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Complaints Thread



  • QUOTE (ktlou7492 @ Jul 13 2008, 01:11 PM)
    My brother is staying with us for a couple months and now the bathroom smells like man sad.gif And very strongly I might add.

    Grosssss. I know exactly what smell you mean... my friends had a boy roommate this past fall... he was so smelly. I think his old room STILL smells like sweat/man. Sick. Luckily for me though... our guy roomie for the summer is VERY clean and always smells good.

    Mmm, I'm starving, and my throat hurts
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Jul 13 2008, 05:04 PM)
    Grosssss. I know exactly what smell you mean... my friends had a boy roommate this past fall... he was so smelly. I think his old room STILL smells like sweat/man. Sick. Luckily for me though... our guy roomie for the summer is VERY clean and always smells good.

    Mmm, I'm starving, and my throat hurts

    Eeeew, makes me appreciate my loser guy roomates in Flagstaff. The one I had to share a bathroom with kept a coffee pot and box of chocolates in the bathroom.

    Poor Katie. I'll send you some virtal tea and biscuits.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Jul 14 2008, 01:04 AM)
    Mmm, I'm starving, and my throat hurts


    QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jul 14 2008, 01:47 AM)
    Poor Katie. I'll send you some virtal tea and biscuits.

    No no no - she needs matzo ball soup, clearly!
  • it's even worse today sad.gif

    and what's matzo ball soup? Forgive me for being severely uncultured... :-/

    I feel gross. I want to go home and sleep. I have to start packing up my room that is completely full of shit. Shit I need to keep, shit i need to toss, shit i want to keep but should toss... etc.
  • QUOTE (xxhot-shot-sugarxx @ Jul 13 2008, 06:25 PM)
    whats wrong courtney?

    I just feel so awful all the time. Once I get over one thing, another thing pops up and brings me down again.
    Nowadays I just feel so victimized and misunderstood and stereotyped and unattractive.

    You can tell sophomore year wasn't very good to me.
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 14 2008, 11:18 AM)
    I just feel so awful all the time. Once I get over one thing, another thing pops up and brings me down again.
    Nowadays I just feel so victimized and misunderstood and stereotyped and unattractive.

    You can tell sophomore year wasn't very good to me.

    maybe you should just try and make yourself think that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, i know it sounds so lame but its true. i have always had trouble getting over my low self esteem and now i just think- you know what? there will always be someone out there who doesn't like me, or looks better than me, but so what?- i just think that this is how i am and no one can change that, so im just gonna deal with it and be confident.
    idk this probably doesn't help much, but just try and stay strong!!
    and don't think to much, whenever something is bothering you, just get your mind off of it as soon as possible. do something you enjoy and erase it.
    and remember that you are amazing courtney. smile.gif

    .. if people can't handle that then they can go die in a fuckin hole... mad.gif

    i love you! wub.gif
  • A. I am freezing in this office today

    2. I am so very stoked for The Dark Knight, but reading stuff about it online is re-bumming me out about Heath Ledger :/

    D. It's a gorgeous day and I am inside working on a computer.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ Jul 14 2008, 12:00 PM)
    it's even worse today sad.gif

    and what's matzo ball soup? Forgive me for being severely uncultured... :-/

    Matzah Ball Soup is a Jewish soup traditionally served around Passover, but you can have it whenever. Basically Matzah is crushed into meal, then mixed into a dough and made into dumplings. Then you boil the dumplings in chicken soup (with veggies/chicken, whatever you like), and tadah! Matzah Ball Soup. I make the best Matzah Ball Soup in the world, if I do say so myself, and will make you some next time I see you.
  • QUOTE (xxhot-shot-sugarxx @ Jul 14 2008, 12:05 PM)
    maybe you should just try and make yourself think that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, i know it sounds so lame but its true. i have always had trouble getting over my low self esteem and now i just think- you know what? there will always be someone out there who doesn't like me, or looks better than me, but so what?- i just think that this is how i am and no one can change that, so im just gonna deal with it and be confident.
    idk this probably doesn't help much, but just try and stay strong!!
    and don't think to much, whenever something is bothering you, just get your mind off of it as soon as possible. do something you enjoy and erase it.
    and remember that you are amazing courtney. smile.gif

    .. if people can't handle that then they can go die in a fuckin hole... mad.gif

    i love you! wub.gif

    I love you too! wub.gif
    I've always tried to think like you do, and up to around the second semester of sophomore year, I was just fine. But some people who called themselves my friend said a few things and treated me in such a way that, I guess my already low self-esteem got lower.

    It's just that - I don't know. There are only like 3 or 4 people who truly see me as I am, regardless of how I look. But the rest of those people who are apparently my friends? Maybe I must be doing something wrong, or their perception of me is way off. Or both. There's just something about how they treat me and what they say to me tht tells me that they don't really know me. But why is it so hard for most of my "friends" to see me for me? Or, hopefully, just by coincidence, I happened to make friends with the wrong sort of people.

    Not to mention I take awful pictures that look nothing like my reflection (which, eh, I kind of like). So to add to my misunderstoodness, I have this negative self-image, even though I know that cameras are so wack. Maybe I just like wallowing in misery.

    Thanks for making me feel better. And more thanks for putting up with all my stupid problems.

  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 14 2008, 07:06 PM)
    I love you too! wub.gif
    I've always tried to think like you do, and up to around the second semester of sophomore year, I was just fine. But some people who called themselves my friend said a few things and treated me in such a way that, I guess my already low self-esteem got lower.

    It's just that - I don't know. There are only like 3 or 4 people who truly see me as I am, regardless of how I look. But the rest of those people who are apparently my friends? Maybe I must be doing something wrong, or their perception of me is way off. Or both. There's just something about how they treat me and what they say to me tht tells me that they don't really know me. But why is it so hard for most of my "friends" to see me for me? Or, hopefully, just by coincidence, I happened to make friends with the wrong sort of people.

    Not to mention I take awful pictures that look nothing like my reflection (which, eh, I kind of like). So to add to my misunderstoodness, I have this negative self-image, even though I know that cameras are so wack. Maybe I just like wallowing in misery.

    Thanks for making me feel better. And more thanks for putting up with all my stupid problems.

    sometimes that happens, but when you make the wrong friends, you just have to erase and start over.
    i made a few friends that i thought really knew me, but they didn't and they didn't really care or want to know me either, they started trying to influence me, mold me and change me. so i just stopped being their friends, and i found new friends who are now my best friends who know me and like me for who i am.

    just try to be yourself no matter what, leave behind the ones who don't understand or don't care and who hurt you and soon enough you will find friends who will love you for who you are, and no matter what you look like..
    it just takes time.

    no prob
    im here anytime you need to talk, or need help.
    *big hugs* wink.gif
  • courtney, from what I know about you, you are very thoughtful and hillarious. It truly stinks that "friends" had to hurt you. It's just a good thing you finally found out about it and can get away from it. It's probably good that it happened now at summer so that when you go back to school you can start fresh and meet new people. I hate toxic friends. I had one for a very long time. I thought she was my best friend. I ignored that she would constantly criticize me and even sometimes hit me! She acted like she had to help me become her definition of "cool." The final straw was when she gave me an application to go on some Mtv make-over show. I didn't need a make-over! I had a bad body image for awhile after that even though my true image was fine. I realized, what kind of friend act so stupidly! It took awhile to get over her. Now I know the coolest people who absolutely love me for who I am. Do NOT hang around toxic people just so you can have someone to talk to or to hang with. There are so many better people to put the time and effort into even if it means spending some time alone for awhile. You will go far, Ms. Fantastic. Just leave the bastards in the gutter where they belong. wink.gif
  • We love you, Court. Hope you know you've got a huge throng of boardie friends who will whoop some ass wink.gif

    My complaint?
    Well. This past Friday, we had a kick ass, last party at our house. Our parties have always been huge successes with very few minor problems, if any at all. Well, that changed. The party was great fun, and a great way to say goodbye to 2 great years there. 2 friends of mine, and one of their friends were supposed to sleep at my house since they were coming in from out of town. Well, all 3 of them disappeared at about 2-2:30... I was kind of pissed, but whatever, it gets worse. I had to STAY UP because I wasn't about to leave my front door unlocked until they decided to come back... well... it's about 4am, I'm still awake, but not by much, I was exhausted. I hear this HUGE crashing noise... totally freaked me out... so I sat up, waited a minute and didn't hear anything else. I texted my roommate, and my friend who was sleeping downstairs in the back room... neither of them answered so I just laid there b/c I was scared shitless and NOT about to go downstairs and investigate... half hour goes by, I hear a faint knocking at my door, it was my friend Adam and his friend, the ones who were supposed to stay. I let them in and I asked how they got in... Adam said the door was unlocked, and I didn't think much of it because he is friends w/ my roommate Darin, I figured Darin unlocked the door for him since I wasn't answering his phone calls or texts b/c I was mad... ANYWAY... his friend passed out on my bedroom floor (WTF??) and was snoring, I couldn't take it so I was going to go downstairs and sleep on the couch, Adam followed me down, and I saw our front door was WIDE open... at 5am... I look at the side of my door and someone KICKED OUR FUCKING DOOR OPEN!! Took the frame RIGHT off, and took some of the fucking HOUSE with it. SO... our door didn't lock. Someone kicked it in SO hard that the piece that holds the deadbolt in place was taken right off and laying on the floor.

    I. Was. LIVID!

    We're moving out in TWO FUCKING WEEKS! And our landlords suck SO much that NOTHING like that is "their responsibility" our house wasnt SAFE all weekend. When my roommate called them yesterday they were so rude and condescending. "Maybe it was a drunk friend or an angry boyfriend... we can't be held responsible for that," WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! The only one in the house w/ a boyfriend was Jessie, who was SLEEPING with her boyfriend when it happened... AND our friends were all home and would never do that. They first told us we'd have to pay for it, but then I guess my roomie negotiated and they agreed to pay half... their solution? They came over and screwed the piece back on... the interior of the house was showing for chrissake.

    ugh. I'm pissed. I can't wait to move out of that loud, hell hole
  • Oh my god, Katie!! That's awful!! I'm so sorry - it's terrible when something that's supposed to be so great turns really sour. I'm glad you managed to negotiate a deal in the end, and I hope you find a way to secure your hours in the meantime!! *hugs*
  • Katie that totally blows! On the brightside, you're moving out soon. I hope everything goes smoothly until then!
  • Dear Hudgins,

    Go eat shit.

    Not yours,
    Angie and Katie
  • Katie - That's awful! ohmy.gif But yeah, at least you're moving out soon. smile.gif

    Tease and Tempe - Thanks for the advice and consolation. Sometimes it's just hard for me to understand why people just can't seem to see each other as people. Especially when they don't need to be geniuses to see something that's right in front of them. It's blind enough to see stereotypes and whatnot, and it's the blindest thing ever to see someone as something they clearly aren't, particularly if they call themselves your friends. But I guess having to be alone for some time is better than having "friends" who refuse to see me for who I am stereotyping me and giving me a bad self-image. So yes. smile.gif

    So I'm supposing I'm semi-glad someone deleted my Facebook. I'll either make a new one, or when I get it back I'll just weed the toxic friends off of my list. Then I'll have absolutely no contact with them.

  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 16 2008, 01:12 PM)
    So I'm supposing I'm semi-glad someone deleted my Facebook. I'll either make a new one, or when I get it back I'll just weed the toxic friends off of my list. Then I'll have absolutely no contact with them.

    I recently had to remove a toxic friend from my life. You'll be so much happier once you do!

    I would like to complain about the lack of truck discussion on these boards.
  • QUOTE (MyFavoritePerson @ Jul 16 2008, 03:12 PM)
    I recently had to remove a toxic friend from my life. You'll be so much happier once you do!

    I would like to complain about the lack of truck discussion on these boards.

    I really hope so. The sad thing is that I keep thinking about all the things they said to me, how they treated me, etc.

    Truck discussion? What kind? Like, pickup trucks or semis?
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 16 2008, 04:16 PM)
    I really hope so. The sad thing is that I keep thinking about all the things they said to me, how they treated me, etc.

    Truck discussion? What kind? Like, pickup trucks or semis?

    Well, they probably had low self-esteem and treated you badly so they could feel better about themselves.

    I don't know any truck specifics, but I started a thread about Jakob Dylan mentioning trucks in his new single, weeks ago, and no one every replied. It's a petty complaint.
  • My computer is so freaking slow! I can't stand it!
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