OMG, courtney, how can anyone be that big an asshole?! Was he deprived of some oxygen during birth? I had a nitwit like that in middle school who used to say things about my religion. God, I just want to strangle people like that who say things, intentionally or not. You're awesome the way you handled it. You wouldn't let it go any further and you acted like you had no idea what he was talking about. You wouldn't let him get the better of you, or see that it made you angry. You didn't let him have that. Way to go!
I know, I hate people who can't accept people for how they are...(Unless they're like us, who can't stand people who can't accept other people...) Thanks, Tempe. You guys always know how to cheer me up!
Yesterday, I was at a mandatory in-schoolpep rally. And some dude was dissing the star football player, so me, being my jokester self said, "OMG, he's right behind you...Seriously." And for some reaosn he got scared, annoyed and angry.
His reply: "Guess what. It's December 7th. Pearl Harbor." Then my friends hit him and said, "You're so mean! " (He was just some random dude I guess that knew my friend...)
At first, I didn't get it, but then I sort of had the idea why he said that, but anyways, I said, "Huh? I don't get it."
I was like, OMG, he did not just say that. OMG... So I said, "Um, first off, I'm not even 100% Asian, I'm half Spanish. And secondly, I'm not even Japanese."
To save himself, he said, "Doesn't matter, because all Asians bomb."
(OMG, not helping!)
And I was so angry, I left, but I could've said more. Like how primitive it was of him to use this tragedy as a comeback to someone who's not even Japanese. And the fact that, hey, even if I WERE Japanese, it still wouldn't be right, because how wrong is it to blame someone for something a whole other generation did more than 60 years ago? I just don't know how to explain it. And "All Asians bomb"??? I'm not just saying this because I'm part Asian. If I didn't have a hint of Asian blood, I still be angry. How could someone be so ignorant? And even if it was meant as a joke, I'm not laughing, and I laugh at a lot of things...You don't just go up to a person you don't even know and say that. In fact, you shouldn't go up to ANYONE and say that...Grrr....
Like I said, you can't blame a whole RACE for something one PART of a certain NATION did ages ago. I don't know much about Pearl Harbor, but that's just wrong.
The worst comeback ever...
Shit sweetie, what an asshole. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Fuck, what a stupid and ignorant thing to say.
QUOTE (Electra @ Dec 8 2007, 03:22 PM)
^^ OMG, Courtney that is disgusting!!! I'm angry, and as far as I know I have no Asian connections whatsoever. That's absolutely revolting. And "All Asians bomb"??? Which glorious country dropped two atom bombs on Japan, then? Oy, people can be such ignorant fuckwits.
Not to mention the fact that the US firebombed the hell out of Tokyo OR one of the main reasons people feel Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was because the US cut off oil supplies and was super-ambiguous about if it was going to attack or not. So, rather than be attacked first, it's hypothesized that the Japanese went with the lesser of two evils: attack first and hope the US was willing to compromise.
my doctor just called me (a half hour before i wanted to wake up, mind you), and told me i had mono. that is THE worst possible news EVER... i have finals this week, AND i'm not supposed to drink. now, i know i probably sound like an alcoholic complaining about that BUT.. i wanted to celebrate being done with school AND... i already got my ticket for a huge New Years Eve bash in Chicago.
Aww I'm sorry Katie. Hope you feel better soon, and you can still have fun
I just had my hepatitis B jab (you need it for med school, apparently). Oh, the pain. You'd've thought I'd be used to injections by now, but no. And now I can't bend my arm because of the burning sensation, so I'm trying to type this with the keyboard at arm's length, which is not only uncomfortable but also looks frankly ridiculous.
Ooh, Katie, I'm sorry. I hope you kick the mono's ass.
I'm workin on it!! Thank you
QUOTE (Electra @ Dec 10 2007, 11:38 AM)
Aww I'm sorry Katie. Hope you feel better soon, and you can still have fun
I just had my hepatitis B jab (you need it for med school, apparently). Oh, the pain. You'd've thought I'd be used to injections by now, but no. And now I can't bend my arm because of the burning sensation, so I'm trying to type this with the keyboard at arm's length, which is not only uncomfortable but also looks frankly ridiculous.
I will try and boy oh boy. I haven't had all my hep b shots, which, I should have done ages ago... and haven't had the tetanus either. Hi. Fear of needles... but I can imagine you entire arm smarts... I get my Gardasil shots in my side/arse because it's better to be numb there than lose the use of your arm for a few hours...
Katie! You poor thing! I'm sorry But this makes a good reason to take it easy and rest instead of working so hard.
This is for you:
And this:
And this:
And lastly,
Sleep lots and feel better soon! Lots of love to you!
my petty complaints: I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow. And another 10 page paper due Thursday. And I'm trying really hard to write but I keep getting distracted. I'm just kind of sick of school and can't wait for christmas break.
And I can't seem to be able to study for finals. I dunno, I think I'll end up with the same grade whether I study 40 hours or 1.
And why does Eitan keep going to the bathroom every 10 minutes? Good grief, he needs Vessicare. I should stop writing his name in case this comes up on google. But he's so obnoxious!
And this other grad student- "I was a double major in physics and engineering as an undergrad and now I'm getting my PhD in engineering. I'm so smart. " Good for you! I don't care! I hate all of you obnoxious grad students. And I hate the way they think they're in charge of everything, especially this one guy who's always mean to me. He must be so mean to compensate for the fact that he's- grr, I can't even think of a good insult.
Cartman voice: "I hate you guys. I really hate you guys."
And! And I hate Jasmine Sola! Everyone shops there, and I mean absolutely everyone- girls even talk about it on the T! It's like, the ultimate college girls' store. And I don't know why. The clothes are pretty and fashionable but the prices are RIDICULOUS. 60% off comes to $50! And now there are no returns. I bought my sister a jacket from there for her bd the other day, but it doesn't fit, and they won't take it back or even exchange it. Where is everyone getting the money to shop there?
And! It's so cold...and there seem to be more homeless ppl than ever. I feel so bad for them.
I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow. And another 10 page paper due Thursday. And I'm trying really hard to write but I keep getting distracted. I'm just kind of sick of school and can't wait for christmas break.
Thanks Sally dear, I really am going to try and rest this stupid thing off... I feel like I've been through the worst of it though...
However... I have an exam tomorrow, one on Thurs, as WELL AS a 7-10 pg. paper due on Thurs after my final i'm stressed. Can't. Handle it.
bleh, Katie, I'm sorry. I'd suggest you ask to take them later except that the sooner they're over, the sooner you can get to winter break.
My ipod erased all my music and I can't just plug it back into my computer cuz I moved all my music files to new folders a long time ago and never bothered to fix the locations in itunes.
How does this even happen? I went to bed healthy. This seems unfair. I have two exams this week (prooocrastination!) and I'd prefer not to be sniffly when I'm taking it. Plus I'm on my period. I'm just gross all over.
On the plus side! I won an argument with my boyfriend last night (argument: whether my local public library should separate the non-fiction video/DVDs from the books. Currently they're intermingled with the books according to the Dewey Decimal System, but he argued that it would be better if they were separate so people could browse through them. I enlisted the advice of three of my friends who had worked at the library and I totally won. It kind of made up for the fact that I lost our badger argument.)
I'm sorry tone I know how much that totally sucks, believe me. I hope it's nothing serious!! I have an exam today, and I'm worried my constant sniffling and the loud noise i make when i blow my nose will disturb everyone. Embarrassing.
Thanks bb. I know exactly how you feel; I was the nose-blowing girl in the library today. I eventually gave up (I forgot how much I hated spending all day in the library) and am now home, attempting to study but instead reading about Ricky Gervais and becoming far too emotionally attached to my Kleenex.
Naawww, it's just a stress cold. Finals are hell on my immune system.
I signed off like 15 minutes ago and I just came back to find "Surfer Rosa" was online, and yet neither I nor my computer were logged in. Does this means someone else knows my password or something?
I signed off like 15 minutes ago and I just came back to find "Surfer Rosa" was online, and yet neither I nor my computer were logged in. Does this means someone else knows my password or something?
It keeps you logged in for a while, even after you close the window, unless you actually press "log out," I think.
so my mom is okay most of the time, but every once in a while she gets in these serious funks about stupid stuff like cleaning the shower, and has a huge breakdown, and it scares me. I hate it
so my mom is okay most of the time, but every once in a while she gets in these serious funks about stupid stuff like cleaning the shower, and has a huge breakdown, and it scares me. I hate it
Aww, hugs, Milkie! Don't worry. She's probably mad about something else and it just erupted badly
I know, I hate people who can't accept people for how they are...(Unless they're like us, who can't stand people who can't accept other people...) Thanks, Tempe. You guys always know how to cheer me up!
Yesterday, I was at a mandatory in-schoolpep rally. And some dude was dissing the star football player, so me, being my jokester self said, "OMG, he's right behind you...Seriously." And for some reaosn he got scared, annoyed and angry.
His reply: "Guess what. It's December 7th. Pearl Harbor." Then my friends hit him and said, "You're so mean!
At first, I didn't get it, but then I sort of had the idea why he said that, but anyways, I said, "Huh? I don't get it."
I was like, OMG, he did not just say that. OMG... So I said, "Um, first off, I'm not even 100% Asian, I'm half Spanish. And secondly, I'm not even Japanese."
To save himself, he said, "Doesn't matter, because all Asians bomb."
(OMG, not helping!)
And I was so angry, I left, but I could've said more. Like how primitive it was of him to use this tragedy as a comeback to someone who's not even Japanese. And the fact that, hey, even if I WERE Japanese, it still wouldn't be right, because how wrong is it to blame someone for something a whole other generation did more than 60 years ago? I just don't know how to explain it. And "All Asians bomb"???
Like I said, you can't blame a whole RACE for something one PART of a certain NATION did ages ago. I don't know much about Pearl Harbor, but that's just wrong.
The worst comeback ever...
Shit sweetie, what an asshole. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Fuck, what a stupid and ignorant thing to say.
Not to mention the fact that the US firebombed the hell out of Tokyo OR one of the main reasons people feel Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was because the US cut off oil supplies and was super-ambiguous about if it was going to attack or not. So, rather than be attacked first, it's hypothesized that the Japanese went with the lesser of two evils: attack first and hope the US was willing to compromise.
Wow. This is just. Awesome.
Ooh, Katie, I'm sorry. I hope you kick the mono's ass.
I just had my hepatitis B jab (you need it for med school, apparently). Oh, the pain.
You'd've thought I'd be used to injections by now, but no.
And now I can't bend my arm because of the burning sensation, so I'm trying to type this with the keyboard at arm's length, which is not only uncomfortable but also looks frankly ridiculous.
I'm workin on it!! Thank you
I just had my hepatitis B jab (you need it for med school, apparently). Oh, the pain.
You'd've thought I'd be used to injections by now, but no.
And now I can't bend my arm because of the burning sensation, so I'm trying to type this with the keyboard at arm's length, which is not only uncomfortable but also looks frankly ridiculous.
I will try
blah. i hate shots.
This is for you:
And this:
And this:
And lastly,
Sleep lots and feel better soon! Lots of love to you!
my petty complaints:
I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow. And another 10 page paper due Thursday. And I'm trying really hard to write but I keep getting distracted. I'm just kind of sick of school and can't wait for christmas break.
And I can't seem to be able to study for finals. I dunno, I think I'll end up with the same grade whether I study 40 hours or 1.
And why does Eitan keep going to the bathroom every 10 minutes? Good grief, he needs Vessicare. I should stop writing his name in case this comes up on google. But he's so obnoxious!
And this other grad student- "I was a double major in physics and engineering as an undergrad and now I'm getting my PhD in engineering. I'm so smart. " Good for you! I don't care! I hate all of you obnoxious grad students. And I hate the way they think they're in charge of everything, especially this one guy who's always mean to me. He must be so mean to compensate for the fact that he's- grr, I can't even think of a good insult.
Cartman voice: "I hate you guys. I really hate you guys."
And! And I hate Jasmine Sola! Everyone shops there, and I mean absolutely everyone- girls even talk about it on the T! It's like, the ultimate college girls' store. And I don't know why. The clothes are pretty and fashionable but the prices are RIDICULOUS. 60% off comes to $50! And now there are no returns. I bought my sister a jacket from there for her bd the other day, but it doesn't fit, and they won't take it back or even exchange it. Where is everyone getting the money to shop there?
And! It's so cold...and there seem to be more homeless ppl than ever. I feel so bad for them.
Thanks Sally dear, I really am going to try and rest this stupid thing off... I feel like I've been through the worst of it though...
However... I have an exam tomorrow, one on Thurs, as WELL AS a 7-10 pg. paper due on Thurs after my final
good luck to everyone. and STAY HEALTHY!
My ipod erased all my music and I can't just plug it back into my computer cuz I moved all my music files to new folders a long time ago and never bothered to fix the locations in itunes.
and I'm full of snot.
How does this even happen? I went to bed healthy. This seems unfair. I have two exams this week (prooocrastination!) and I'd prefer not to be sniffly when I'm taking it. Plus I'm on my period. I'm just gross all over.
On the plus side! I won an argument with my boyfriend last night (argument: whether my local public library should separate the non-fiction video/DVDs from the books. Currently they're intermingled with the books according to the Dewey Decimal System, but he argued that it would be better if they were separate so people could browse through them. I enlisted the advice of three of my friends who had worked at the library and I totally won. It kind of made up for the fact that I lost our badger argument.)
and I'm full of snot.
I'm sorry tone
Naawww, it's just a stress cold. Finals are hell on my immune system.
It keeps you logged in for a while, even after you close the window, unless you actually press "log out," I think.
that's the thing, I pressed log out plus when I came back I wasn't logged in but Surfer Rosa was... I had to log in again.
there's always the possibility I did forget to log out and I'm confussed
I don't think it's so important though, just a bit unnerving.
I hate it
I hate it
Aww, hugs, Milkie! Don't worry. She's probably mad about something else and it just erupted badly
aww grand: PM just wont be the same... kinda sad...