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You know you're obsessed when...



  • QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 21 2007, 06:12 PM)
    thats sorta what i almost did in a way i shot up outta bed and my feet got tangled in the blankets haha and i fell down

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

    QUOTE (sherib @ Aug 21 2007, 06:22 PM)

    YKYOW: You spend all of Monday night grinning like a proud grandma as CBS plays the iPhone commercial a million times and their ads for "The Big Bang Theory," which has HIGA all through them. Every time, I watched and grinned like a proud grandma. Especially during the iPhone commercial.

    YKYOW: A co-worker in her sixties (I think?) is talking to you about her very elderly mother-in-law she had to visit over the weekend, and telling you the mother-in-law complained about her oxygen tank, saying she didn't want to use it, and then the co-worker says something to you as if she's answering the mother-in-law, something like, "Well, you sort of need it to breathe. Breathing is sort of important." And then YOU say:

    (laugh) "Uh, yeah ... Not breathing could cause you to die ..."

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
  • Ahahahah Sheri! laugh.gif laugh.gif
  • YKYOW: You just have to smile when you get spammed by the "China Metallurgy Co."
    Today, at school, a kid wore this AWESOME paisley shirt that looked exactly like one Damian has worn (I can't find pictures, I looked everywheree). I freaked out. He told me he got it at Express, so I tried going to the site, but it's spazzing out.

    Kid has good taste! Sorry, I'm seriously uber attracted to guys with really good dress sense. Unfortunately, a good percentage of the time, these guys turn out to be gay sad.gif

    YKYOW...the Operator Please song "It's Just a Song About Ping Pong" reminds you of OK Go.

    ...and when you're secretly amused when a friend thinks that your friend's boyfriend is Damian after seeing her picture of them together on her MySpace. HA!
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Aug 22 2007, 01:35 AM)
    ...and when you're secretly amused when a friend thinks that your friend's boyfriend is Damian after seeing her picture of them together on her MySpace. HA!

    laugh.gif laugh.gif

    YKYOW you wonder if OK Go will go see that new movie about ping pong.
  • YKYOW you love passing Fremont Street because OK Go has been there.
  • You overhear a secretary talking to the dean of your school about a PO and you start to think: "A PO needs a dollar amount!"
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Aug 22 2007, 03:35 PM)
    Kid has good taste! Sorry, I'm seriously uber attracted to guys with really good dress sense. Unfortunately, a good percentage of the time, these guys turn out to be gay sad.gif

    YKYOW...the Operator Please song "It's Just a Song About Ping Pong" reminds you of OK Go.

    ...and when you're secretly amused when a friend thinks that your friend's boyfriend is Damian after seeing her picture of them together on her MySpace. HA!

    Operator Please opened for the kaiser chiefs and they played that song. It was the first time i'd heard it and I started giggling to myself, my friend asked me what was funny (she thought it was the dancing keyboardist). I really like that song but i'm worried it's only because of it's connections with OK Go...

    When I worked a man came in with a shirt like Damian's so I gave him special service smile.gif
    Operator Please opened for the kaiser chiefs and they played that song. It was the first time i'd heard it and I started giggling to myself, my friend asked me what was funny (she thought it was the dancing keyboardist). I really like that song but i'm worried it's only because of it's connections with OK Go...

    That keyboardist was mental! If she were older, I would've suspected her being on something!

    Hehe, the first time I heard that song announced on Triple J, the very thing that popped into my head was "woah, OK Go made a new song AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT BEFOREHAND?!!" Then upon hearing it, I was somewhat disappointed sad.gif

    I was talking to my friend and I asked her if other people know about her story thing, and she was like "ya some people know about it." And so I go "Does...Mary know?" And she was like "ummm" hahah
  • Haha aww! I've been thinking about trying to use it here and there smile.gif
  • YKYOW when someone asks you "What's pickleball?" you describe some of the equipment and then end with saying, "From there, it's like like normal tennis, but with different rules."

    So, I play golf, and there's a girl on our team named Mary, and I try my hardest to work "Does... Mary know?" into as many conversations as possible. laugh.gif I get such joy from these small things.
  • YKYOW you're on the internet for some really really important research and you open google, same moment you open the forum and half an hour later you sit there, totally confused and just can't remember why there's google opened...

    (just happened, WHY DID I FORGET?)

    YKYOW I finished school and for every graduate there is a book with every student and what others think about him/her and so on (very like a year book, but, as we get it only after graduation it's really special and you see what friends and others think about you) and under my picture I found OK Go being mentioned.... ay

    YKYOW you`re going to that cool festival and on the way you start to follow that blue transporter simply out of habit (my friend did, i understood and once again there we're no words needed, OK Go helped us communicate without words, whoa)

    Edit: i remember now... ebay- ok go- wallpaper
  • YKYOW you have the urge to look at the picture of Damian in the red outfit(bum shot) and sing "come up and see me"(CockneyRebel or Duran Duran, your choice of version)

    "come up and see me, make me smile, I'll do what you want running wild..."

    I guess I'm in a goofy mood.
  • What is pickleball anyway? biggrin.gif of course, aside from it being the same as tennis but with different rules.biggrin.gif
  • YKYOW........You accedently call your friend Tim bc you were thinking about him
  • QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Aug 23 2007, 01:52 PM)
    What is pickleball anyway? biggrin.gif of course, aside from it being the same as tennis but with different rules.biggrin.gif
    We had to play it in PE last year. laugh.gif They have huge paddles and play with a wiffle ball. It's kind of crazy.
  • QUOTE (Shalu-lah @ Aug 23 2007, 09:05 AM)
    YKYOW when someone asks you "What's pickleball?" you describe some of the equipment and then end with saying, "From there, it's like like normal tennis, but with different rules."

    So, I play golf, and there's a girl on our team named Mary, and I try my hardest to work "Does... Mary know?" into as many conversations as possible. laugh.gif I get such joy from these small things.

  • Shalu! i think you must be in my mind or something! because right before i came to read the thread, I saw something on pickleball in a recreation magazine thingy!!!! thanks for the link too.

    YKYOW... blame your good shopping day on the fact that you saw a lot of paisley clothing. namely, these:

    Pac Sun-Kirra
    oh em gee. i just realized that this hoodie is called "Wallpaper"!!!! EEEE!!

    oh darn, I can't find a picture of the one I found at Quiksilver. but it mad me so happy!!!! Pac Sun, you hear what you think is the beginning of "What To Do" only to be crushed when you realize that it was indeed not OK Go. sleep.gif My friend told me they actually played "Let it Rain" at Pac Sun. i've been waiting to hear one of their songs there!!!! i've heard The Futureheads, Interpol, but no OK Go yet.
  • I need help.  I'm a control freak who apparently cannot stop buying OK Go CDs for people, or gifting their songs on iTunes.  It's like, they HAVE to listen to them so they know what I'm talking about, or else it bothers me too much.  Especially when they either like crappy music, or say that there isn't any good music being made these days anymore.

    I just thought about doing it again this morning...  For someone I barely know.

    And last time while I was at it, I doubled my order so I could have the CDs in addition to the low-bitrate files I bought on iTunes.

    STOP ME.

    So far, though, I've "made" at least two new fans, and got one guy interested enough to look for their CDs in stores.  (He couldn't find them, so I bought him a CD and the CD/DVD from Amazon.  *eyeroll*)
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