So my boyfriend is coming up today (that's not the complaint, obvs). You know, if one's boyfriend is coming up and one knows that he won't be up for a while after, one wants to feel a little sexy, right? It should be a little special.
It's really hard to feel special when my stomach looks like it's being taken over by some weird disease. I have 12 bed bug bites on my stomach. I would almost feel better if they were spread out so it didn't look like I was infected or SOMETHING. I would like the world to give me a little break please on the bed bug front. Not much, but a little. Maybe so, you know, I wouldn't feel like shit about how my bites. I know he'll say that he doesn't care, but it makes me feel so... diseased.
Just so you know that I'm not blowing this out of proportion: Photo proof of the ugly.
aaaaaack!! that looks painful!!!! i'm sorry tone... but like you said, he's gonna say he doesn't care (and you know he means it). but i can completely understand with the whole, not-feeling-sexy thing... i wish i could offer help/suggestions. is this bed bug infestation getting cleared up soon? it seems like your apartment complex manager should be getting it taken care of... am i right?
Yeah, it's slowly but surely being taken care of. We've had the exterminator in twice and bagged up most of our shit. Still, it's just a constant battle.
Our infestation is actually relatively minor. I, at most, get bitten a couple of times a week. It's not that bad.
It's actually not as bad as I'm making it out to be. These bites are probably the worst I've had. I just slather on some anti-itch lotion and try not to touch 'em. I can deal with them just fine and it doesn't make life difficult for me.
i'm glad it's slowly getting worked out... i saw the whole dateline thing on it awhile back, about them being in hotels and it just completely covering people's legs and stuff... scary stuff!
no, i totally know what you mean, wanting to feel sexy for your love stupid bed bugs. die.
Apparently bed bugs are making quite the comeback since the end of the DDT era. They're tenacious little bugs! I mean, despite my hating them, I am a little impressed that they're making a comeback. My bf and I formed a theory that there's one exalted, revolutionary bed bug that brought the population from the brink and is now leading the conquering of the world, city by city.
Also, they're pretty much designed NEVER TO DIE. They're also A+ at being incognito. My situation is kind of unique since I think that we've forced them out of our room. However, this causes things to happen like my waking up one morning, going to the bathroom, and seeing one on the top of a cap of toothpaste. What. Most people don't see them at all, even if they have an infestation, because they're so hard to find. We have a minor infestation and yet I've managed to kill at least 15 in 2 months. Either they're terrible at hiding or I'm just a champion.
Yeah, these bed bug posts probably aren't going to stop until they go away because I just need to vent my frustration and I've already subjected my friends here to two months' worth of ranting.
Amy, as much as I hope you get rid of the bedbugs once and for all, the complaints thread just won't feel the same without your venting posts and bed-bug-bites-turned-into-monsters-with-a-bit-of-doodling photos.
HAH. As much as I want to get rid of them as well, I don't know what I'm going to have to complain about after they're gone. I'll need something to fill the void. Shingles perhaps? (True story: a guyfriend was once convinced that I had shingles and convinced me to call my mom to make a doctor's appointment. Spoiler: I didn't have shingles. They were just bug bites.)
OUCH, tone, those look horrible! I'm sorry that you feel sucky about it, but you're lucky you have a great boyfriend.
I'm going to complain about our city's shitty bus system. I try to be good to the environment and take public transportation as often as I can, unless it's really inconvenient, but GOD. It's awful and unorganized. And the bus drivers are total assholes to everyone, which I guess I could tolerate, but they seriously don't know how to get around town. And the buses break down all the time. Sure, driving an SUV alone to work every day is still completely stupid, but I understand why people would rather not deal with public transporation.
It's really hot in my dorm room right now even though I have the fan on. I also have to finish an essay in two hours otherwise I'll have to pull an all-nighter. I just want it to be tomorrow afternoon.
Classes canceled for all this week because of extremely poor air conditions from fires. Hooray? Except as of right now, I've got all five of my midterms next week. And all of Southern California is still on fire, over half a million people in San Diego area alone have been evacuated. And today i drove home.. I left San Diego at 8.45am, drove up the I-5N and it was fucking closed because of fire and I didn't know because all day yesterday the I-15N was closed from fire, and apparently this morning they shut down part of the I-5 but opened all of the I-15. So, I wasted time driving like 35 miles to Oceanside, getting kicked off the freeway and having to turn around, go back all the way to school, and then take a different route.. So I got home at 1.15pm... over four fucking hours on the fucking road (usually it takes 1hr 30min to get home). I was totally going to leave last night, and then as I pulled into the gas station near the freeway on-ramp, I realized there was caution tape around the whole thing (I guess they ran out of gas, I don't know) and right then freakin Garrett calls and is like hey come over! We're gonna hang out and watch a movie! And so of course, because I like him, I said okay and went over there and it was chill. This morning when I was driving and had to turn around on the I-5, I didn't quite know where to go or anything because I thought the 15 was still closed, so I called my friend Christina, who was with Garrett and a couple other people I know on the way to Disneyland, and I asked her how they were going, she guided me to the 15 etc. Then, about five minutes later, Garrett calls back and is like hey if you're going home, come to Disneyland with us!! (I live about 20ish minutes away) So I say.. uhmm let me get my life in order and I'll call you back in awhile. (Why didn't he say this YESTERDAY, so I could have planned ahead!! gosh) Soooo since I got home so fucking late there was no point in going to Disneyland, so I called him and told him I can't make it, but if they go to Downtown Disney for dinner, then to call me and I'll come join them. So, now I'm bored at home with no one to drink tea with and I'm sad I could've spent the day at Disneyland with fun people. Blaaah.
Yeahhh its pretty bad.. the I-5N opened up later and my friend drove back and she was like holy shit the fire is right next to the fucking freeway. And the reason they canceled classes is because the air quality is so poor - there's soot and ash and all that everywhere, and although the campus is safe from the fire, I have a feeling some of the faculty is in a position where they can't come to campus and teach (possibly evacuated, etc). Its been pretty hectic since Sunday.. the TV is always on, and watching the news is sooo depressing. I really think they should fly in reporters from somewhere else because I think a lot of these reporters have personally been affected by the fires because they're so solemn and sad and all that. There was a lot of should we evacuate? Are we going to evacuate? Which way is the wind pushing now? etc.. But thankfully the fire that was about 20miles North-East of school kept pushing West, but not South, so we've been safe.. but it was definitely frightening when they were evacuating a neighboring city. Anyway, I'm safe, and I'm just hoping they can get these at least somewhat under control.
aww, ambie, i'm sorry. that must really suck *hugs* i'm glad your safe...i'm all the way out here and there's ash all over the place! i can't even imagine how it must be out there.
good luck with your tests, i'm sure you'll do fine!
I'm glad you're alright, Ambers!! Every time I see it on the news I think of you. Hope it gets sorted soon.
I hate coursework. I only came on here to wish Dani a happy birthday, and now I have to go to do work. I'm close to breaking point with this stuff. Also, why are other people getting interviews at medicals schools when I haven't got any yet???
i have some enlarged taste buds on the tip of my tongue and they hurrrrt and i have an exam tomorrow that i literally JUST started studying for. awesome.
It's really hard to feel special when my stomach looks like it's being taken over by some weird disease. I have 12 bed bug bites on my stomach. I would almost feel better if they were spread out so it didn't look like I was infected or SOMETHING. I would like the world to give me a little break please on the bed bug front. Not much, but a little. Maybe so, you know, I wouldn't feel like shit about how my bites. I know he'll say that he doesn't care, but it makes me feel so... diseased.
Just so you know that I'm not blowing this out of proportion:
Photo proof of the ugly.
Our infestation is actually relatively minor. I, at most, get bitten a couple of times a week. It's not that bad.
It's actually not as bad as I'm making it out to be. These bites are probably the worst I've had. I just slather on some anti-itch lotion and try not to touch 'em. I can deal with them just fine and it doesn't make life difficult for me.
I just want to feel sexy, yaknow?
no, i totally know what you mean, wanting to feel sexy for your love
Also, they're pretty much designed NEVER TO DIE. They're also A+ at being incognito. My situation is kind of unique since I think that we've forced them out of our room. However, this causes things to happen like my waking up one morning, going to the bathroom, and seeing one on the top of a cap of toothpaste. What. Most people don't see them at all, even if they have an infestation, because they're so hard to find. We have a minor infestation and yet I've managed to kill at least 15 in 2 months. Either they're terrible at hiding or I'm just a champion.
Yeah, these bed bug posts probably aren't going to stop until they go away because I just need to vent my frustration and I've already subjected my friends here to two months' worth of ranting.
As much as I want to get rid of them as well, I don't know what I'm going to have to complain about after they're gone. I'll need something to fill the void. Shingles perhaps?
(True story: a guyfriend was once convinced that I had shingles and convinced me to call my mom to make a doctor's appointment. Spoiler: I didn't have shingles. They were just bug bites.)
I'm going to complain about our city's shitty bus system. I try to be good to the environment and take public transportation as often as I can, unless it's really inconvenient, but GOD. It's awful and unorganized. And the bus drivers are total assholes to everyone, which I guess I could tolerate, but they seriously don't know how to get around town. And the buses break down all the time. Sure, driving an SUV alone to work every day is still completely stupid, but I understand why people would rather not deal with public transporation.
Except as of right now, I've got all five of my midterms next week.
And all of Southern California is still on fire, over half a million people in San Diego area alone have been evacuated.
And today i drove home.. I left San Diego at 8.45am, drove up the I-5N and it was fucking closed because of fire and I didn't know because all day yesterday the I-15N was closed from fire, and apparently this morning they shut down part of the I-5 but opened all of the I-15. So, I wasted time driving like 35 miles to Oceanside, getting kicked off the freeway and having to turn around, go back all the way to school, and then take a different route.. So I got home at 1.15pm... over four fucking hours on the fucking road (usually it takes 1hr 30min to get home).
I was totally going to leave last night, and then as I pulled into the gas station near the freeway on-ramp, I realized there was caution tape around the whole thing (I guess they ran out of gas, I don't know) and right then freakin Garrett calls and is like hey come over! We're gonna hang out and watch a movie! And so of course, because I like him, I said okay and went over there and it was chill. This morning when I was driving and had to turn around on the I-5, I didn't quite know where to go or anything because I thought the 15 was still closed, so I called my friend Christina, who was with Garrett and a couple other people I know on the way to Disneyland, and I asked her how they were going, she guided me to the 15 etc. Then, about five minutes later, Garrett calls back and is like hey if you're going home, come to Disneyland with us!! (I live about 20ish minutes away) So I say.. uhmm let me get my life in order and I'll call you back in awhile. (Why didn't he say this YESTERDAY, so I could have planned ahead!! gosh) Soooo since I got home so fucking late there was no point in going to Disneyland, so I called him and told him I can't make it, but if they go to Downtown Disney for dinner, then to call me and I'll come join them.
So, now I'm bored at home with no one to drink tea with and I'm sad I could've spent the day at Disneyland with fun people. Blaaah.
Fuck, that was a really long post.. sorry guys.
And the reason they canceled classes is because the air quality is so poor - there's soot and ash and all that everywhere, and although the campus is safe from the fire, I have a feeling some of the faculty is in a position where they can't come to campus and teach (possibly evacuated, etc).
Its been pretty hectic since Sunday.. the TV is always on, and watching the news is sooo depressing. I really think they should fly in reporters from somewhere else because I think a lot of these reporters have personally been affected by the fires because they're so solemn and sad and all that.
There was a lot of should we evacuate? Are we going to evacuate? Which way is the wind pushing now? etc.. But thankfully the fire that was about 20miles North-East of school kept pushing West, but not South, so we've been safe.. but it was definitely frightening when they were evacuating a neighboring city.
Anyway, I'm safe, and I'm just hoping they can get these at least somewhat under control.
i seriously waited thirty minutes with several tries to get a message sent.
good luck with your tests, i'm sure you'll do fine!
I hate coursework. I only came on here to wish Dani a happy birthday, and now I have to go to do work. I'm close to breaking point with this stuff.
Also, why are other people getting interviews at medicals schools when I haven't got any yet???
Because they're saving the best for last. DUH.