How could Cambridge be mad at you when it was totally your school's fault for not having the project? They should have appreciated the fact that you redid the whole thing. I'm sure you were amazing. If they don't accept you, I'll go over there and kick their ass. I have no idea how to kick an entire university's ass, but I'll find a way.
The person that was supposed to drive with me to the show in Kirksville on Friday cancelled on me. Totally not her fault, but now I'm driving all by my lonesome from Chicago to Kirksville.
Eh, at least I get the hotel room to myself.
So, yeah, anyone need a ticket, now that I have an extra one.
How could Cambridge be mad at you when it was totally your school's fault for not having the project? They should have appreciated the fact that you redid the whole thing. I'm sure you were amazing. If they don't accept you, I'll go over there and kick their ass. I have no idea how to kick an entire university's ass, but I'll find a way.
Kalinda, you're awesome. Tell them that Oxford is better, that'll make them cry....
I hate my school. For the first time in my life, I actually despise it. I teach my teachers, because one biology teacher doesn't understand how natural selection works, one maths teacher needs me to check her work to make sure it's correct. This is on the increasingly rare occasions when teachers actually turn up to class, or don't end it half an hour early for no apparent reason. I'm not being stretched in the slightest in biology, my favorite subject, and I get no support with regards to applications to university. Our school motto is "I want to learn" I want to leave.
I hate my school. For the first time in my life, I actually despise it. I teach my teachers, because one biology teacher doesn't understand how natural selection works, one maths teacher needs me to check her work to make sure it's correct. This is on the increasingly rare occasions when teachers actually turn up to class, or don't end it half an hour early for no apparent reason. I'm not being stretched in the slightest in biology, my favorite subject, and I get no support with regards to applications to university. Our school motto is "I want to learn" I want to leave.
That is EXACTLY how my biology teacher is. She is the worst teacher I have ever had. She doesn't even teach us and gets everything off the internet. When she says shes giving us a grade on something she doesnt and she doenst even care that we cheat on EVERYTHING! Ugh I really dont liker her. I practically have to teach my friend in that class and give my self credit for her grades. Wow that sounds bad. Anyways I understand, although most of my other teachers are exceptionally good this year. I am soooo thankful for honors classes!
GAH. I can't get this stupid machine to work! And I lied and told the professor I work for that I finished something when I didn't and he wants to see the images of it tomorrow but I can't even do them now to cover up my lie. And it's all the grad students' fault, who used this machine before me. AND I HATE GRAD STUDENTS. And I have TWO exams tomorrow and I'm only half way thru reviewing for 1 and haven't even started reviewing for the other. And that other obnoxious grad student at my lab needs to wear a better shirt b/c I don't want to see your chest hair! And I just got back a midterm from last week and it wasn't pretty. And neither was the midterm from another class. And now this professor is going to know I lied tomorrow. And I have finals in 2 weeks and I haaaate this.
But The Fratellis make it all better. Another 3 hours of Gutterrati and For the Girl on repeat while I pour over my hellish textbook. And try to think of a cover-up lie.
somedays, you just need a good cry! I'm so upset for two reasons, 1-OK Go is so close yet so far away from me tonight, bummed about not being to able to go to the concert. 2-My friend just called toask me to Chicago tonight to get wristbands for Duran Duran in-store signing, I can't go.
I am having some Starbucks, a chocolate muffin, and some Damian on the tv to cheer me up. Will it work? I may be heading to Target later for some retail therapy.
Are these people seiously complaining that they hold taxes out of our bonus? We're lucky we even got one!! It's free money!!! They're giving you free money and you're complaining that uncle sam gets a bigger portion of the money that you DIDN'T WORK FOR than the money that you did? Seiously?? Would it be better if we got taxed the higher rate all the time?? If you don't want to pay taxes on that money you can give it to me, I would LOOOVE to pay taxes on it.
I actually hope we don't get one next year so people won't do this.
I sigh a lot. Sometimes quietly, but sometimes very loudly- and I don't realize until ppl around me comment. And sometimes, when I'm really frustrated, I stamp my feet. But today, right in the street, I quite yelled. I didn't mean to, but I did not do as well on something as I hoped, despite my 4 hours studying for it. And this, man, this was supposed to be the easiest exam of the semester. And so, I had to yell like a crazy person.
I don't know why ppl say college is the best years of your life. All I ever do is study 5, 10, 20 hours for an endless march of exam after exam and then end up yelling in the street. And everyone else I know does the same, except they substitute weekend binge drinking with the yelling. This forum feels like the only thing I do that does not cause sighing...
But it's officially now my reading period, which is when we have no classes for a week and are supposed to prepare for finals. Sigh.
Gah, writing all that down here did not produce the catharsis I wanted.
aww i'm sorry sally *big hugs* i get the same overwhelming sigh whenever something like that happens to me too... we have finals next week... there's no little period of study time only... man, that'd be nice. i'd use it to catch up on sleep and GET HEALTHY...
i've been battling SOMETHING for over 3 months now, and i can't seem to shake it. it's totally freaking me out b/c i'm a mild hypochondriac and i self-diagnose and assume the worst. my neck hurt earlier this week, and so i assumed i had meningitis... which isn't all that wild of a guess b/c i guess MSU is a breeding ground, and i'm an idiot and never got my shot. THEN mono... or maybe something way worse... they ALL start out w/ flu-like symptoms. GAH. so today, i'm going to the doctor AGAIN, and i have to get blood work done and i'm terrified of needles. hopefully, i won't faint.
Katie, you poor thing! If I were nearby, I'd make you some soup and lots of hot tea. Feel better soon! Never mind school- it's not important compared to your health! I guess I'm lucky to have a study period. How was your secret santa? I'm so sorry about the needles- you're so brave!
Ok so I have my first drive time for drivers ed on monday and I am super extemely ultra nervous. I dont know why, I mean, I'm a good driver. But I'm afraid of messing up and looking dumb. And we are now just getting snow and ice and we're supposed to get an ice storm this weekend! Maybe I won't have to do it then! Oh I hope so. Ugh I know I sound like a loser. Was anyone else nervous when they first started driving with an instructer?
^^ OMG, Courtney that is disgusting!!! I'm angry, and as far as I know I have no Asian connections whatsoever. That's absolutely revolting. And "All Asians bomb"??? Which glorious country dropped two atom bombs on Japan, then? Oy, people can be such ignorant fuckwits.
I know, I'm grossed out, and I hardly even think of myself as Asian, but I'm still offended... And to say that "All Asians bomb?" Um, I'm pretty sure not only Asians bomb, and I'm saying this an an American, we bombed them too.
I know, I'm grossed out, and I hardly even think of myself as Asian, but I'm still offended... And to say that "All Asians bomb?" Um, I'm pretty sure not only Asians bomb, and I'm saying this an an American, we bombed them too.
Stupid tan-wannabe man named, I think, Nathan...
OMG, courtney, how can anyone be that big an asshole?! Was he deprived of some oxygen during birth? I had a nitwit like that in middle school who used to say things about my religion. God, I just want to strangle people like that who say things, intentionally or not. You're awesome the way you handled it. You wouldn't let it go any further and you acted like you had no idea what he was talking about. You wouldn't let him get the better of you, or see that it made you angry. You didn't let him have that. Way to go!
How could Cambridge be mad at you when it was totally your school's fault for not having the project? They should have appreciated the fact that you redid the whole thing. I'm sure you were amazing.
The person that was supposed to drive with me to the show in Kirksville on Friday cancelled on me. Totally not her fault, but now I'm driving all by my lonesome from Chicago to Kirksville.
Eh, at least I get the hotel room to myself.
So, yeah, anyone need a ticket, now that I have an extra one.
Aww, thanks guys! You make me feel so much better! Sometimes, I'm my own worst enemy and I really need people to tell me I can do it.
Gah, beckysioux, I wish I could get back to Phoenix by way of Missouri! I've always wanted to see Kirksville since my school is based out of there.
I hate my school. For the first time in my life, I actually despise it. I teach my teachers, because one biology teacher doesn't understand how natural selection works, one maths teacher needs me to check her work to make sure it's correct. This is on the increasingly rare occasions when teachers actually turn up to class, or don't end it half an hour early for no apparent reason. I'm not being stretched in the slightest in biology, my favorite subject, and I get no support with regards to applications to university.
Our school motto is "I want to learn"
I want to leave.
Our school motto is "I want to learn"
I want to leave.
That is EXACTLY how my biology teacher is. She is the worst teacher I have ever had. She doesn't even teach us and gets everything off the internet. When she says shes giving us a grade on something she doesnt and she doenst even care that we cheat on EVERYTHING! Ugh I really dont liker her. I practically have to teach my friend in that class and give my self credit for her grades. Wow that sounds bad. Anyways I understand, although most of my other teachers are exceptionally good this year. I am soooo thankful for honors classes!
And I just got back a midterm from last week and it wasn't pretty. And neither was the midterm from another class. And now this professor is going to know I lied tomorrow. And I have finals in 2 weeks and I haaaate this.
But The Fratellis make it all better. Another 3 hours of Gutterrati and For the Girl on repeat while I pour over my hellish textbook. And try to think of a cover-up lie.
And then study period and then finals.
And I hate Eitan so much. I HATE YOU, EITAN. I feel so much better now.
hahaha, he almost saw what I wrote. Thank goodness this table is angled.
I am having some Starbucks, a chocolate muffin, and some Damian on the tv to cheer me up. Will it work? I may be heading to Target later for some retail therapy.
I actually hope we don't get one next year so people won't do this.
Every. Single. Year.
And sometimes, when I'm really frustrated, I stamp my feet.
But today, right in the street, I quite yelled. I didn't mean to, but I did not do as well on something as I hoped, despite my 4 hours studying for it. And this, man, this was supposed to be the easiest exam of the semester.
And so, I had to yell like a crazy person.
I don't know why ppl say college is the best years of your life. All I ever do is study 5, 10, 20 hours for an endless march of exam after exam and then end up yelling in the street. And everyone else I know does the same, except they substitute weekend binge drinking with the yelling. This forum feels like the only thing I do that does not cause sighing...
But it's officially now my reading period, which is when we have no classes for a week and are supposed to prepare for finals. Sigh.
Gah, writing all that down here did not produce the catharsis I wanted.
Well, my mommy made roast, so that'll help.
i've been battling SOMETHING for over 3 months now, and i can't seem to shake it. it's totally freaking me out b/c i'm a mild hypochondriac and i self-diagnose and assume the worst. my neck hurt earlier this week, and so i assumed i had meningitis... which isn't all that wild of a guess b/c i guess MSU is a breeding ground, and i'm an idiot and never got my shot. THEN mono... or maybe something way worse... they ALL start out w/ flu-like symptoms. GAH. so today, i'm going to the doctor AGAIN, and i have to get blood work done
How was your secret santa? I'm so sorry about the needles- you're so brave!
and damn. I just did the blood work. f'n sucked
Ok so I have my first drive time for drivers ed on monday and I am super extemely ultra nervous. I dont know why, I mean, I'm a good driver. But I'm afraid of messing up and looking dumb. And we are now just getting snow and ice and we're supposed to get an ice storm this weekend! Maybe I won't have to do it then! Oh I hope so. Ugh I know I sound like a loser. Was anyone else nervous when they first started driving with an instructer?
Stupid tan-wannabe man named, I think, Nathan...
Stupid tan-wannabe man named, I think, Nathan...
OMG, courtney, how can anyone be that big an asshole?! Was he deprived of some oxygen during birth? I had a nitwit like that in middle school who used to say things about my religion. God, I just want to strangle people like that who say things, intentionally or not. You're awesome the way you handled it. You wouldn't let it go any further and you acted like you had no idea what he was talking about. You wouldn't let him get the better of you, or see that it made you angry. You didn't let him have that. Way to go!