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  • (where have I been all this time? gosh...) have the biggest crush on a guy in your art class because he looks like Damian. it's creepy. this guy is 6'3", has pre-haircut Damian hair, and has like, the best sense of humor ever.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 26 2008, 05:21 PM) Applesauce, mmm, I call you applesauce because there is a tearoom in Flagstaff of the same name. You are quite the manga-ka! That was awesome! awww, thanks. I am also quite the flake, hahaha... >__&g…
  • QUOTE (stripygiraffe @ May 26 2008, 05:13 AM) OMGOSHYES. I heard his song "Mr Pitiful" and really really liked it so downloaded a bunch of songs to see if they were good too (which they were), so now I wantwantwant both albums. What's the first one …
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Apr 30 2008, 12:42 AM) SOOOOO Matt Costa is one of the acts we got for UCSD's Sun God Festival, and since I'm a part of the group that organizes the event, I'm going to be his runner!!!!!!!!!!!!! aslkdfj;ladjfalskd I'm so excited…
  • hello! after a long absence...I'm finally back with a Teeny picture (yes, just one...). sorry about being gone! D: so, I drew this a while ago and just now got the chance to post it. it's part one of a three part series: Teenys Go Golfing. my scan…
  • on my trip back from the dead, I'm awarded with TWO Teeny stories to read!! ahhhh. I need to find another word for "cute" or "adorable." I'm loving interior decorator Damian. ahaha. and that scene with the neighbor...ack! it was so hilarious! this…
  • YKYOW you're imitating how your history teacher says "ok" a lot and accidentally say "ok go" which causes your friend (who is aware of your obession) to crack up.
  • like an idiotic klutz, I just tripped going up the stairs. holding a nintendo DS. it hit the stairs open, so now there's cracks on the hinges. and it's all loose when I open it so it'll have to be fixed. and I'll have to break this news to my mom, s…
  • I'm pissed because the dumb jerks who are supposed to be painting our house and are doing a really sucky job at it dripped green paint on my light blue OK Go shirt. that I got for my birthday. that I haven't worn yet. that I was going to wear tomorr…
  • this happened a week or so ago, but I kept putting off posting it because it made me feel like a huge dork. I had a dream...that that bit in "Get Over It" that goes "Got job, got a life...etc.," was actually the Beatles. xD and I dr…
  • agh, great art, I'm really jealous, et cetera, et cetera you guys know how amazing you are by now. :wuv: I also wanted to say that even though I'm 80% done with my next Teeny thing, and I have another picture planned, I can't post anything new any…
  • not to reignite the Beatlemania or anything, but if I could add: 1) as I thought about the Beatles' movies, I was reminded of another movie related to the Beatles. It's called 'Two of Us' and it's a semi-fictionalized account between John and Paul …
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Mar 16 2008, 09:49 PM) I had such a crush on Paul when I first saw that movie. The incredible shrinking Paul used to make me squee. Yes, the skiing part is my favorite! The director of that film (Richard Lester) said he couldn…
  • aha! here's the post you were talking about, Tempe. hee. It was kind of weird thinking about OK Go during a Beatles movie, but I couldn't help it. XD haha, the shrinking scene was one of my favorite scenes in the movie just because of that. I also r…
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Mar 16 2008, 08:27 PM) LOL! Apple, you have ESP. I just saw Help! again yesterday and posted about it too haha, really? how cool! I hadn't noticed you posting something like that. today was the first time I ever saw Help! I…