There's nothing else, I'm afraid... they ask specifically for a science project, and we've only done that one. I'm going to redo it all, show my interviewers, and explain that my school couldn't find my original copy. And hope that they recognise the effort I put in, even though the mark isn't there.
Oooh good luck Electra! that sounds like a huge hassle, but hopefully you'll pull through it!
I finally convinced my dad to let me fill out my own college applications. I mean, it's nice not having to figure stuff out on my own But I want to at least physically fill everything out by myself, you know, have something to do with the process other than just writing the essay... geez
I think he's just nervous, but it's still really really frustrating.
Like how he insists on holding my whole family's passports and boarding passes and stuff whenever we go somewhere... I'm the youngest in the family, we're all grown up enough to hold our own passports. He even holds my mom's. it's ridiculous.
Wow, Electra, what sucks. I can't believe they lost it! I don't think you should have to do it over when it's their fault.
So. I thought I did okay on my PSATs, for the first time around and not studying, you know? And then everyone else (in my honors classes) scores higher than me. Even the kids I was sure I would do better than. I was expected to blow everyone away with my score, just because I take harder classes... I was in the 95th percentile, but I still feel so inadequate. Sure, it doesn't count for anything, but it's a major blow to my self-esteem to realize everyone is smarter than I am. Most of my friends, however, did worse than I did, so I can't talk to them about it, because then it sounds like I'm bragging. I wouldn't brag about a score like that.
I know, it sucks. Apparently the biology department realised today that they sent my work off to the examiner, and that it hasn't been sent back. So they phoned the exam board today. A tad too late, methinks. So no project to show Cambridge. I'm going to work on my second copy this weekend. Oy.
And Shalu, how important was that test? I understand your frustration, but to do that well without studying is still pretty impressive! Try to take some pride in your natural ability, and next time beat everyone to restore your confidence I think you're awesome Shalu, whatever your grades.
Wow, Electra, what sucks. I can't believe they lost it! I don't think you should have to do it over when it's their fault.
So. I thought I did okay on my PSATs, for the first time around and not studying, you know? And then everyone else (in my honors classes) scores higher than me. Even the kids I was sure I would do better than. I was expected to blow everyone away with my score, just because I take harder classes... I was in the 95th percentile, but I still feel so inadequate. Sure, it doesn't count for anything, but it's a major blow to my self-esteem to realize everyone is smarter than I am. Most of my friends, however, did worse than I did, so I can't talk to them about it, because then it sounds like I'm bragging. I wouldn't brag about a score like that.
Shalu, I completely understand how you're feeling. But let's look at a few factors here, and then I think you'll feel better. You didn't study. Yet you still scored in the 95th percentile! How Freaking Cool are you???? The other kids, who you thought you should've beaten probably *did* study. So while you edge them out on an even playing field, they worked a little harder and beat you. This time. On an insignificant (all things considered) test. You'll show them who's boss next time, I'm sure.
I didn't study either. My score jumped considerably between my two SAT attempts, and the second time I was able to score an 800 verbal with only a *little* preparation (my English teacher in HS did some SAT prep for a week so I had to be in on it). The other kids went to Kaplan Courses and I still beat their scores. You sound like you're a pretty smart girl. Trust me, you'll get it next time. And how old are you? You made it seem like you're doing this early. Are you going to take the PSAT again? Because then you'll *really* have it made by the time the SAT comes around.
Allie, to answer your question, the PSAT is a preparatory version of the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the SAT. It, along with the ACT (American Collegiate Test), is something that potential colleges take into account when you apply. When I was applying there were two tests - Verbal Skills and Math. Now there's a third section, maybe one of you kids can help me there, because I don't have the slightest clue. Each section is graded on a scale of 800 points, with 200 being the lowest possible score you can get. Then the two numbers (well, three now) are combined and that's the number you give when people ask how you did. You can take the SAT as many times as you want to/can pay for it, and take your best score on each test when applying for schools. So let's say on your first try you do really well on Verbal, and not so much on the other two sections. Then the next time you prepare for the other two so hard that your Verbal score drops. Not to worry, because the college will take your higher verbal score from the other attempt and combine it with the two better scores on the other sections. Got it?
Anyway, the PSAT doesn't really count for anything. Colleges certainly don't look at it. What it does do is act as a qualifying round for the National Merit Scholarships ($$$), and that's it. 95th Percentile ain't bad, Shalu.
I know, it sucks. Apparently the biology department realised today that they sent my work off to the examiner, and that it hasn't been sent back. So they phoned the exam board today. A tad too late, methinks. So no project to show Cambridge. I'm going to work on my second copy this weekend. Oy.
aww, stupid people!! i'm sure you'll do fine at your interview *sends IWI good luck vibes (they're the best kind ;])* i can send you my sexy imaginary friend if you need the support :]
- i have a college interview next thursday and i haven't started on my essay nor given any teacher the recommendation form :/
I know, it sucks. Apparently the biology department realised today that they sent my work off to the examiner, and that it hasn't been sent back. So they phoned the exam board today. A tad too late, methinks. So no project to show Cambridge. I'm going to work on my second copy this weekend. Oy.
Whoa, asses... good luck, though!
QUOTE (Electra @ Nov 30 2007, 07:03 PM)
And Shalu, how important was that test? I understand your frustration, but to do that well without studying is still pretty impressive! Try to take some pride in your natural ability, and next time beat everyone to restore your confidence I think you're awesome Shalu, whatever your grades.
Awwww, thanks. Really, it means a lot. And, uh, you're awesome too. Very much so.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
Shalu, I completely understand how you're feeling. But let's look at a few factors here, and then I think you'll feel better. You didn't study. Yet you still scored in the 95th percentile! How Freaking Cool are you????
Actually, I go to a pretty competitive-ass school. It's the way I've been raised.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
The other kids, who you thought you should've beaten probably *did* study. So while you edge them out on an even playing field, they worked a little harder and beat you. This time. On an insignificant (all things considered) test. You'll show them who's boss next time, I'm sure.
That's actually probably true, thanks! (And even if it's not, at least it's some temporary consolation.)
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
I didn't study either. My score jumped considerably between my two SAT attempts, and the second time I was able to score an 800 verbal with only a *little* preparation (my English teacher in HS did some SAT prep for a week so I had to be in on it). The other kids went to Kaplan Courses and I still beat their scores.
Youuuuu are amazing! I'll probably end up going to a Kaplan class because I'm such a perfectionist. And incidentally, so are my parents.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
You sound like you're a pretty smart girl. Trust me, you'll get it next time. And how old are you? You made it seem like you're doing this early. Are you going to take the PSAT again? Because then you'll *really* have it made by the time the SAT comes around.
I'm a sophomore, sixteen in February, so, yeah, I still have to take it next year, along with the SAT. And then I'll take the SAT again senior year. I really hope I do better next time(s).
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
Allie, to answer your question, the PSAT is a preparatory version of the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the SAT. It, along with the ACT (American Collegiate Test), is something that potential colleges take into account when you apply. When I was applying there were two tests - Verbal Skills and Math. Now there's a third section, maybe one of you kids can help me there, because I don't have the slightest clue. Each section is graded on a scale of 800 points, with 200 being the lowest possible score you can get. Then the two numbers (well, three now) are combined and that's the number you give when people ask how you did.
Starting 2005 (I believe?), they added an essay portion, so the highest possible score is now a 2400. The PSAT is scored similarly, except with a maximum score of 240. I scored a 196, while my classmates all scored in the 200s.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Nov 30 2007, 09:06 PM)
Anyway, the PSAT doesn't really count for anything. Colleges certainly don't look at it. What it does do is act as a qualifying round for the National Merit Scholarships ($$$), and that's it. 95th Percentile ain't bad, Shalu.
Yeah, the PSAT means pretty much nothing in the college-acceptance world. I'm aiming for that scholarship, so I guess that means I have some preparatory work ahead of me. I hear they don't take anything under 220. (What is that... like, 99.9th percentile? Damn.) The real deal is the SAT, and I won't be taking that for the first time for at least another year.
Thanks to both of you for your support/encouragement. Huggy hugs all around! Grades aren't really as important as I make them out to be. I spend way too much time thinking about the numbers than actually trying to get the work done. This may sound like sad-sack self-pitying (unintentional, I promise), but it's true: I'm not very talented in anything, so my grades are the only thing that bring me a sense of accomplishment in life. And not being among the best in this test, however trivial, pissed me off. Thaaaat's depressing. I'm not a total loser. (?)
Oh, shit, forget standardized testing. I have to study for finals. Those are in... a bit more than two weeks. FUCK.
Thanks for the sympathy, guys I'm working on Bio Project number 2 as we speak.. oy. Bloody school.
Wow, Shalu, now that I've read all that... you must be AMAZING!!! I'd never really understood SATs before (we have tests called SATs as well, at ages 6, 10 and 14, but they're not important at all, which just confused me when heard about American SATs), but they sound SO difficult. Congrats Shalu, that's amazing. And you, too, Rach, you're a total genius!!!
I think I prefer the British system. Here, if you don't like writing essays, you just drop essay subjects and take sciences and math or technology subjects instead. If you don't like math, you drop it at the age of 16 and take english, sociology and politics or languages instead. So once compulsary education ends you can take whatever you enjoy and are good at, and forget about the rest. SATs sound so much harder.. actually, they sound a little like my medical exams.
Nah, not a genius. Just lucky - the last time I took the test there was a reading comprehension section on a book I'd already read and loved (The Joy Luck Club, in case you're interested). I don't particularly like to "apply myself" (that's American Teacher's Slang for "Give a Damn"). Adam had an 800 Verbal too, *and* he scored higher than I did on the math section. But he actually prepared for the test.
Wow, Shalu, I gotta say that I don't envy you guys one bit with this new grading system. 1900 out of 2400 is amazing, but it doesn't sound as good as 1400 out of 1600 would, you know? And really, it's about equal in terms of performance. You're brilliant though, don't forget it. So go, take your Kaplan class (my BFF actually teaches Kaplan, too, so if you'd like I could put you in contact with her for a few pointers), and get your 2400 so you can get your scholarship and acceptance into the college of your choice. And I'll bet you're talented at something worthwhile, you just need to figure out what it is.
Now that I have two guitars, a keyboard and ready vocal chords, the only thing keeping me from chasing my dreams is the amazing Internet. Why does it have to hold such cool powers?!
Standardized Testing systems suck in general. and I don't even have anything to complain about, as I'm naturally good at that sort of stuff. But if you're a bad tester, then you're screwed, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I took the PSATs twice, and got about the same score (201 to 202, or something like that... which is still very good, so I could care less, plus I was at a RHCP concert the night before the second test, which sort of explains it...)
Honestly, Shalu, even the National Merit Scholarships aren't the end of the world. My brother was a finalist, but he didn't get any money from it anyways cause it's funded by big corporations and my parents are self-employed... or something like that. If your parents work for a big company, however, then you're much more likely to get the money... but anyways. Colleges like having National Merit Scholarship Students, so it helps in that respect a bit. And anyways, even if you don't get the Scholarship, you'll prolly still be a National Merit Commended Student, like I am, which also helps for colleges. Either way you'll still get a good score, and it really does prepare you for the SATs.. except for the writing part... freaking writing, I hate standardized essays with a passion.
I only took the SATs themselves once (boo-yah!) because I did so well. Good enough for all my college choices, on the high end even for most of them, good enough for me.
someone give me reassurance that my choice to stay in tonight was a good one... i have to work at 7am, and after i finally got rid of the nasty bug i had, i have a sore throat again.
alllll my friends are going to the christmas party our guy friends are having
someone give me reassurance that my choice to stay in tonight was a good one... i have to work at 7am, and after i finally got rid of the nasty bug i had, i have a sore throat again.
alllll my friends are going to the christmas party our guy friends are having
You made the smart responsible choice. Get healthy now so that you're better in time for your OK Go concert this week.
I've got an interesting dilemma. I'm in California for a pediatric dental interview. I really want this to work. I'm super excited. I made the mistake when checking my e-mail of skimming the e-mails of the other applicants who will be interviewing with me. There are many, which made me nervous. Anyway, one of the applicants is a classmate of mine. We will both be interviewing here at the same time. She is the girl who originally suggested I should apply for pediatrics and told me I'd be great at it. She's a nice girl who I love to be around. Now we are in competition to get into this school. Gah, I feel like we're on a reality tv show!
I know I can do this, but seeing so many other applicants makes me apprehensive. Please give me some love and support.
You're going to blow that interviewer away with your aswesomeness! All your dreams are about to come true! And while you're in competition with your friend, it's ok b/c both of you will do well; maybe you'll win this spot and she'll get another close by. You're the best pediatric dentist around- this will be a walk in the garden for our Rose!
QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Dec 3 2007, 12:09 AM)
I've got an interesting dilemma. I'm in California for a pediatric dental interview. I really want this to work. I'm super excited. I made the mistake when checking my e-mail of skimming the e-mails of the other applicants who will be interviewing with me. There are many, which made me nervous. Anyway, one of the applicants is a classmate of mine. We will both be interviewing here at the same time. She is the girl who originally suggested I should apply for pediatrics and told me I'd be great at it. She's a nice girl who I love to be around. Now we are in competition to get into this school. Gah, I feel like we're on a reality tv show!
I know I can do this, but seeing so many other applicants makes me apprehensive. Please give me some love and support.
Tempe, you are a wonderful woman who I can imagine would be fantastic with children (provided you don't start scaring them with "the way they give it to you freaky.. oh yeah, you know what i mean..." LOL). You're going to be fantastic. *hugs*
I had my Cambridge interview today. It was HARD. Having established that I don't do physics, they went on to ask me physics questions. And when I apologised for not having any graphs included in my project because my school had lost the original, they looked extremely disapproving. Not particularly encouraging :S But I had some good moments, some "Ooooh, that's a good point!"s... Eeeek!!
I'm going to redo it all, show my interviewers, and explain that my school couldn't find my original copy. And hope that they recognise the effort I put in, even though the mark isn't there.
Thanks for the help, Wolfie
I'm so excited about Monday now!
that sounds like a huge hassle, but hopefully you'll pull through it!
I finally convinced my dad to let me fill out my own college applications.
I mean, it's nice not having to figure stuff out on my own
But I want to at least physically fill everything out by myself, you know, have something to do with the process other than just writing the essay...
I think he's just nervous, but it's still really really frustrating.
Like how he insists on holding my whole family's passports and boarding passes and stuff whenever we go somewhere... I'm the youngest in the family, we're all grown up enough to hold our own passports. He even holds my mom's. it's ridiculous.
So. I thought I did okay on my PSATs, for the first time around and not studying, you know? And then everyone else (in my honors classes) scores higher than me. Even the kids I was sure I would do better than. I was expected to blow everyone away with my score, just because I take harder classes... I was in the 95th percentile, but I still feel so inadequate. Sure, it doesn't count for anything, but it's a major blow to my self-esteem to realize everyone is smarter than I am. Most of my friends, however, did worse than I did, so I can't talk to them about it, because then it sounds like I'm bragging. I wouldn't brag about a score like that.
And Shalu, how important was that test? I understand your frustration, but to do that well without studying is still pretty impressive! Try to take some pride in your natural ability, and next time beat everyone to restore your confidence
I think you're awesome Shalu, whatever your grades.
So. I thought I did okay on my PSATs, for the first time around and not studying, you know? And then everyone else (in my honors classes) scores higher than me. Even the kids I was sure I would do better than. I was expected to blow everyone away with my score, just because I take harder classes... I was in the 95th percentile, but I still feel so inadequate. Sure, it doesn't count for anything, but it's a major blow to my self-esteem to realize everyone is smarter than I am. Most of my friends, however, did worse than I did, so I can't talk to them about it, because then it sounds like I'm bragging. I wouldn't brag about a score like that.
Shalu, I completely understand how you're feeling. But let's look at a few factors here, and then I think you'll feel better. You didn't study. Yet you still scored in the 95th percentile! How Freaking Cool are you???? The other kids, who you thought you should've beaten probably *did* study. So while you edge them out on an even playing field, they worked a little harder and beat you. This time. On an insignificant (all things considered) test. You'll show them who's boss next time, I'm sure.
I didn't study either. My score jumped considerably between my two SAT attempts, and the second time I was able to score an 800 verbal with only a *little* preparation (my English teacher in HS did some SAT prep for a week so I had to be in on it). The other kids went to Kaplan Courses and I still beat their scores. You sound like you're a pretty smart girl. Trust me, you'll get it next time. And how old are you? You made it seem like you're doing this early. Are you going to take the PSAT again? Because then you'll *really* have it made by the time the SAT comes around.
Allie, to answer your question, the PSAT is a preparatory version of the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the SAT. It, along with the ACT (American Collegiate Test), is something that potential colleges take into account when you apply. When I was applying there were two tests - Verbal Skills and Math. Now there's a third section, maybe one of you kids can help me there, because I don't have the slightest clue. Each section is graded on a scale of 800 points, with 200 being the lowest possible score you can get. Then the two numbers (well, three now) are combined and that's the number you give when people ask how you did. You can take the SAT as many times as you want to/can pay for it, and take your best score on each test when applying for schools. So let's say on your first try you do really well on Verbal, and not so much on the other two sections. Then the next time you prepare for the other two so hard that your Verbal score drops. Not to worry, because the college will take your higher verbal score from the other attempt and combine it with the two better scores on the other sections. Got it?
Anyway, the PSAT doesn't really count for anything. Colleges certainly don't look at it. What it does do is act as a qualifying round for the National Merit Scholarships ($$$), and that's it. 95th Percentile ain't bad, Shalu.
aww, stupid people!! i'm sure you'll do fine at your interview *sends IWI good luck vibes (they're the best kind ;])* i can send you my sexy imaginary friend if you need the support :]
- i have a college interview next thursday and i haven't started on my essay nor given any teacher the recommendation form :/
Whoa, asses... good luck, though!
I think you're awesome Shalu, whatever your grades.
Awwww, thanks. Really, it means a lot.
Actually, I go to a pretty competitive-ass school. It's the way I've been raised.
That's actually probably true, thanks! (And even if it's not, at least it's some temporary consolation.)
Starting 2005 (I believe?), they added an essay portion, so the highest possible score is now a 2400. The PSAT is scored similarly, except with a maximum score of 240. I scored a 196, while my classmates all scored in the 200s.
Yeah, the PSAT means pretty much nothing in the college-acceptance world. I'm aiming for that scholarship, so I guess that means I have some preparatory work ahead of me. I hear they don't take anything under 220. (What is that... like, 99.9th percentile? Damn.) The real deal is the SAT, and I won't be taking that for the first time for at least another year.
Thanks to both of you for your support/encouragement. Huggy hugs all around! Grades aren't really as important as I make them out to be. I spend way too much time thinking about the numbers than actually trying to get the work done. This may sound like sad-sack self-pitying (unintentional, I promise), but it's true: I'm not very talented in anything, so my grades are the only thing that bring me a sense of accomplishment in life. And not being among the best in this test, however trivial, pissed me off. Thaaaat's depressing. I'm not a total loser. (?)
Oh, shit, forget standardized testing. I have to study for finals. Those are in... a bit more than two weeks. FUCK.
I'm working on Bio Project number 2 as we speak.. oy. Bloody school.
Wow, Shalu, now that I've read all that... you must be AMAZING!!! I'd never really understood SATs before (we have tests called SATs as well, at ages 6, 10 and 14, but they're not important at all, which just confused me when heard about American SATs), but they sound SO difficult. Congrats Shalu, that's amazing. And you, too, Rach, you're a total genius!!!
I think I prefer the British system. Here, if you don't like writing essays, you just drop essay subjects and take sciences and math or technology subjects instead. If you don't like math, you drop it at the age of 16 and take english, sociology and politics or languages instead. So once compulsary education ends you can take whatever you enjoy and are good at, and forget about the rest. SATs sound so much harder.. actually, they sound a little like my medical exams.
Good luck with it all, Shalu!!
Wow, Shalu, I gotta say that I don't envy you guys one bit with this new grading system. 1900 out of 2400 is amazing, but it doesn't sound as good as 1400 out of 1600 would, you know? And really, it's about equal in terms of performance. You're brilliant though, don't forget it. So go, take your Kaplan class (my BFF actually teaches Kaplan, too, so if you'd like I could put you in contact with her for a few pointers), and get your 2400 so you can get your scholarship and acceptance into the college of your choice. And I'll bet you're talented at something worthwhile, you just need to figure out what it is.
Not to mention my cool recordings...
I think that it's one of the most unfair ranking systems ever devised.
and I don't even have anything to complain about, as I'm naturally good at that sort of stuff.
But if you're a bad tester, then you're screwed, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I took the PSATs twice, and got about the same score (201 to 202, or something like that... which is still very good, so I could care less, plus I was at a RHCP concert the night before the second test, which sort of explains it...)
Honestly, Shalu, even the National Merit Scholarships aren't the end of the world. My brother was a finalist, but he didn't get any money from it anyways cause it's funded by big corporations and my parents are self-employed... or something like that. If your parents work for a big company, however, then you're much more likely to get the money... but anyways. Colleges like having National Merit Scholarship Students, so it helps in that respect a bit. And anyways, even if you don't get the Scholarship, you'll prolly still be a National Merit Commended Student, like I am, which also helps for colleges. Either way you'll still get a good score, and it really does prepare you for the SATs.. except for the writing part... freaking writing, I hate standardized essays with a passion.
I only took the SATs themselves once (boo-yah!) because I did so well. Good enough for all my college choices, on the high end even for most of them, good enough for me.
which segues into my main complaint for tonight:
alllll my friends are going to the christmas party our guy friends are having
alllll my friends are going to the christmas party our guy friends are having
You made the smart responsible choice. Get healthy now so that you're better in time for your OK Go concert this week.
THERE'S your motivation, lovey.
unsure what the motivation or goal was, but as a longtime fan, I'm so bummed
why couldn't they have asked OK Go for help instead of Justin Timberlake and Timbaland?
thanks for letting me vent
( I'm still trying to listen to it though, to be fair...I do enjoy 2 songs)
I know I can do this, but seeing so many other applicants makes me apprehensive. Please give me some love and support.
You're going to blow that interviewer away with your aswesomeness!
All your dreams are about to come true!
And while you're in competition with your friend, it's ok b/c both of you will do well; maybe you'll win this spot and she'll get another close by.
You're the best pediatric dentist around- this will be a walk in the garden for our Rose!
I know I can do this, but seeing so many other applicants makes me apprehensive. Please give me some love and support.
I had my Cambridge interview today. It was HARD. Having established that I don't do physics, they went on to ask me physics questions. And when I apologised for not having any graphs included in my project because my school had lost the original, they looked extremely disapproving. Not particularly encouraging :S
But I had some good moments, some "Ooooh, that's a good point!"s... Eeeek!!