i would absolutely LOVE to just slap the SHIT out of my fucking roommate right now. she is listening to CELIA CRUZ SO FUCKING LOUD right now!!!!!! i am exhausted and today i don't have annyyyyything to do and all i wanted to do was sleep forever.
i would absolutely LOVE to just slap the SHIT out of my fucking roommate right now. she is listening to CELIA CRUZ SO FUCKING LOUD right now!!!!!! i am exhausted and today i don't have annyyyyything to do and all i wanted to do was sleep forever.
celia cruz. honestly
LOL Celia Cruz! I totally adore her... I know quite a few of her songs by heart (it comes with the whole "being latina" package)...BUT, I can understand that it's not exactly soothing.
I have a complaint too... it has been almost three weeks since Rusty announced the DNLBATW giveaway and he hasn't said a word since. I know, I know, he's really sweet for even giving them away but I'm just too impatient! I've been hitting that page like three times a day since and nada de nada... I NEED THAT ALBUM!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fox took HIGA on the simpsons off youtube (including the one I put up) and MTV took my OK Go talk about sex clip off youtube too.
They're CLIPS ppl! No one is going to watch 55 seconds and feel like they watched the whole episode. In fact, a clip is more likely to make you go watch the show (hence, commercials). God, they're so stupid.
what a bummer!!! i never got to see the HIGA thing on the Simpsons!!
and rosa... it's not that i don't like celia, not at all, she's an ICON... but yes, on my one day to sleep in, it wasn't nice to wake up to "guantanamera"
-Forgot my phone charger at a friends have to charge it in the car what if I get an important text message! -Having a hard Time finding someone from Northwestern to buy me tickets.
1- woke up too late for class 2- Almost crashed the car 3- got yelled by some stupid woman in the academical services for something I had no fault 4- have a ton of things to do for tomorrow and only arrived home at 9p.m. 5-can't go out this weekend (to something I reeeeaaaally truly wanted with all my heart)
Cambridge have asked me to take a recent science project that I did with me to my interview, so I decided to take my biology coursework, for which I got 100%. And my school has lost it. I asked for it weeks ago, my interview is in 5 days now, and my school can't find it.
This is pathetic. This is one of many times that my school has made my university application so much more difficult than it has to be - I now have to print the whole thing out again, redo my graphs and diagrams by hand (I did about 10 graphs and 5 diagrams in all - that takes ages) and hope that they believe me when I say that I got 100% for it, as none of my teacher's marking will be visible.
How do I manage to lose everything. I lost my phone today at shcool and now I lost my pillow project somewhere. I took it out of my car and was bringing it in and when I set everything down it was gone. Its no longer in my car either!
and rosa... it's not that i don't like celia, not at all, she's an ICON... but yes, on my one day to sleep in, it wasn't nice to wake up to "guantanamera"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I totally understand!
Remember when I said I knew quite a few of her songs by heart?
Guantanamera, guajira, guantanamera Guantanameeeeraaaaa, guajira, guantanameraaaaa de mi Cuba soberana, recuerdo aquel murmurío de mi Cuba... soberana, recuerdo aquel murmurío del rio, junto al bohío que era una estampa cubanaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Cambridge have asked me to take a recent science project that I did with me to my interview, so I decided to take my biology coursework, for which I got 100%. And my school has lost it. I asked for it weeks ago, my interview is in 5 days now, and my school can't find it.
This is pathetic. This is one of many times that my school has made my university application so much more difficult than it has to be - I now have to print the whole thing out again, redo my graphs and diagrams by hand (I did about 10 graphs and 5 diagrams in all - that takes ages) and hope that they believe me when I say that I got 100% for it, as none of my teacher's marking will be visible.
My school is so useless.
Oh suck!! If you redo it all (which it sounds like you are) and take it in, will your teacher remark it, or somehow give you proof of your grade? If you explain your situation and all?
^^ No, unfortunately... I was tempted to do that but every time I ask them, they're "still looking", so I've been putting off doing the whole thing again. Tomorrow is the last school day before the interview, and I'm not going in because I've got a hospital appointment. This is so frustrating...
If they find it, they're going to give it to my sister to bring home to me. If not, I'm going to get an appointment with my head teacher to complain after the interview.
Crappy! Is there anything else you can take? That sucks though since you did so well on the Bio thing, but I'm sure there's other stuff you've done well on. Hopefully Cambridge will understand. They seemed to be cool on the application thing, so maybe they will.
okay sweet. i never really know when it's okay for me to use people's names... that is if i knew them... haha kay it is then
new complaint:
i'm broke and tomorrow is the biggest bar night of the year. shit.
okaky. i'm a LITTLE, just a TINY bit drunk. i have a wine buzz.it's awesome. i guess that's not a complaint...
why. why is tilq tequila on?
celia cruz. honestly
celia cruz. honestly
LOL Celia Cruz! I totally adore her... I know quite a few of her songs by heart (it comes with the whole "being latina" package)...BUT, I can understand that it's not exactly soothing.
I have a complaint too... it has been almost three weeks since Rusty announced the DNLBATW giveaway and he hasn't said a word since. I know, I know, he's really sweet for even giving them away but I'm just too impatient! I've been hitting that page like three times a day since and nada de nada... I NEED THAT ALBUM!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and MTV took my OK Go talk about sex clip off youtube too.
They're CLIPS ppl! No one is going to watch 55 seconds and feel like they watched the whole episode. In fact, a clip is more likely to make you go watch the show (hence, commercials). God, they're so stupid.
and rosa... it's not that i don't like celia, not at all, she's an ICON... but yes, on my one day to sleep in, it wasn't nice to wake up to "guantanamera"
-Having a hard Time finding someone from Northwestern to buy me tickets.
1- woke up too late for class
2- Almost crashed the car
3- got yelled by some stupid woman in the academical services for something I had no fault
4- have a ton of things to do for tomorrow and only arrived home at 9p.m.
5-can't go out this weekend (to something I reeeeaaaally truly wanted with all my heart)
This is pathetic. This is one of many times that my school has made my university application so much more difficult than it has to be - I now have to print the whole thing out again, redo my graphs and diagrams by hand (I did about 10 graphs and 5 diagrams in all - that takes ages) and hope that they believe me when I say that I got 100% for it, as none of my teacher's marking will be visible.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I totally understand!
Remember when I said I knew quite a few of her songs by heart?
Guantanamera, guajira, guantanamera
Guantanameeeeraaaaa, guajira, guantanameraaaaa
de mi Cuba soberana, recuerdo aquel murmurío
de mi Cuba... soberana, recuerdo aquel murmurío
del rio, junto al bohío que era una estampa cubanaaaaaaaaaaaaa
oh God, I just saw this one... I didn't mean anything in particular with my previous post you know.
This is pathetic. This is one of many times that my school has made my university application so much more difficult than it has to be - I now have to print the whole thing out again, redo my graphs and diagrams by hand (I did about 10 graphs and 5 diagrams in all - that takes ages) and hope that they believe me when I say that I got 100% for it, as none of my teacher's marking will be visible.
Oh suck!! If you redo it all (which it sounds like you are) and take it in, will your teacher remark it, or somehow give you proof of your grade? If you explain your situation and all?
If they find it, they're going to give it to my sister to bring home to me. If not, I'm going to get an appointment with my head teacher to complain after the interview.