my complaint is that the multiple storms that occurred last night tore up all the trees and all the pretty fall color leaves are now on the ground. that is one of my FAVORITE parts of fall. the red, yellow, orange and light green leaves. and our campus is gorgeous and filled with trees so it's very picturesque... NOT ANYMORE
My official hours are 8:30a-5p. However, I usually start at 7:30 because someone's gotta cover the desk. I also work occasional evening shifts helping the attorneys with extra stuff. Last night I was there longer than the attorneys. I was not able to go home until 5 am.
And they actually want me to come back in this afternoon. I am leaving at 5 ON THE DOT. Not a minute later.
Is that even legal??? (I know, but it shouldn't be!!!)
Well, 19.75 hours, because someone was covering my 7:30 shift (even though I showed up anyway because I forgot it was being covered), I officially clocked in at 8:15, and I had an hour for lunch off the clock. BUT STILL.
Oh YEAH still!! I can't believe you didn't gripe more than you did!!
I think 14 is my record. And I didn't like myself very well at the end of that. Well, i'd been missing a lot of sleep too and that makes me cranky quicker than anything.
I hope you get paid OT!! Those poor true salary people.
I have a complaint too, but it's a fandom compaint. This guy was posting Damian's wife's name on youtube, so I was like, "man, that's not right. Damian obviously doesn't want that public, as he himself has never mentioned her name, etc, etc" And the guy replied today: "Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
I'm not sure what else to reply to that, except, "you're mean." Oh, and big freakin deal that you're an attorney.
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Oct 19 2007, 06:09 AM)
This isn't the first time he's done this, actually, I think. I've seen youtube postings of this info before and while in the past I just ignored it, now I'm almost certain, by the style of the posts, that it was him. I would say by the username except that I never wrote down the username and Youtube for some reason has no search feature for comments. But by what I remember, I think it was him...I guess I could be wrong tho...This is the first time I ever responded to these comments but I totally responded under the belief that he was the same person who had posted the info before.
But really, his wife has nothing to do with "good publicity" for Pete's sake. I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have opened my mouth but at the time, I felt like I respect Damian Kulash too much to ignore another of these youtube posts. EDIT: GOD DAMN IT! I WAS RIGHT! I just remembered one of the other videos where I read it, did a search AND IT REALLY WAS HIM! It is indeed this very same guy who is posting her name all over youtube!!
I'm not gonna respond to him b/c he's a jerk, but maaan! Alice! Don't forget that you're awesome and you will do great on that exam. I'm 100% sure that you will, and I bet those practice tests were just nervousness. Another bout of whining: I'm so tired today that I skipped a class to take a nap.
oh wow! I saw that same person comment on another video about her! I was trying my best not to find out who Damian's wife was and then that person just blurts is out for the world to see. I was honestly happier not knowing.
Anyway, I've since completely forgotten her name but that doesn't change the fact that what that person is doing is disrespectful. Well done Sally! I'm so glad you stood up to him/her We all know you're in the right and you handled it so much better than that schmuck.
So, you'd think that after a year of drinking, that I'd at least BETTER know my limits, right? I mean, I know shots are a no-no and I'm a super lightweight. So you think that wine would be safe, right? Nope. Turns out that's a lie.
So, you'd think that after a year of drinking, that I'd at least BETTER know my limits, right? I mean, I know shots are a no-no and I'm a super lightweight. So you think that wine would be safe, right? Nope. Turns out that's a lie.
Oh no, I hate that.. you think you can go so far, based on experience, and it just doesn't work out the way you planned it.. Sorry, Amy.
I find that wine gives me the worst hangover, of all alcoholic drinks. I dunno if this works for everyone, but I've found that lots of water and a pack of potato chips before bed REALLY help you feel better the next morning.
Oh no, I hate that.. you think you can go so far, based on experience, and it just doesn't work out the way you planned it.. Sorry, Amy.
I find that wine gives me the worst hangover, of all alcoholic drinks. I dunno if this works for everyone, but I've found that lots of water and a pack of potato chips before bed REALLY help you feel better the next morning.
See, who would've thought, right? I'm actually not that hung over, but my stomach has been feeling like poop all day (maybe it's because I somehow figured yogurt to be a good thing to eat. Whoops). I'm just burping a lot which, frankly, is pretty funny and feels awesome! Go go gas!
I forget that because I'm not a big drinker (I've never been into the whole "WHOOO LET'S GET DRUNK/PARTY!!!" scene. I'm really a homebody who prefers to knit and play Scrabble), that when I DO drink, I need to go easy. I've cut myself off from most hard alcohol, and all my experiences with wine have been good ones (well, up until now).
However, up until the queasy, last night was pretty awesome. I mean, I was just at my apartment with my friends and, not to brag or anything, but my friends are kind of a riot. It was mostly just dancing to Meat Loaf and pretending to be people we aren't on Stickcam.
I'm seriously considering stopping drinking, or at least limiting myself to a glass or two. 1) It's cheaper, 2) I really do not enjoy getting drunk all that much. Tipsy? Sure. But being drunk just sucks sometimes, 3) since I don't drink much anyway, I wouldn't be missing much. I'm better entertainment when I'm sober anyway.
I am hugely depressed, bored, and fed up with school. I don't know what's causing this. Going to the bookstore yesterday and looking through the pharmacology books made me even more mad. My mom went back to school to study nursing when I was in middle school. She'd constantly talk about all the physiology, pharmacology, etc that she was learning. Partly it helped her study, but at the same time I felt like she was forcing it on me. I remember not wanting to be a science major in college and yet doing it anyway as if my mom wanted me to live out the dream she wasn't able to. Yeah, I am good at science, but it was never my passion. I suppose my mom wanted me to go into something she saw I had potential in even though I resisted it. Over the years, I've forgotten about all that, and just went with the flow of my biology and chemistry courses. Deep down, I think I might still resent it. Even though with a dental degree I can still pursue the other things I love, I'm still annoyed. I didn't feel this way on my rotation on the Reservation. I think having a crappy day with a crappy teacher on Friday is causing me to feel this way. I mean he was such a goddam fucking moron this whole week, esp on Friday. The head dentist on the Rez never made me feel this way. I started to really build my confidence. Now I feel squashed and downtrodden again. I don't feel inadequate. I feel incredibley frustrated. I should just rant on my blog, but my dental school friends would see it. Even though I only had to work with that one asshole teacher for one week and not again for a long time, I don't want to go back to school on Monday and endure more crap from anyone, including patients! I just want to be told that I'm doing a good job. More importantly, I really want to do what I love, but I'm so critical with myself. I love writing and I write whenever I can. I don't get writer's block, but I do start to get overly critical about what I write. That's what I love to do, and if given the chance and support, that's where my career would go. I can still write with a dental degree for sure, but at the moment, I am feeling completely angry and frustrated at having teachers breath down my back and make dentistry tedious for me.
I know exactly what you mean. I've always felt pressure to do certain things, especially in terms of what I study. I mean, I like economics a whole bunch; I find everything very interesting and I love figuring it out. However, I think that if I ever become a suit, I'd die. I did the whole "working behind a desk" thing these past two summers and though everyone in the office was fantastic (they're funny and laid-back and ULTRA smart), I don't know if I could sit behind a desk all day. My passion is acting. But I realize that I need security. It's always been drilled into my head that I need to make money (my mom even gives me books on how to stay out of debt/"women and money" etc.) and that's the biggest deal. Maybe I'm completely naive. I realize that I need to be able to support myself, but I don't need much to live. Living by myself and being in charge of a budget has made me realize how much I spend and how much I can cut down if needed. Granted, I'm still a college student and haven't experienced "the real world," but I pay my bills, I pay my rent, I buy my own groceries, I'm going to be paying for the majority of my college education. I don't know. I don't know if I'll be happy doing this. I know my family wants to see me successful and they equate happiness with financial security. I know that this is a very valid point as making money DOES give you security and DOES make it easier to do the things you want. But part of me wants to live in the middle of nowhere in a tiny house with a garden.
Ugh I've ended up talking about myself when what I want to say is: Tempe, you will be fine. Are there any community writing classes you can take where you can get feedback from someone other than yourself (as you are your own worst critic)? Your passions are your passions and nothing can stop that. Right?
Oh yeah, wine will mess you up. I don't know how it got the rap as the wussy drink. Not true at all!!! the water's where it's at for hang over prevention.
Once you have a hangover, eat something greasy, even if you're sure you're going to throw up. Doesn't work EVERY time but 19 times out of 20 if I force something down a half hour later I feel better.
Also I feel icky, and my car has been delayed AGAIN. The new estimate is Thursday.
Oh yeah, wine will mess you up. I don't know how it got the rap as the wussy drink. Not true at all!!!
I will agree 100% one night, my ex and I had two and a half cups (yes cups, plastic ones at that) of wine each, and we took turns throwing up in the bathroom. gross, i know, but true! and i couldn't believe he got sick, b/c he never does. wine kicks my ass every time, but it's so damn good!!
my cure for a hangover varies... sometimes its a big greasy breakfast, sometimes its ramen, sometimes its mcdonalds fries... haha god i sound like a PIG
What time do you go in?!?!?!?!?
my complaint is that the multiple storms that occurred last night tore up all the trees and all the pretty fall color leaves are now on the ground. that is one of my FAVORITE parts of fall. the red, yellow, orange and light green leaves. and our campus is gorgeous and filled with trees so it's very picturesque... NOT ANYMORE
And they actually want me to come back in this afternoon. I am leaving at 5 ON THE DOT. Not a minute later.
Is that even legal???
(I know, but it shouldn't be!!!)
Is that even legal???
(I know, but it shouldn't be!!!)
Well, 19.75 hours, because someone was covering my 7:30 shift (even though I showed up anyway because I forgot it was being covered), I officially clocked in at 8:15, and I had an hour for lunch off the clock. BUT STILL.
I think 14 is my record. And I didn't like myself very well at the end of that. Well, i'd been missing a lot of sleep too and that makes me cranky quicker than anything.
I hope you get paid OT!! Those poor true salary people.
And the guy replied today:
"Listen, you adolescent 'enforcer of the okgo fan clearly established behaviors.' I am a successful entertainment attorney. This guy needs all the positive publicity he can get. Talented, yes. But he relegated himself and his band to 'one-hit wonderland' with that ghastly treadmills video. Better management would have advised against it. I hope I'm wrong. He's a thirty one year old kid with an internet hit video, not Elvis."
I'm not sure what else to reply to that, except, "you're mean." Oh, and big freakin deal that you're an attorney.
I've seen youtube postings of this info before and while in the past I just ignored it, now I'm almost certain, by the style of the posts, that it was him. I would say by the username except that I never wrote down the username and Youtube for some reason has no search feature for comments. But by what I remember, I think it was him...I guess I could be wrong tho...This is the first time I ever responded to these comments but I totally responded under the belief that he was the same person who had posted the info before.
But really, his wife has nothing to do with "good publicity" for Pete's sake.
I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have opened my mouth but at the time, I felt like I respect Damian Kulash too much to ignore another of these youtube posts.
EDIT: GOD DAMN IT! I WAS RIGHT! I just remembered one of the other videos where I read it, did a search AND IT REALLY WAS HIM! It is indeed this very same guy who is posting her name all over youtube!!
I'm not gonna respond to him b/c he's a jerk, but maaan!
Alice! Don't forget that you're awesome and you will do great on that exam. I'm 100% sure that you will, and I bet those practice tests were just nervousness.
Another bout of whining: I'm so tired today that I skipped a class to take a nap.
oh wow! I saw that same person comment on another video about her!
I was trying my best not to find out who Damian's wife was and then that person just blurts is out for the world to see. I was honestly happier not knowing.
Anyway, I've since completely forgotten her name but that doesn't change the fact that what that person is doing is disrespectful.
Well done Sally! I'm so glad you stood up to him/her
Oh no, I hate that.. you think you can go so far, based on experience, and it just doesn't work out the way you planned it.. Sorry, Amy.
I find that wine gives me the worst hangover, of all alcoholic drinks. I dunno if this works for everyone, but I've found that lots of water and a pack of potato chips before bed REALLY help you feel better the next morning.
I find that wine gives me the worst hangover, of all alcoholic drinks. I dunno if this works for everyone, but I've found that lots of water and a pack of potato chips before bed REALLY help you feel better the next morning.
See, who would've thought, right? I'm actually not that hung over, but my stomach has been feeling like poop all day (maybe it's because I somehow figured yogurt to be a good thing to eat. Whoops). I'm just burping a lot which, frankly, is pretty funny and feels awesome! Go go gas!
I forget that because I'm not a big drinker (I've never been into the whole "WHOOO LET'S GET DRUNK/PARTY!!!" scene. I'm really a homebody who prefers to knit and play Scrabble), that when I DO drink, I need to go easy. I've cut myself off from most hard alcohol, and all my experiences with wine have been good ones (well, up until now).
However, up until the queasy, last night was pretty awesome. I mean, I was just at my apartment with my friends and, not to brag or anything, but my friends are kind of a riot. It was mostly just dancing to Meat Loaf and pretending to be people we aren't on Stickcam.
I'm seriously considering stopping drinking, or at least limiting myself to a glass or two. 1) It's cheaper, 2) I really do not enjoy getting drunk all that much. Tipsy? Sure. But being drunk just sucks sometimes, 3) since I don't drink much anyway, I wouldn't be missing much. I'm better entertainment when I'm sober anyway.
Phew, I do feel better now.
I don't know. I don't know if I'll be happy doing this. I know my family wants to see me successful and they equate happiness with financial security. I know that this is a very valid point as making money DOES give you security and DOES make it easier to do the things you want. But part of me wants to live in the middle of nowhere in a tiny house with a garden.
Ugh I've ended up talking about myself when what I want to say is: Tempe, you will be fine. Are there any community writing classes you can take where you can get feedback from someone other than yourself (as you are your own worst critic)? Your passions are your passions and nothing can stop that. Right?
the water's where it's at for hang over prevention.
Once you have a hangover, eat something greasy, even if you're sure you're going to throw up. Doesn't work EVERY time but 19 times out of 20 if I force something down a half hour later I feel better.
Also I feel icky, and my car has been delayed AGAIN. The new estimate is Thursday.
Also I feel icky.
I will agree 100% one night, my ex and I had two and a half cups (yes cups, plastic ones at that) of wine each, and we took turns throwing up in the bathroom. gross, i know, but true! and i couldn't believe he got sick, b/c he never does. wine kicks my ass every time, but it's so damn good!!
my cure for a hangover varies... sometimes its a big greasy breakfast, sometimes its ramen, sometimes its mcdonalds fries... haha god i sound like a PIG
No, you sound like a college student.