In your Spanish exam, you not only get in a translation of "mediocre people do exceptional things all the time" for the first paper, but actually manage to write about OK Go for the second paper.
Thankfully the point of the option I chose…
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Dec 1 2007, 06:12 AM) That kind of sounds familiar. Do you remember how much it went for?
Well I just raided my emails, and turns out their second sale was February, following from where they hadn't been sold beforehand.
I'm 80% s…
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Nov 30 2007, 06:20 AM) Since when do they have new logo pics? This picture is from last year, so I guess sometime back then, but I can't remember ever seeing one.
I remember there being some logo pics on ebay last november/decembe…
I came back running after randomly coming across the following video:
We Didn't Start the Viral
If you've seen it before, I apologise.
It just amused me that I can't get away from OK Go (not that I want to, you understand) .
Ok, question
If you could go back or forwards to any time or place, where/when would you go and why?
Do you have any things that might seem unimportant to everyone else, but mean a lot to you?
(congratulations, by the way ^^)
QUOTE (Kareh @ Jun 14 2007, 10:08 AM) Well, yesterday I was reading some blog that came up on my RSS reader, where this fan grabbed Damian's "package", stole--STOLE--his pin right off of his tie, and is delighted with herself.
At least you're not t…
QUOTE (Electra @ May 31 2007, 06:19 PM) Milosh just emailed me back
No show. They're with the Fray and they can't take one day out of their tour with them to do one measly MCS gig on a completely different continent. Which is just what I thought.
QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ May 31 2007, 05:10 PM) we burn them down if its all untrue...
i wanna see okgo darnit! its been a year already =(
As said to Alice... seetickets go down in a hail of bullets if they be lying It's not nice to toy with em…
I've had nothing from Milosh/Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore yet either...
Ohhh the tension
If it turns out people have been making stuff up I shall be rather pissed.
But I will keep all fingers and to…
QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 25 2007, 08:53 PM) There's a French OK Go boards as well...there are like, 23 people there or something, haha.
I didn't know about this, what the hell?
I shall google it and join at once
QUOTE (Electra @ May 24 2007, 06:51 PM) She said she couldn't decide.
I thought, you know, sisterly love and all that... but no. *sigh*
On the other hand, judging by your previous recounts of what she's done.. you could take that to be a complimen…
QUOTE (mariadelia_mdp @ May 23 2007, 01:05 AM) Hello!!! I'm happy to tell you that a girl from Mexico and I from Argentina have created the First Ok Go Forum in Spanish Language!!!
If anybody of you speaks Spanis…
Well it looks great already, and I've added you (the person with the Let It Rain profile, haha).
I fail at HTML, although if you ever need bits and pieces done or touched up in photoshop, feel free to ask =)
QUOTE (Electra @ May 7 2007, 11:08 PM) And jammy dodgers creep me out insanely.
not a fear as such, but i cannot bear to look at them without shivering.... :S
I don't mind jammy dodgers... but I DESPISE tomato ketchup. Seriously, if there's some …