I really, really hope this video isn't weird like that YouTube video someone found made by a guy who was dressed entirely in that pattern and danced around to "Television, Television." That video was, supposedly, made to be shown behind them on the giant screen during their live shows. Remember that? That was just too disturbing.
That video is/was shown at all the shows I've attended to last year. And I agree that it's very weird and disturbing.
And on another note.... It will be an awesome third video for DWYW.. I mean OK Go all decked out in paisley, Segways, and industrial sized pogo sticks... *mind status: BLOWN*
QUOTE (Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore @ Feb 3 2007, 04:14 AM)
it's entirely awesome to watch. and then when you start thinking about the work that went into it, it's even awesomer.
thanks for that, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore... I'm sure it's awesome, and I can't wait to see it either! it's just the pic that leaves me all confused .
Of course. Every OK Go fan knows the saying "Real OK Go fans have double posts." We even have shirts that say that. -nods matter-of-factually- One day, matching baseball caps.
Of course. Every OK Go fan knows the saying "Real OK Go fans have double posts." We even have shirts that say that. -nods matter-of-factually- One day, matching baseball caps.
( I lost my Entourage. But I'm finally Someone Who Knows Someone! )
ok ive been grounded from the computer for a couple of months so i havent been on the site for a while and i really miss you guys. hope u missed me too ^^ anyways my mom knows how much i love okgo and she cliped out this article about okgo and their new vid. does anyone know exactly when its going to be out, or if its allready out? will we be the first to see it??
( I lost my Entourage. But I'm finally Someone Who Knows Someone! )
Congratulations my friend. It took me a while, but I figured out your signature and I love it!
That would be very exciting if they put it on the forum first. I wonder how they are going to release it.
Welcome back GirlInTheDark. Wow being gone all those months really must have left you in the dark with the topics here in the forum. Get it? In the dark...GirlInTheDark...it's like your forum name. Man I hate myself.
That is all.
Because I must have it, if so!
UK people, check into that for me please!
That video is/was shown at all the shows I've attended to last year. And I agree that it's very weird and disturbing.
And on another note.... It will be an awesome third video for DWYW.. I mean OK Go all decked out in paisley, Segways, and industrial sized pogo sticks... *mind status: BLOWN*
thanks for that, Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore... I'm sure it's awesome, and I can't wait to see it either! it's just the pic that leaves me all confused
and now that im thinking, about you thinking how awesomer it is now that you know how awesome it is to watch whilst knowing how it was made
i will be more awesome!
That sounds like an awesome idea.
My first double post!
Had to happen at some point, right?
apparently i know someone...
anyways my mom knows how much i love okgo and she cliped out this article about okgo and their new vid.
does anyone know exactly when its going to be out, or if its allready out?
will we be the first to see it??
That would be AWESOME.
I wasn't around back then, so have they pre-released videos to the boards and the Juggling Club before?
Congratulations my friend. It took me a while, but I figured out your signature and I love it!
That would be very exciting if they put it on the forum first. I wonder how they are going to release it.
Welcome back GirlInTheDark. Wow being gone all those months really must have left you in the dark with the topics here in the forum. Get it? In the dark...GirlInTheDark...it's like your forum name. Man I hate myself.
he starts a thread, says lots of clever amazing things
we all win
wait...thats not what i typed. why did it change?