I personally hit "reply" to one person's post, write my reply, copy what I wrote and the quote, and then do the same thing with another person's post, and then paste in my first reply.
I personally hit "reply" to one person's post, write my reply, copy what I wrote and the quote, and then do the same thing with another person's post, and then paste in my first reply.
mmm.... that's works too.
but yah should have seen tim on conan last nite, it was good.
Hahahhaahah Not that Tim, Tim Gunn from Project Runway, but since you assumed it was Tim Nordwind that prooves that i'm not crazy.
Lol, no I just assumed that you and me are constantly consumed by our love of anything Nordwind. For instance, there's a new kid in my class named Tim Oh. In my head I call him "Tim Oh No Nordwind"
BTW, is there any way to download the new Here It Goes Vid on to my computer? Because I want to show it to a friend of mine who doesn't have the internet.
I personally hit "reply" to one person's post, write my reply, copy what I wrote and the quote, and then do the same thing with another person's post, and then paste in my first reply.
Isn't that what the "quote" buttons are for?
I mean, can't you just hit "quote" on all of the posts you want to, and they show up when you hit "add reply" ???
That's what works for me, but maybe I'm special or sumthin. oh well.
I mean, can't you just hit "quote" on all of the posts you want to, and they show up when you hit "add reply" ???
That's what works for me, but maybe I'm special or sumthin. oh well.
wow!.. you're right... i seriously didn't know you could do that... which is pretty sad since i was the first member of this board, you'd think i'd have it figured out by now... haha...
wow!.. you're right... i seriously didn't know you could do that... which is pretty sad since i was the first lady of this board, you'd think i'd have it figured out by now... haha...
you are apprently the 3rd member...but ive corected your statment..
That's difficult.
mmm.... that's works too.
but yah should have seen tim on conan last nite, it was good.
"Where's Andre?! Andre, don't throw food."
(P.S. I'm bringing back the ninja smiley. He's very under u tilized)
Lol, no I just assumed that you and me are constantly consumed by our love of anything Nordwind. For instance, there's a new kid in my class named Tim Oh. In my head I call him "Tim Oh No Nordwind"
BTW, is there any way to download the new Here It Goes Vid on to my computer? Because I want to show it to a friend of mine who doesn't have the internet.
Thank you my Fabulous One. I will try that right now.
Isn't that what the "quote" buttons are for?
I mean, can't you just hit "quote" on all of the posts you want to, and they show up when you hit "add reply" ???
That's what works for me, but maybe I'm special or sumthin. oh well.
I mean, can't you just hit "quote" on all of the posts you want to, and they show up when you hit "add reply" ???
That's what works for me, but maybe I'm special or sumthin. oh well.
wow!.. you're right... i seriously didn't know you could do that... which is pretty sad since i was the first member of this board, you'd think i'd have it figured out by now... haha...
you are apprently the 3rd member...but ive corected your statment..
my statement was correct... i was the first MEMBER... there were two admin's that joined before me...
random music news
milbrun.s album is out on my b'day
meatcake...the most horrible cake ever
meatcake...the most horrible cake ever
I'd eat it. It looks pretty good. But I guess that's just me.....
all hail buton