But it seems like I may be starting to have a blurred image of who I am and what position I take on various things. Yes, I'm a pretty conservative type of girl, but where do I want to draw the line? I'm only 18, but do I want to go out with a guy and have a serious relationship with him if I know we're going to eventually have to break up because I can't marry him, and if I'm okay with that, does it make me a hypocrite that I don't believe in random hookup or friends with benefits? And again, what about alcohol.. in the past I've always been like nooo i don't drink, and now I've had drinks like three times in the past couple of weeks.. I still haven't gotten drunk - in fact, every time I drink, I get sleepy haha. Yesterday was the most I had and I felt woozy but still kinda sleepy, I don't know - maybe it was a buzz/tipsy? Its just hard for me because as a Muslim I'm liberal, but as a college student I'm conservative, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.
That's all i can articulate for now - too many thoughts running through my mind.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with a guy and be in a relationship. It's VERY different to want that versus wanting random hook-ups. In one, you're sharing yourself with someone, emotionally and physically. Random hookups are mostly about the physicality of it all, which doesn't mean that it's "worse" by any means, but it is different.
Why does my street become "hey let's drunkenly yell at 4 in the morning" street? I'm all for the drunken yelling, but just not out on my street at, oh I don't know, 4 IN THE MORNING?
Why does my street become "hey let's drunkenly yell at 4 in the morning" street? I'm all for the drunken yelling, but just not out on my street at, oh I don't know, 4 IN THE MORNING?
Story of my life... I live on the main drag (the bar main drag that is... i'm just one block north of the actual big street that runs through the city), of my college town, and a mere 2 blocks from all the bars. This happens daily. I feel your pain!!
omg, you hand!!! Katie, you poor thing!! Ugh, I wish I could offer help but my solution to every ailment is tea and that's the culprit here... ugh, rest up and feel better, Katie!
Story of my life... I live on the main drag (the bar main drag that is... i'm just one block north of the actual big street that runs through the city), of my college town, and a mere 2 blocks from all the bars. This happens daily. I feel your pain!!
Yeaaah. I live a couple of blocks from one of the main bar-areas of downtown. And by "main bar area" I mean "main bar area for any American college kids who decide to spend the weekend drinking in Canada."
I hope your hand feels better PS. There's nothing worse than wanting a nice hot drink and sustaining bodily harm because of it.
public schools with a heating system that's constantly screwed up. so that in the history and language halls, it's about 80 degrees (Farenheit, obviously, haha) and in science and math and english, it's about 50 degrees. of course, this is only when they get around to turning the heat on, you know, about two weeks after it started being consistently cold.
public schools with a heating system that's constantly screwed up. so that in the history and language halls, it's about 80 degrees (Farenheit, obviously, haha) and in science and math and english, it's about 50 degrees. of course, this is only when they get around to turning the heat on, you know, about two weeks after it started being consistently cold.
Ugh, I feel your pain. This time of year, the first floor is known as The Fridge, second is The Oven, and the third floor is Deep Freeze of Death.
Oooh Katie, hope your hand gets better soon m'love! That looks painful.
And Kay and PhantomMilk - I totally know how you feel. My teachers now accept the fact that I no longer sit at a table - I sit on the floor, leaning against the radiators, refusing to take coat, scarf or gloves off. Bloody England and it's bloody rain and bloody freezatiousness...
I hate losing my best friend to his girlfriend. I mean, I like her and everything. But I don't understand why their relationship means that he never calls me anymore, or that I can never call him because he's busy with her the whole time. Or that we talk so little anymore that he's not even looking forward to the OK Go show, and wants to turn up late to it. Argh
i felt the same way when i woke up this morning! sometimes i reeaallllyyyyy hate being a girl
You know exactly what I'm talking about
uuuuugh, and I swallowed 2 extra strength rapid release Tylenols and they're not helping. I think if I still feel this way in half an hour, then nevermind class- I'm going back to bed, where I can double over quietly.
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
Feel better, Katie and Sally, and please excuse my ignorance but season 2 is conspicously missing from your list of choices. What's up?
yes mixtape! it's over the counter stuff... mixed in with all the tylenols and what not... its what the gyno always told my mom and i to take... she said to take some a day or two BEFORE you start, and then 2 every 4 hours the first day
please excuse my ignorance but season 2 is conspicously missing from your list of choices. What's up?
i don't know why i never got that one? lol. i bought 3 awhile ago, i got 4 for christmas last year. and i bought 1 with a giftcard i got, and then my sister got me 5 for my birthday... i'm hopefully getting 2 and 6 for christmas this year
Awww, my lovelies! I'm sorry you all get it so bad...
Sometimes the cramps make me double up in pain, but I've certainly never fainted or anything... My hot (male) art teacher used to give me advice on which medicines to take when I refused to work anymore in his lessons because it hurt too much, lol. Strange man...
yes mixtape! it's over the counter stuff... mixed in with all the tylenols and what not... its what the gyno always told my mom and i to take... she said to take some a day or two BEFORE you start, and then 2 every 4 hours the first day
Katie! You are my cramp saviour! And just call me Kay.
And again, what about alcohol.. in the past I've always been like nooo i don't drink, and now I've had drinks like three times in the past couple of weeks.. I still haven't gotten drunk - in fact, every time I drink, I get sleepy haha. Yesterday was the most I had and I felt woozy but still kinda sleepy, I don't know - maybe it was a buzz/tipsy?
Its just hard for me because as a Muslim I'm liberal, but as a college student I'm conservative, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.
That's all i can articulate for now - too many thoughts running through my mind.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with a guy and be in a relationship. It's VERY different to want that versus wanting random hook-ups. In one, you're sharing yourself with someone, emotionally and physically. Random hookups are mostly about the physicality of it all, which doesn't mean that it's "worse" by any means, but it is different.
Why does my street become "hey let's drunkenly yell at 4 in the morning" street? I'm all for the drunken yelling, but just not out on my street at, oh I don't know, 4 IN THE MORNING?
Story of my life... I live on the main drag (the bar main drag that is... i'm just one block north of the actual big street that runs through the city), of my college town, and a mere 2 blocks from all the bars. This happens daily. I feel your pain!!
Katie, you poor thing!!
Ugh, I wish I could offer help but my solution to every ailment is tea and that's the culprit here...
ugh, rest up and feel better, Katie!
-having to go to school on your day off and deal with an asshole classmate who has a Jeckle and Hyde personality
BTW, katie! You're poor hand.
Yeaaah. I live a couple of blocks from one of the main bar-areas of downtown. And by "main bar area" I mean "main bar area for any American college kids who decide to spend the weekend drinking in Canada."
I hope your hand feels better PS. There's nothing worse than wanting a nice hot drink and sustaining bodily harm because of it.
so that in the history and language halls, it's about 80 degrees (Farenheit, obviously, haha)
and in science and math and english, it's about 50 degrees.
of course, this is only when they get around to turning the heat on, you know, about two weeks after it started being consistently cold.
so that in the history and language halls, it's about 80 degrees (Farenheit, obviously, haha)
and in science and math and english, it's about 50 degrees.
of course, this is only when they get around to turning the heat on, you know, about two weeks after it started being consistently cold.
Ugh, I feel your pain. This time of year, the first floor is known as The Fridge, second is The Oven, and the third floor is Deep Freeze of Death.
And Kay and PhantomMilk - I totally know how you feel. My teachers now accept the fact that I no longer sit at a table - I sit on the floor, leaning against the radiators, refusing to take coat, scarf or gloves off. Bloody England and it's bloody rain and bloody freezatiousness...
I hate losing my best friend to his girlfriend.
I mean, I like her and everything.
But I don't understand why their relationship means that he never calls me anymore, or that I can never call him because he's busy with her the whole time. Or that we talk so little anymore that he's not even looking forward to the OK Go show, and wants to turn up late to it. Argh
But no, I have to go to class....all I wanna do is go back to bed.
You know exactly what I'm talking about
uuuuugh, and I swallowed 2 extra strength rapid release Tylenols and they're not helping.
I think if I still feel this way in half an hour, then nevermind class- I'm going back to bed, where I can double over quietly.
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
1 or 3. Duh.
Feel better bb.
sometimes, the cramps are SO bad, i faint. not joking. it happened at work, and it happened one time in high school. wildly embarrassing at school though... i take naproxen sodium... that ALWAYS works for me. but i can assure you, when i leave here in 9 minutes, i'm going home and putting in a season of scrubs... 1, 3, 4, or 5?
Feel better, Katie and Sally, and please excuse my ignorance but season 2 is conspicously missing from your list of choices. What's up?
WHERE can I get this?? A pharmacy?? Please? Ughh, I hate leaving class to puke every month.
i don't know why i never got that one? lol. i bought 3 awhile ago, i got 4 for christmas last year. and i bought 1 with a giftcard i got, and then my sister got me 5 for my birthday... i'm hopefully getting 2 and 6 for christmas this year
Sometimes the cramps make me double up in pain, but I've certainly never fainted or anything... My hot (male) art teacher used to give me advice on which medicines to take when I refused to work anymore in his lessons because it hurt too much, lol. Strange man...
lol allie... you and your art teacher
Katie! You are my cramp saviour! And just call me Kay.