc, etc" And the guy replied today: "Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
One word: WANKER.
My only complaint is that I have my BMAT medical exam the day before my birthday, and my practices tests convinced me that I'm doomed to failure. Fuck it.
Forgot to comment earlier... agreed with the wife i'm not sure how i would have responded either... my red hair and my temper really don't allow me to be rational when people i care about need defending. at least not on the level that a "successful entertainment attorney" would see fit...
Awww Tempe!! That sucks, a lot! You're brilliant though, you could do a million of those prolly I have mail from Carleton U
I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CARLETON I applied for free moneyz (a whole free year of tuition, actually) at the university fair like a month ago-ish...
I don't want to open it, what if they're like "we give you money if you come here" and then my parents are like "brilliant, you must go" and nobody else wants to give me money and I have to go to Carleton because I can't pay to go anywhere else??? AHHHHH!!!! It's really cool that people want to give me stuff so early though... but I still don't want to go to Carleton
Hahaha, I know exactly how you feel. So far Carleton has sent me three packages, an email, and phoned my house twice.
This isn't the first time he's done this, actually, I think. I've seen youtube postings of this info before and while in the past I just ignored it, now I'm almost certain, by the style of the posts, that it was him. I would say by the username except that I never wrote down the username and Youtube for some reason has no search feature for comments. But by what I remember, I think it was him...I guess I could be wrong tho...This is the first time I ever responded to these comments but I totally responded under the belief that he was the same person who had posted the info before. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NrL9tDrmWo#_kfmo-bQRho
But really, his wife has nothing to do with "good publicity" for Pete's sake. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have opened my mouth but at the time, I felt like I respect Damian Kulash too much to ignore another of these youtube posts.
EDIT: GOD DAMN IT! I WAS RIGHT! I just remembered one of the other videos where I read it, did a search AND IT REALLY WAS HIM! It is indeed this very same guy who is posting her name all over youtube!!
I'm not gonna respond to him b/c he's a jerk, but maaan!
Alice! Don't forget that you're awesome and you will do great on that exam. I'm 100% sure that you will, and I bet those practice tests were just nervousness.
Another bout of whining: I'm so tired today that I skipped a class to take a nap.
my red hair and my temper really don't allow me to be rational when people i care about need defending.
Wifey, I have the temper along with the hair too I originally wrote a long paragraph about twatish attorneys trying to bully my darling Sally (who is NOT adolescent, fuckwit), but then I realised that the entire thing could be condensed to that one word. I got a little mad. Hehe!
And Sally, your reply was much more mature than his, so him wrongly bringing your age into it was rather stupid, methinks. Well done, love, you did us proud with your representation of OK Go fans.
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 18 2007, 09:09 PM)
Alice! Don't forget that you're awesome and you will do great on that exam. I'm 100% sure that you will, and I bet those practice tests were just nervousness.
Awww, thank you lovely! I'm still working on it, I'm not stopping til I get better.
My favourite author/one of my heroes, Joey Comeau (he's also the co-creator of the comic in Amy's sig) is only going to be an hour away and no one will take me to the reading so I can have my book signed.
Two complaints: 1. I don't have enough time to come on here as much as I'd like to. 2. I hate all my classes. Let's make it three, because I like odd numbers: 3. I like someone.
And the guy replied today:
"Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
I'm not sure what else to reply to that, except, "you're mean." Oh, and big freakin deal that you're an attorney.
FEL! You're so awesome that you'll succeed at anything. I totally mean that- look at all the brilliant ppl who never even set foot in college but still changed the world. So don't worry, dear! No matter what happens, you'll be amazing.
Claret- actually, that's exactly what happened to me. I got into my dream school but they gave me no money, whereas a different school gave me the monies so that's where I am. I discovered tho that really hard stuff is really hard stuff everywhere and really easy stuff is really easy anywhere, and in the end, all colleges give you the same education; what you put in is what you get out. It's what you do with it that matters.
But- having said that, while the education is the same everywhere, the social experience and atmosphere and all that, yeah, I guess that stuff differs...Anyway, I don't think I comforted you at all, sorry. But good luck! You'll have a memorable experience wherever you go!
I hate that car, I feel like I"m driving my cubicle down the road.
Plus it gets 1/3 the gas mileage of my car. That's not an exaggeration.
And the guy replied today:
"Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
One word: WANKER.
My only complaint is that I have my BMAT medical exam the day before my birthday, and my practices tests convinced me that I'm doomed to failure. Fuck it.
But man my debt's dissappearing at a pleasing rate
second that...what a jerk...
Forgot to comment earlier... agreed with the wife
The crankiness or the 55-60 hour weeks or the debt thing??
It's the debt thing isn't it?
Yeah, my debt's driving me crazy. I don't have too much really, but the car did triple it. It was worth it.
I am exhausted though.
I have mail from Carleton U
I applied for free moneyz (a whole free year of tuition, actually) at the university fair like a month ago-ish...
It's really cool that people want to give me stuff so early though... but I still don't want to go to Carleton
Hahaha, I know exactly how you feel. So far Carleton has sent me three packages, an email, and phoned my house twice.
I've seen youtube postings of this info before and while in the past I just ignored it, now I'm almost certain, by the style of the posts, that it was him. I would say by the username except that I never wrote down the username and Youtube for some reason has no search feature for comments. But by what I remember, I think it was him...I guess I could be wrong tho...This is the first time I ever responded to these comments but I totally responded under the belief that he was the same person who had posted the info before.
But really, his wife has nothing to do with "good publicity" for Pete's sake.
I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have opened my mouth but at the time, I felt like I respect Damian Kulash too much to ignore another of these youtube posts.
EDIT: GOD DAMN IT! I WAS RIGHT! I just remembered one of the other videos where I read it, did a search AND IT REALLY WAS HIM! It is indeed this very same guy who is posting her name all over youtube!!
I'm not gonna respond to him b/c he's a jerk, but maaan!
Alice! Don't forget that you're awesome and you will do great on that exam. I'm 100% sure that you will, and I bet those practice tests were just nervousness.
Another bout of whining: I'm so tired today that I skipped a class to take a nap.
Wifey, I have the temper along with the hair too
I originally wrote a long paragraph about twatish attorneys trying to bully my darling Sally (who is NOT adolescent, fuckwit), but then I realised that the entire thing could be condensed to that one word. I got a little mad. Hehe!
And Sally, your reply was much more mature than his, so him wrongly bringing your age into it was rather stupid, methinks. Well done, love, you did us proud with your representation of OK Go fans.
Awww, thank you lovely! I'm still working on it, I'm not stopping til I get better.
I hope Yarnell's will start stocking our machine again. That Blue Bunny was just meh. And meh isn't worth the calories.
Rent a car!!
1. I don't have enough time to come on here as much as I'd like to.
2. I hate all my classes.
Let's make it three, because I like odd numbers:
3. I like someone.
And did I mention that it's 2:30 am and I'm STILL AT WORK?!