My friend borrowed my Oyster card (it's a London transport card to get free bus travel and discounted subway travel because I'm still in education), and it got confiscated by an inspector who asked to see it when he saw that the photo was of a red headed girl instead of a black haired boy. This NEVER happens, it's so unlucky.
My friend pleaded with him to give it back, pretending I was his girlfriend (dunno how he thought that would help...) but they've taken it. So I'm left Oyster-less.
This is going to cost me a fortune in travel. Buses cost £2 ($4), no matter how short the journey. And I get the bus to and from school most days. Oy.
Oh that sucks. Can you say that you lost it and get a new one?
i am just going to complain forever i think... in addition to me having a creeptastic eye... i keep hitting my arm where i burnt it, and picking up my hot tea with my burned hand AND i feel like complete garbage. my nose is runny, i have a headache and my whole body hurts.
i am just going to complain forever i think... in addition to me having a creeptastic eye... i keep hitting my arm where i burnt it, and picking up my hot tea with my burned hand AND i feel like complete garbage. my nose is runny, i have a headache and my whole body hurts.
and i start a new job tonight.
wow, that's something to complain about...get lots of rest and don't let anything get on your nerves.
Oh well, you know how I am, I have dreams that break the status quo and that I'm afraid my family will laugh at me for having them (what's more, if I actually pursue them)...
And I feel guilty because there are so many people in this world having far more serious problems than I am and here I am whining about not achieving my true dreams and having to be a doctor or a lawyer...
I know. Its really weird. I don't really pay much attention to them but I've been hearing some about them now.
I can't believe the colts pulled that one off. My dad thinks that Vinitari was either getting paid off or in the last 2-3 kicks he got threatened so thats why he started doing good. Who knows.
I think I'm entering that whole "Who am I?" shit phase of life. I can't even express everything I'm trying to like figure out. I don't know.. its been an interesting weekend and it was all fine and dandy until a few of my friends and I had this long convo about relationships and all that.
I don't think this post even makes much sense - I apologize.
I think I understand your weekend in a way. about the "who am I" I ran away this week and went to my friends ahouse bc my parents got mad at me for a stupid reason and they wont let me play softball anymore and tthey took everything away from me. and i've been doing things that i would never do in my life and I told them and now im on like lock down at my house for awhile. It sucks. I don't think i've ever cried so much in my life.
QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Nov 18 2007, 05:06 PM)
I think I understand your weekend in a way. about the "who am I" I ran away this week and went to my friends ahouse bc my parents got mad at me for a stupid reason and they wont let me play softball anymore and tthey took everything away from me. and i've been doing things that i would never do in my life and I told them and now im on like lock down at my house for awhile. It sucks. I don't think i've ever cried so much in my life.
Ohh man. *HUGS* I'm sorry dear.. I know parents can be totally ridiculous sometimes.
With me, I'm not even super depressed.. Its actually rather strange because I'm borderline content because I've locked in an amazing group of friends finally and I think they're starting to understand me. But it seems like I may be starting to have a blurred image of who I am and what position I take on various things. Yes, I'm a pretty conservative type of girl, but where do I want to draw the line? I'm only 18, but do I want to go out with a guy and have a serious relationship with him if I know we're going to eventually have to break up because I can't marry him, and if I'm okay with that, does it make me a hypocrite that I don't believe in random hookup or friends with benefits? And again, what about alcohol.. in the past I've always been like nooo i don't drink, and now I've had drinks like three times in the past couple of weeks.. I still haven't gotten drunk - in fact, every time I drink, I get sleepy haha. Yesterday was the most I had and I felt woozy but still kinda sleepy, I don't know - maybe it was a buzz/tipsy? Its just hard for me because as a Muslim I'm liberal, but as a college student I'm conservative, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.
That's all i can articulate for now - too many thoughts running through my mind.
Well its always good to have a relationship with somebody so you don't feel quite as lonley and you know you will always have someone there for you even if you can't marry them. You won't be being a hypocrite at all. About the drinking thing, if you want to drink take it slow and make sure you are with friends you can trust, trust me from my own experiance you need to be with friends you can trust your first Time acually getting drunk, be who you wan't to be and don't give into peer pressure if you don't feel comfortable about it. I know this sounds like im telling you what every teacher tells a student but its true.
and it's for reasons like this that i LOATHE group projects....
-i woke up today and my eye is completely gross. all red, and sore and just, ick...
-i have QUITE the burn mark on my hand too. f'n sucks
My friend pleaded with him to give it back, pretending I was his girlfriend (dunno how he thought that would help...) but they've taken it. So I'm left Oyster-less.
This is going to cost me a fortune in travel. Buses cost £2 ($4), no matter how short the journey. And I get the bus to and from school most days. Oy.
Oh that sucks. Can you say that you lost it and get a new one?
and i start a new job tonight.
Im sorry to hear all those things katie!
good luck with your new job though!
and i start a new job tonight.
wow, that's something to complain about...get lots of rest and don't let anything get on your nerves.
and when i leave this job, i'm going home to sleep til i go into work for the night *sigh*
Nope, tried it
I've applied for a new one, and til then I flirt with the bus drivers until they let me on for free, LOL.
Katie! *hugs*
Hope you feel better soon wifey!!
Now for me and my stupid worthless dreams...
And thanks
And thanks
You're welcome.
Oh well, you know how I am, I have dreams that break the status quo and that I'm afraid my family will laugh at me for having them (what's more, if I actually pursue them)...
And I feel guilty because there are so many people in this world having far more serious problems than I am and here I am whining about not achieving my true dreams and having to be a doctor or a lawyer...
What in the world is wrong with me...?
But what is going on with the Browns? I mean...they are actually winning games! I'm so confused lol.
I can't believe the colts pulled that one off. My dad thinks that Vinitari was either getting paid off or in the last 2-3 kicks he got threatened so thats why he started doing good. Who knows.
I can't even express everything I'm trying to like figure out.
I don't know.. its been an interesting weekend and it was all fine and dandy until a few of my friends and I had this long convo about relationships and all that.
I don't think this post even makes much sense - I apologize.
Ohh man.
I'm sorry dear.. I know parents can be totally ridiculous sometimes.
With me, I'm not even super depressed.. Its actually rather strange because I'm borderline content because I've locked in an amazing group of friends finally and I think they're starting to understand me.
But it seems like I may be starting to have a blurred image of who I am and what position I take on various things. Yes, I'm a pretty conservative type of girl, but where do I want to draw the line? I'm only 18, but do I want to go out with a guy and have a serious relationship with him if I know we're going to eventually have to break up because I can't marry him, and if I'm okay with that, does it make me a hypocrite that I don't believe in random hookup or friends with benefits?
And again, what about alcohol.. in the past I've always been like nooo i don't drink, and now I've had drinks like three times in the past couple of weeks.. I still haven't gotten drunk - in fact, every time I drink, I get sleepy haha. Yesterday was the most I had and I felt woozy but still kinda sleepy, I don't know - maybe it was a buzz/tipsy?
Its just hard for me because as a Muslim I'm liberal, but as a college student I'm conservative, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.
That's all i can articulate for now - too many thoughts running through my mind.
the damage