Ahhhh that's tough. And often depends on the song, but, in general, I'd say basslines. They sort of catch you unawares, and embed themselves in your mind without you even realising. There's something wonderfully sneaky about basslines. And the bassline is what gets you dancing - not the guitar riff.
I gave this some thought while listening to music in the car today, and I've changed my mind. Guitar riffs are bold and obvious. I like that. And guitar riffs get me hooked. Sorry for the confusion.
QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 30 2007, 04:40 AM)
If you were to spend the resot of your god-given days in one city, what city would that be?
Favorite kid's show?
Favorite book?
Fuck I was going to think of a super-deep question but I'm fucking tired. So, another time.
San Francisco, I think. Although I might have built it up in my head because I haven't been back in a while, but from what I remember, I love it.
When I was little, it might have been Funhouse. With all the gunk and goo - that was so much fun. And I always loved Rugrats... Or Kenan And Kel. Oh, I can't choose!!
The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder. He's a norweigen author, and he's brilliant. He got me into philosophy and joker cards with this book.
Haha that's alright
QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 30 2007, 07:27 AM)
What is your favorite childhood game?
When I was young, playing Flatmates was the greatest game in the world. That was fantastic - you lived with friends, in an apartment, and you had the job of your choice, and usually a boyfriend, and you still studied math and would call out to one another "What's Q plus T over K?" and someone else would reply "G, stupid - it's obvious!", because that's what we thought algebra was back then. And everyone but me would inexplicably have an American accent. I'd have an English one because I was trying to get rid of my real American accent... Oh I miss being little!
Oh yes, duck duck goose was a school favorite. I got sooo competitive at that game, I wouldn't just tap the 'it' person on the shoulder, I'd rugby tackle them to the ground
Yes, I do. I get pissed off when people drop litter and often tell them to pick it up. Once I got into a fight with a man who had dropped a wrapper onto the floor right by the bin, so I asked him to pick it up and he started yelling things like "fuck off, slut" so I shouted back that he was a disgusting creature and I was sorry that I had the misfortune to share the planet with wankers like him... problem is, it was outside my work, so my boss came out and went mad . Oh, and I recycle and turn off lights, etc.
I eat fish and shellfish, but no other meat. So I'm not really vegetarian, but also not a meat eater.
Fingerless gloves, otherwise I drop things. I mean, I drop things anyway, so with gloves or mittens it's even harder. But Damian held my hand because I was wearing no gloves in February, so I now have an inordinate fondness for freezing my fingers instead of wearing gloves.
Red, I suppose. I don't really have a favorite color, but red's cool.
Oh my god! That's sooo hard. OK, you said character, not actor, so I'm going to resist the temptation to go for the gorgeous Mac in an attempt to turn it into a date. I'll say Sue White, because the madness of Queen Sue is just too fabulous to say no to.
Possibly a darker shade of red, because it's been getting lighter recently and I preferred it dark. And I once attempted to dye it black, but my friend bought 'azure black', not realising that azure means blue (and apparently not seeing the blue haired girl on the cover of the box), so I had purple hair and a blue scalp for a little while. So that's sorta put me off using hair dye...
Black. I love black hair.
I don't think so. Those who believe me to be crazy just aren't deep enough to understand me. I'm quite sane.
Hypothetical or plausible? I'm going to go for hypothetical -
The day would be spent in Disneyland in LA, which would be populated, for the day, with people I had approved - so friends, family, boardies and certain rockstars/actors including the cast of Green Wing and OK Go. There would have to be an electrical parade (which I think has been stopped now ) and we'd all eat at the Blue Bayou - that restaurant inside the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride. And before the fireworks, OK Go would play for us all - and they would HAVE to play Women And Men because it cracks me up. Oh, and it'd be sunny but not too hot. And I'd kind of like us girls to wear Elizabethan dresses to dinner, just because they're so beautiful and I've always wanted to
Eeee I love that question. You've made me feel all warm inside thinking about it!
Hahahaha, Women And Men is genius. I have, on occasion, gone to say goodnight to my little sister, only to find her singing it to herself in bed.
Oh dear. I go through phases so it constantly changes - it was Bruise Grey for ages - but now I think maybe Prolepsis.
Sometimes... and sometimes I don't remember them until days later, when it suddenly comes back to me.
Oh it was horrible, and weird. I was in a 50's diner (which is VERY odd because we have nothing like that in England. We didn't in the 50's either...) and there was a ride, like It's A Small World, where you got into the boat in the diner, and it went through the ride in a separate place, and then you exited back in the diner. But as boats came out for the people to exit, every now and then the person in the boat would be unconscious, and no one knew why. And then, for some reason, Kay/Mixtape came through on a boat with Rufus Wainwright (HAHAHAH!) and they were both unconscious, and I cried for the rest of the dream.
Yes, a couple. For a very long time I had a recurring dream which involved me looking at myself through a camcorder, so the coloring was weird and there was a red 'record' light in the corner. And the me in front of the camera was standing by a rosebush like the ones in the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, and I was wearing the dress, pointing at different roses and saying "Which rose should I pick? That one? This one? Which rose?". This went on for several hours.
This probably means that I'm psychologically screwed up, right?
so you've told us your perfect day, but now tell us your perfect date. you can choose for it to either be a first date or any other date. keep it g-rated. haha jk jk
Have you ever had those dreams where its like you can control yourself?
Do you have a garden?
I'm not sure that I have a favorite dream, to be honest, because even the good ones have something weird or annoying about them. Like I've had a dream in which I get to hang out with OK Go for ages, but Damian fancies my friend none of them talk to me until I fall off a roof. Dreams are too surreal to enjoy properly.
You mean lucid dreams? Yeah I have, a few times, actually. That's always fun. Those are probably my best dreams.
Yep - but I haven't really been able to take full advantage of it much this year because the weather's been so crap. And the spiders put me off *shudders*. But it's a good size so I'm not complaining
QUOTE (amberdino @ Sep 3 2007, 06:43 AM)
so you've told us your perfect day, but now tell us your perfect date. you can choose for it to either be a first date or any other date. keep it g-rated. haha jk jk
HAAHAHHAHA of COURSE I'd keep it g-rated, Ambers
To be honest, I like spontaneity, so as soon as I've planned out the perfect date it becomes imperfect because I planned it. Does that make sense? But it'd probably be with someone I've been with for a while, and possibly in Rome because it's the most beautiful city. And I'd have to have Italian ice cream at some point. Hehe
- Mom: Medicine?? But that's such hard work!!! Dad: Does this mean you aren't taking art...? *looks worried* Hahahahah! They're really proud of me.
- I apply to college this year, and start next year.
- I don't know! Hopefully soon because I love it, and I'd love to meet you too! My parents really want to go back as well, so with any luck it won't be too long...
- I liked the heat, and the sun (I live in England. It's a rarity here). I LOVED the food, and the people. And Modelo, which is the coolest supermarket in the world!
- Obviously I can't generalize about the whole nation, but the Portuguese that I met were wonderfully friendly. So sweet. And they grinned at me every time I tried to speak Portuguese using a handbook (I hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible).
- In my opinion, music shouldn't exist to make money or to flaunt the assets of skinny pretty girls - it should be made because musicians want to make it, to express themselves, and to make others happy. And when commercial pop music is made for the former of these reasons, it really shows. I hate that. As long as there's a meaning behind the music, it's all cool by me.
- Oooo I've got to admit, the majority of the people I've ever admired have been men... Maybe Rosa Parks? I like the fact that she stood up for herself when others wouldn't, she questioned authority and she helped bring about equality. That's very admirable.
- I like city breaks - I'm really into different cultures, and architecture, and food. I love sight-seeing and attempting to speak new languages and learning about other people's lives and histories.
- Hahaha It's dotted around in various thread, I dunno which ones. I was a Hufflepuff student, eating in the Christmas feast in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. You won't be able to see me - I did two shots, and the one in which I was more prominent was edited out of the movie. I'm still there somewhere, but I haven't a clue where. But it was great to see the sets, like the Hall and the forest and the Chamber itself. And I had to wear Hermione's cloak because it was the only one that would fit me. Which was pretty sweet - they had to change the badge, just for me.
- I don't know! Hopefully soon because I love it, and I'd love to meet you too! My parents really want to go back as well, so with any luck it won't be too long...
- I liked the heat, and the sun (I live in England. It's a rarity here). I LOVED the food, and the people. And Modelo, which is the coolest supermarket in the world!
- Obviously I can't generalize about the whole nation, but the Portuguese that I met were wonderfully friendly. So sweet. And they grinned at me every time I tried to speak Portuguese using a handbook (I hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible).
oooh it'll be so great if you could come here!!I'll teach you portuguese!
" hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible" I love you for that...that's just unique and awesome becuase some brits in Algarve just want to speak English, drink british beer, eat english food and visit places where you can only find brits...why don't these people stay in England? why spend so much money on a trip to do what they do everyday? I'm taking brits as an example but I'm sure that portuguese would do it too if they could..."we" (not me specifically but portuguese in general) have the strange costume of bringing our own food with us in trips...
Why did you loved Modelo? because it's small or because it has portuguese goods in it??
if you were offered to change something about you (not the way you look, the way you ARE), what would it be?
oooh it'll be so great if you could come here!!I'll teach you portuguese!
" hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible" I love you for that...that's just unique and awesome becuase some brits in Algarve just want to speak English, drink british beer, eat english food and visit places where you can only find brits...why don't these people stay in England? why spend so much money on a trip to do what they do everyday? I'm taking brits as an example but I'm sure that portuguese would do it too if they could..."we" (not me specifically but portuguese in general) have the strange costume of bringing our own food with us in trips...
Why did you loved Modelo? because it's small or because it has portuguese goods in it??
if you were offered to change something about you (not the way you look, the way you ARE), what would it be?
How many siblings do you have?
YAY! I'd love to learn Portuguese. So far I can say hello, bye, thank you, you're welcome, and 'the meal was delicious'. And then i used a dictionary to ask where things were in the supermarket. Hehehe.
And your description of Brits above is exactly why I insist on speaking the language of the country I'm in. I'm incredibly embarrassed by the behavior of British people abroad, so I do as much as I can to distance myself from the reputation we've got. My family stay in a little village away from the tourist resorts because we want to avoid English people, lol.
I loved Modelo because... I don't even know. For a start, it was HUGE, not small - I guess it differs across the country? It was just the novelty of going to a supermarket in another country, I suppose. I'm not used to that. Lol. And there was a particular kind of delicious packet soup (sad, I know) that I can't find in England. But it was addictive and I still crave it sometimes.
I would... I'd like to be more positive, particularly about people. I often describe people I know or hang out with as 'vile' because so many of them are shallow and ignorant. And It bugs me so much that I can't get past it. I feel a little ashamed admitting that I'm so negative about my own friends, so I'd like to be more positive.
I have two sisters. Both younger. Both love OK Go. Oh yeah
My family stay in a little village away from the tourist resorts because we want to avoid English people, lol.
I loved Modelo because... I don't even know. For a start, it was HUGE, not small - I guess it differs across the country? It was just the novelty of going to a supermarket in another country, I suppose. I'm not used to that. Lol. And there was a particular kind of delicious packet soup (sad, I know) that I can't find in England. But it was addictive and I still crave it sometimes.
I can tell you what are the best places unknown by brits over here it would be awesome
No, modelo is the smallest supermarkets that we have around here...lol...you should see "continente" (from the same owner as modelo, but it has another nomination because these are way bigger) and "jumbo", you'd love it!! (I do at least and I also find foreign supermarkets amazing and very entertaining!!)
I gave this some thought while listening to music in the car today, and I've changed my mind. Guitar riffs are bold and obvious. I like that. And guitar riffs get me hooked. Sorry for the confusion.
Favorite kid's show?
Favorite book?
Fuck I was going to think of a super-deep question but I'm fucking tired. So, another time.
San Francisco, I think. Although I might have built it up in my head because I haven't been back in a while, but from what I remember, I love it.
When I was little, it might have been Funhouse. With all the gunk and goo - that was so much fun. And I always loved Rugrats... Or Kenan And Kel. Oh, I can't choose!!
The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder. He's a norweigen author, and he's brilliant. He got me into philosophy and joker cards with this book.
Haha that's alright
When I was young, playing Flatmates was the greatest game in the world. That was fantastic - you lived with friends, in an apartment, and you had the job of your choice, and usually a boyfriend, and you still studied math and would call out to one another "What's Q plus T over K?" and someone else would reply "G, stupid - it's obvious!", because that's what we thought algebra was back then. And everyone but me would inexplicably have an American accent. I'd have an English one because I was trying to get rid of my real American accent... Oh I miss being little!
Have you ever played duck duck goose?
Do you care about the environment?
Are you a meat eater?
What are your favorite kind of gloves/mittens?
Have you ever played duck duck goose?
Do you care about the environment?
Are you a meat eater?
What are your favorite kind of gloves/mittens?
Oh yes, duck duck goose was a school favorite. I got sooo competitive at that game, I wouldn't just tap the 'it' person on the shoulder, I'd rugby tackle them to the ground
Yes, I do. I get pissed off when people drop litter and often tell them to pick it up. Once I got into a fight with a man who had dropped a wrapper onto the floor right by the bin, so I asked him to pick it up and he started yelling things like "fuck off, slut" so I shouted back that he was a disgusting creature and I was sorry that I had the misfortune to share the planet with wankers like him... problem is, it was outside my work, so my boss came out and went mad
I eat fish and shellfish, but no other meat. So I'm not really vegetarian, but also not a meat eater.
Fingerless gloves, otherwise I drop things. I mean, I drop things anyway, so with gloves or mittens it's even harder. But Damian held my hand because I was wearing no gloves in February, so I now have an inordinate fondness for freezing my fingers instead of wearing gloves.
What is your quest?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Did you get that joke?
What is your favorite color (that's probably already been asked, but I'm too lazy to look)?
What character on Green Wing would you most like to have dinner with?
I seek the Holy Grail.
What do you mean, an African or European swallow?
Hahahaha YES! You legend.
Red, I suppose. I don't really have a favorite color, but red's cool.
Oh my god! That's sooo hard. OK, you said character, not actor, so I'm going to resist the temptation to go for the gorgeous Mac in an attempt to turn it into a date. I'll say Sue White, because the madness of Queen Sue is just too fabulous to say no to.
What color hair would you want if you didn't have red hair?
Are you crazy?
How's the kumf doing today?
Black. I love black hair.
I don't think so. Those who believe me to be crazy just aren't deep enough to understand me. I'm quite sane.
S'doing good, thanks
Feeling all rainbowified.
Describe your perfect day.
Hypothetical or plausible? I'm going to go for hypothetical -
The day would be spent in Disneyland in LA, which would be populated, for the day, with people I had approved - so friends, family, boardies and certain rockstars/actors including the cast of Green Wing and OK Go. There would have to be an electrical parade (which I think has been stopped now
Eeee I love that question. You've made me feel all warm inside thinking about it!
I loved you answer, but that was my favorite part!! I love "Women and Men"!!!!
(Besides "Women and Men") What is your favorite OK Go song that is not included on their 2 cds?
Do you usually remember your dreams?
What is the last dream that you remember?
Have you ever had a reccuring dream?
Oh dear. I go through phases so it constantly changes - it was Bruise Grey for ages - but now I think maybe Prolepsis.
Sometimes... and sometimes I don't remember them until days later, when it suddenly comes back to me.
Oh it was horrible, and weird. I was in a 50's diner (which is VERY odd because we have nothing like that in England. We didn't in the 50's either...) and there was a ride, like It's A Small World, where you got into the boat in the diner, and it went through the ride in a separate place, and then you exited back in the diner. But as boats came out for the people to exit, every now and then the person in the boat would be unconscious, and no one knew why. And then, for some reason, Kay/Mixtape came through on a boat with Rufus Wainwright (HAHAHAH!) and they were both unconscious, and I cried for the rest of the dream.
Yes, a couple. For a very long time I had a recurring dream which involved me looking at myself through a camcorder, so the coloring was weird and there was a red 'record' light in the corner. And the me in front of the camera was standing by a rosebush like the ones in the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, and I was wearing the dress, pointing at different roses and saying "Which rose should I pick? That one? This one? Which rose?". This went on for several hours.
This probably means that I'm psychologically screwed up, right?
Do you have a favorite dream?
Have you ever had those dreams where its like you can control yourself?
Do you have a garden?
keep it g-rated. haha jk jk
Do you have a favorite dream?
Have you ever had those dreams where its like you can control yourself?
Do you have a garden?
I'm not sure that I have a favorite dream, to be honest, because even the good ones have something weird or annoying about them. Like I've had a dream in which I get to hang out with OK Go for ages, but Damian fancies my friend none of them talk to me until I fall off a roof. Dreams are too surreal to enjoy properly.
You mean lucid dreams? Yeah I have, a few times, actually. That's always fun. Those are probably my best dreams.
Yep - but I haven't really been able to take full advantage of it much this year because the weather's been so crap. And the spiders put me off *shudders*. But it's a good size so I'm not complaining
keep it g-rated. haha jk jk
HAAHAHHAHA of COURSE I'd keep it g-rated, Ambers
To be honest, I like spontaneity, so as soon as I've planned out the perfect date it becomes imperfect because I planned it. Does that make sense? But it'd probably be with someone I've been with for a while, and possibly in Rome because it's the most beautiful city. And I'd have to have Italian ice cream at some point. Hehe
here it goes
- what did you familly said when you announced that you wanted to be a doctor and not an artist?
- Are you going to start college this year?
-When are you coming back yo Portugal? (I want to meet you!!)
- what did you like most about Algarve?
- what did you think about the portuguese? (I KNOW our voccabulary and accent in english are just lausy...)
- what do you think about comercial pop music?
- Who's the woman you admire more in history?
- Do you prefer vacation on the beach, country side or city like an interrail or something? (lame question...i know...)
- (I'm the only one in these boards that doesn't know this) which character did you played in harry potter or when did you appear in the scene?
- Mom: Medicine?? But that's such hard work!!!
Dad: Does this mean you aren't taking art...? *looks worried*
Hahahahah! They're really proud of me.
- I apply to college this year, and start next year.
- I don't know! Hopefully soon because I love it, and I'd love to meet you too! My parents really want to go back as well, so with any luck it won't be too long...
- I liked the heat, and the sun (I live in England. It's a rarity here). I LOVED the food, and the people. And Modelo, which is the coolest supermarket in the world!
- Obviously I can't generalize about the whole nation, but the Portuguese that I met were wonderfully friendly. So sweet. And they grinned at me every time I tried to speak Portuguese using a handbook (I hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible).
- In my opinion, music shouldn't exist to make money or to flaunt the assets of skinny pretty girls - it should be made because musicians want to make it, to express themselves, and to make others happy. And when commercial pop music is made for the former of these reasons, it really shows. I hate that. As long as there's a meaning behind the music, it's all cool by me.
- Oooo I've got to admit, the majority of the people I've ever admired have been men... Maybe Rosa Parks? I like the fact that she stood up for herself when others wouldn't, she questioned authority and she helped bring about equality. That's very admirable.
- I like city breaks - I'm really into different cultures, and architecture, and food. I love sight-seeing and attempting to speak new languages and learning about other people's lives and histories.
- Hahaha
- I liked the heat, and the sun (I live in England. It's a rarity here). I LOVED the food, and the people. And Modelo, which is the coolest supermarket in the world!
- Obviously I can't generalize about the whole nation, but the Portuguese that I met were wonderfully friendly. So sweet. And they grinned at me every time I tried to speak Portuguese using a handbook (I hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible).
oooh it'll be so great if you could come here!!I'll teach you portuguese!
" hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible" I love you for that...that's just unique and awesome becuase some brits in Algarve just want to speak English, drink british beer, eat english food and visit places where you can only find brits...why don't these people stay in England? why spend so much money on a trip to do what they do everyday? I'm taking brits as an example but I'm sure that portuguese would do it too if they could..."we" (not me specifically but portuguese in general) have the strange costume of bringing our own food with us in trips...
Why did you loved Modelo? because it's small or because it has portuguese goods in it??
if you were offered to change something about you (not the way you look, the way you ARE), what would it be?
How many siblings do you have?
" hate going abroad and expecting people to speak my language, so I speak theirs as much as possible" I love you for that...that's just unique and awesome becuase some brits in Algarve just want to speak English, drink british beer, eat english food and visit places where you can only find brits...why don't these people stay in England? why spend so much money on a trip to do what they do everyday? I'm taking brits as an example but I'm sure that portuguese would do it too if they could..."we" (not me specifically but portuguese in general) have the strange costume of bringing our own food with us in trips...
Why did you loved Modelo? because it's small or because it has portuguese goods in it??
if you were offered to change something about you (not the way you look, the way you ARE), what would it be?
How many siblings do you have?
YAY! I'd love to learn Portuguese. So far I can say hello, bye, thank you, you're welcome, and 'the meal was delicious'. And then i used a dictionary to ask where things were in the supermarket. Hehehe.
And your description of Brits above is exactly why I insist on speaking the language of the country I'm in. I'm incredibly embarrassed by the behavior of British people abroad, so I do as much as I can to distance myself from the reputation we've got. My family stay in a little village away from the tourist resorts because we want to avoid English people, lol.
I loved Modelo because... I don't even know. For a start, it was HUGE, not small - I guess it differs across the country? It was just the novelty of going to a supermarket in another country, I suppose. I'm not used to that. Lol. And there was a particular kind of delicious packet soup (sad, I know) that I can't find in England. But it was addictive and I still crave it sometimes.
I would... I'd like to be more positive, particularly about people. I often describe people I know or hang out with as 'vile' because so many of them are shallow and ignorant. And It bugs me so much that I can't get past it. I feel a little ashamed admitting that I'm so negative about my own friends, so I'd like to be more positive.
I have two sisters. Both younger. Both love OK Go. Oh yeah
I loved Modelo because... I don't even know. For a start, it was HUGE, not small - I guess it differs across the country? It was just the novelty of going to a supermarket in another country, I suppose. I'm not used to that. Lol. And there was a particular kind of delicious packet soup (sad, I know) that I can't find in England. But it was addictive and I still crave it sometimes.
I can tell you what are the best places unknown by brits over here
No, modelo is the smallest supermarkets that we have around here...lol...you should see "continente" (from the same owner as modelo, but it has another nomination because these are way bigger) and "jumbo", you'd love it!! (I do at least and I also find foreign supermarkets amazing and very entertaining!!)
what was your favourite memory of high school??
Q: i know you're a vegi, are you also into peta?
Q: Would you rather : a mini plastic native american figruine, or a mini plastic scuba diver figurine?
Q: What is your favourite new band right now?